

英 [ˈfɪŋɡə(r)]

美 [ˈfɪŋɡər]

n.  手指; 有…手指的; 有(或用)…手指的; (手套的)指部
v.  用手指触摸; 告发; 告密

复数:fingers 过去式:fingered 现在分词:fingering 过去分词:fingered 第三人称单数:fingers 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.1109 / COCA.1042



      the finger of suspicion
    • 怀疑重点
      if the finger of suspicion points or is pointed at sb, they are suspected of having committed a crime, being responsible for sth, etc.
    • get, pull, etc. your finger out
    • 干起来;加把劲
      used to tell sb to start doing some work or making an effort
    • You're going to have to pull your finger out if you want to pass this exam.
    • give sb the finger
    • 向某人竖起中指(手背向外以表示侮辱)
      to raise your middle finger in the air with the back part of your hand facing sb, done to be rude to sb or to show them that you are angry
    • have a finger in every pie
    • 多管闲事;到处干预
      to be involved in a lot of different activities and have influence over them, especially when other people think that this is annoying
    • have, etc. your fingers in the till
    • 偷自己工作单位的钱;内盗;监守自盗
      to be stealing money from the place where you work
    • have/keep your finger on the pulse (of sth)
    • 保持了解…的最新情况;掌握…的脉搏
      to always be aware of the most recent developments in a particular situation
    • lay a finger on sb
    • 触碰,动…的一根毫毛(意欲伤害某人)
      to touch sb with the intention of hurting them physically
    • I never laid a finger on her.
    • not put your finger on sth
    • 看不出(问题所在);说不出(差别)
      to not be able to identify what is wrong or different about a particular situation
    • There was something odd about him but I couldn't put my finger on it.
    • put/stick two fingers up at sb
    • (手背向某人做出V形手势表示侮辱)
      to form the shape of a V with the two fingers nearest your thumb and raise your hand in the air with the back part of it facing sb, done to be rude to them or to show them that you are angry
    • work your fingers to the bone
    • 拼命干活
      to work very hard
    • burn your fingersget your fingers burnt
    • (尤指生意上)没有先见之明而蒙受损失,因不慎而吃亏
      to suffer as a result of doing sth without realizing the possible bad results, especially in business
    • He got his fingers badly burnt dabbling in the stock market.
    • be able to count sb/sth on (the fingers of) one hand
    • 屈指可数;寥寥无几
      used to say that the total number of sb/sth is very small
    • cross your fingers
    • 祈求成功(有时使手指交叉为祈求好运的手势)
      to hope that your plans will be successful (sometimes putting one finger across another as a sign of hoping for good luck)
    • I'm crossing my fingers that my proposal will be accepted.
    • Keep your fingers crossed!
    • not lift/raise a finger/hand (to do sth)
    • 一点忙也不帮;油瓶倒了都不扶
      to do nothing to help sb
    • The children never lift a finger to help around the house.
    • point a/the finger (at sb)
    • 指责
      to accuse sb of doing sth
    • The article points an accusing finger at the authorities.
    • let sth slip (through your fingers)
    • 错过(机会);失去(机会)
      to miss or fail to use an opportunity
    • Don't let the chance to work abroad slip through your fingers.
    • snap your fingers
    • 打榧子,弹指头(捻拇指作响)
      to make a sharp noise by moving your second or third finger quickly against your thumb, to attract sb's attention, or to mark the beat of music, for example
    • have sticky fingers
    • 好偷东西的;有顺手牵羊的毛病
      to be likely to steal sth
    • be all (fingers and) thumbs
    • 笨手笨脚;笨拙;手指不灵活
      to be awkward with your hands so that you drop things or are unable to do sth



      • 手指
        one of the four long thin parts that stick out from the hand (or five, if the thumb is included)
        1. She ran her fingers through her hair.
        2. Hold the material between finger and thumb.
        3. He was about to speak but she raised a finger to her lips.
      • 有…手指的;有(或用)…手指的
        having the type of fingers mentioned; having or using the number of fingers mentioned
        1. long-fingered
        2. nimble-fingered
        3. a four-fingered chord
      • (手套的)指部
        the part of a glove that covers the finger
        1. 狭长物(如面包、糕饼、土地等)
          a long narrow piece of bread, cake, land, etc.
          1. a finger of toast
          2. chocolate fingers


        • 用手指触摸
          to touch or feel sth with your fingers
          1. Gary sat fingering his beard, saying nothing.
        • 告发;告密
          to accuse sb of doing sth illegal and tell the police about it
          1. Who fingered him for the burglaries?


