

英 [tɜːnz]

美 [tɜːrnz]

v.  (使)转动,旋转; 转身; 扭转(身体部位); 翻转; 翻动; 把…翻过来


    Turnis used in a large number of other expressions which are explained under other words in the dictionary. For example, the expression ‘turn over a new leaf’ is explained atleaf.
    turn 还有许多其他用法,在本词典其他词条下作了解释。例如,turn over a new leaf 这一表达在 leaf 词条下作了解释。

  • VERB 转动;转身;扭转
    When youturnor when youturnpart of your body, you move your body or part of your body so that it is facing in a different or opposite direction.
    1. He turned abruptly and walked away...
    2. He turned to his publicist and jokingly asked, 'What's next?'…
    3. He sighed, turning away and surveying the sea...
    4. He turned his head left and right...
    5. He waited for the woman to turn her face back to the road.
    6. Turn aroundorturn roundmeans the same asturn.
      turn around 或 turn round 同 turn
    7. I felt a tapping on my shoulder and I turned around...
    8. Turn your upper body round so that your shoulders are facing to the side.
  • VERB 转动;使转向;使改变方向
    When youturnsomething, you move it so that it is facing in a different or opposite direction, or is in a very different position.
    1. They turned their telescopes towards other nearby galaxies...
    2. Turn the cake the right way up on to a wire rack…
    3. I turned my jacket inside out…
    4. She had turned the bedside chair to face the door...
    5. The lid, turned upside down, served as a coffee table.
  • V-ERG (使)转动;(使)旋转
    When something such as a wheelturns, or when youturnit, it continually moves around in a particular direction.
    1. As the wheel turned, the potter shaped the clay...
    2. The engine turned a propeller.
  • V-ERG 转动,旋动(钥匙、把手、开关等)
    When youturnsomething such as a key, knob, or switch, or when itturns, you hold it and twist your hand, in order to open something or make it start working.
    1. Turn a special key, press the brake pedal, and your car's brakes lock...
    2. Turn the heat to very low and cook for 20 minutes...
      把温度调到很低,煮 20 分钟。
    3. I tried the doorknob and it turned.
  • VERB 转向;拐(弯)
    When youturnin a particular direction orturna corner, you change the direction in which you are moving or travelling.
    1. He turned into the narrow terraced street where he lived…
    2. Now turn right to follow West Ferry Road...
    3. The man with the umbrella turned the corner again.
    4. Turnis also a noun.
    5. You can't do a right-hand turn here.
  • VERB (路、河)拐弯,转弯
    The point where a road, path, or riverturns, is the point where it has a bend or curve in it.
    1. ...the corner where Tenterfield Road turned into the main road.
    2. Turnis also a noun.
    3. ...a sharp turn in the road.
  • VERB (潮)涨,落
    When the tideturns, it starts coming in or going out.
    1. There was not much time before the tide turned.
  • VERB 翻(筋斗)
    When someoneturnsa cartwheel or a somersault, they do a cartwheel or somersault.
    1. They were still doing wild acrobatics in the yard, turning somersaults and cartwheels.
  • VERB 翻动(书页)
    When youturna page of a book or magazine, you move it so that is flat against the previous page, and you can read the next page.
    1. He turned the pages of a file in front of him.
  • VERB 指向;冲着;把…对准
    If youturna weapon or an aggressive feelingonsomeone, you point it at them or direct it at them.
    1. He tried to turn the gun on me...
    2. The crowd then turned their anger on Prime Minister James Mitchell.
  • VERB 翻到(某页码)
    If youturn toa particular page in a book or magazine, you open it at that page.
    1. To order, turn to page 236.
      如需订购,参见 236 页。
  • VERB 开始思考;开始讨论;把(注意力等)转向
    If youturnyour attention or thoughtstoa particular subject or if youturn toit, you start thinking about it or discussing it.
    1. We turned our attention to the practical matters relating to forming a company...
    2. We turn now to the British news.
  • VERB 求助于;求教于
    If youturn tosomeone, you ask for their help or advice.
    1. For assistance, they turned to one of the city's most innovative museums...
    2. There was no one to turn to, no one to tell.
  • VERB 致力于;开始从事;启用
    If youturn toa particular activity, job, or way of doing something, you start doing or using it.
    1. These communities are now turning to recycling in large numbers...
    2. The Superpowers turned to the harder task of cutting their nuclear arsenals…
    3. Universities are turning from academic to commercial sponsorship.
  • V-ERG (使)变成;(使)成为
    Toturnorbe turned intosomething means to become that thing.
    1. A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale...
    2. Their grief turned to hysteria when the funeral procession arrived at the cemetery…
    3. The hated dictator had turned his country into one of the poorest police states in Europe...
    4. He soon turned his dreams to reality.
    5. …an MP turned diplomat.
  • V-LINK (用于形容词前)变为,变得
    You can useturnbefore an adjective to indicate that something or someone changes by acquiring the quality described by the adjective.
    1. If the bailiff thinks that things could turn nasty he will enlist the help of the police...
    2. She announced that she was going to turn professional.
  • V-LINK-ERG (使)变成(某种颜色)
    If somethingturnsa particular colour or if somethingturnsit a particular colour, it becomes that colour.
    1. The sea would turn pale pink and the sky blood red...
    2. Her contact lenses turned her eyes green.
  • V-LINK (天气)变得
    You can useturnto indicate that there is a change to a particular kind of weather. For example, if itturnscold, the weather starts being cold.
    1. If it turns cold, cover plants...
    2. The weather had turned warm and thundery overnight.
  • N-COUNT (时局或趋势的)逆转,转变,变化
    If a situation or trend takes a particular kind ofturn, it changes so that it starts developing in a different or opposite way.
    1. The scandal took a new turn over the weekend.
    2. …the latest turn in the fighting…
    3. Retailers have given up waiting for a turn in the housing market.
  • V-ERG (使)(比赛)出现逆转
    In sports, if a gameturns, oris turned, something significant happens which changes the way the game is developing.
    1. The game turned in the 56th minute.
      比赛在第 56 分钟时发生了扭转。
    2. …the Gareth Edwards try which turned the game between France and Wales in Paris in 1971.
      加雷思·爱德华兹于 1971 年法国队与威尔士队在巴黎的比赛中贡献的一记扭转赛事的触地得分
  • VERB 赚得,获得(利润)
    If a businessturnsa profit, it earns more money than it spends.
    1. The firm will be able to service debt and still turn a modest profit...
    2. He says the fares are just too low to turn profits.
  • in BRIT, use 英国英语用 make, return