        • See also:She suddenly held up a small, bony finger and pointed across the room...She ran her fingers through her hair...There was a ring on each of his fingers.light-fingered
        • (手套的)手指部分
          Thefingersof a glove are the parts that a person's fingers fit into.
          1. See also:...a thin finger of land that separates Pakistan from the former Soviet Union...Cover the base with a single layer of sponge fingers.fish finger
          2. VERB 用手指触碰;拨弄;抚摸
            If youfingersomething, you touch or feel it with your fingers.
            1. He fingered the few coins in his pocket...
            2. Self-consciously she fingered the emeralds at her throat.
          3. VERB (通常指向警方)告发,揭发
            If youfingera person or organization, you tell someone, usually the police, that the person or organization has done something illegal or wrong.
            1. Police and prosecutors manipulated the eyewitnesses so they would finger Aldo...
            2. People who have fingered crack houses and fingered drug dealers have been assassinated.
          4. N-COUNT 一指之宽(指表示容量的杯中酒的深度)
            Afingerof a strong alcoholic drink is an amount of it which, when it is in a glass, is the same size as the width of a person's finger.
            1. I poured two final fingers of bourbon into my glass.
          5. PHRASE (因自己的失败或错误而)吃苦头
            If youget your fingers burnedorburn your fingers, you suffer because something you did or were involved in was a failure or a mistake.
            1. He has had his fingers burnt by deals that turned out badly...
            2. Mr Walesa burned his fingers by promising he would give every Pole 100m zlotys to start a business.
          6. PHRASE (把食指与中指交叉以)祈求好运
            If youcrossyourfingers, you put one finger on top of another and hope for good luck. If you say that someoneis keeping their fingers crossed, you mean they are hoping for good luck.
            1. He crossed his fingers, asking for luck for the first time in his life...
            2. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they turn up soon.
          7. PHRASE 动…一根毫毛;碰…一下
            If you say that someone did notlay a finger ona particular person or thing, you are emphasizing that they did not touch or harm them at all.
            1. I must make it clear I never laid a finger on her.
          8. PHRASE 尽举手之劳;帮一点忙
            If you say that a person does notlift a fingerorraise a fingerto do something, especially to help someone, you are critical of them because they do nothing.
            1. She never lifted a finger around the house...
            2. They will not lift a finger to help their country.
          9. PHRASE 到处插手;四处干预
            If you say that someone hasa finger in every pie, you mean they are involved in a lot of things.
            1. He very much likes to have a finger in every pie...
            2. He's a man with fingers in a lot of pies.
          10. PHRASE 指责;指控
            If youpoint the finger atsomeone orpoint an accusing finger atsomeone, you blame them or accuse them of doing wrong.
            1. He said he wasn't pointing an accusing finger at anyone in the government or the army.
          11. PHRASE 将怀疑(或指责)的矛头指(向…)
            Topoint the finger of suspicionorblameat someone means to make people suspect them of doing wrong or blame them for doing wrong.
            1. Forensic evidence points the finger of suspicion firmly at him.
          12. PHRASE (粗鲁地叫别人)赶紧(或努力)干起来
            If you tell someone topulltheirfinger outor togettheirfinger out, you are telling them rudely that you want them to start doing some work or making an effort.
            1. Isn't it about time that you pulled your finger out?
          13. PHRASE 弄清,指出,确认(原因、问题等)
            If youputyourfinger onsomething, for example a reason or problem, you see and identify exactly what it is.
            1. Midge couldn't quite put her finger on the reason...
            2. He could never quite put his finger on who or what was responsible for all this.
          14. PHRASE 从…手中溜走;为…所错失
            If someone or somethingslips throughyourfingers, you just fail to catch them, get them, or keep them.
            1. Money has slipped through his fingers all his life...
            2. You mustn't allow a golden opportunity to slip through your fingers or you will regret it later.
          15. tohave green fingers→ see:green
          16. finger on the pulse→ see:pulse



          • one of the parts of a glove that provides covering for a finger or thumb
            1. any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb)
              1. her fingers were long and thin
            2. the length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure
                Synonym:fingerbreadthfinger's breadthdigit


              • indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments
                1. examine by touch
                  1. Feel this soft cloth!
                  2. The customer fingered the sweater
                2. feel or handle with the fingers
                  1. finger the binding of the book
                3. search for on the computer
                  1. I fingered my boss and found that he is not logged on in the afternoons


                • She never lifted a finger around the house
                • Mr Walesa burned his fingers by promising he would give every Pole 100m zlotys to start a business.
                • Money has slipped through his fingers all his life
                • Harrison dislocated a finger
                • I must make it clear I never laid a finger on her.
                • He said he wasn't pointing an accusing finger at anyone in the government or the army.
                • I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they turn up soon.
                • Luke made a rude gesture with his finger.
                • Forensic evidence points the finger of suspicion firmly at him.
                • He's a man with fingers in a lot of pies.