  • VERB 达到(…年龄);到(…点钟)
    When someoneturnsa particular age, they pass that age. When itturnsa particular time, it passes that time.
    1. It was his ambition to accumulate a million dollars before he turned thirty...
      他立志要在而立之年以前攒够 100 万美元。
    2. It had just turned twelve o'clock.
      刚过 12 点。
  • N-SING 世纪之交/新年伊始
    Turnis used in expressions such asthe turn of the centuryandthe turn of the yearto refer to a period of time when one century or year is ending and the next one is beginning.
    1. They fled to South America around the turn of the century.
  • VERB 使成形;车削
    When someoneturnsa wooden or metal object that they are making, they shape it using a special tool.
    1. ...the joys of making a living from turning wood.
    2. …finely-turned metal.
  • N-COUNT (依次轮流时的)轮班,次序,轮番
    If it is yourturn todo something, you now have the duty, chance, or right to do it, when other people have done it before you or will do it after you.
    1. Tonight it's my turn to cook...
    2. Let each child have a turn at fishing...
    3. Students are expected to take their turn leading the study group.
  • N-COUNT (疾病的)瞬间发作
    If you say that someone is having aturn, you mean they feel suddenly very unwell for a short period of time.
    1. He is having one of his turns…
    2. He gets funny turns, you know. It's his age.
  • See also:turning
  • PHRASE (表示两种感情或品质的交替)时而,间或
    You can useby turnsto indicate that someone has two particular emotions or qualities, one after the other.
    1. His tone was by turns angry and aggrieved.
  • PHRASE 形势的变化
    If there is a particularturn of events, a particular series of things happen.
    1. They were horrified at this unexpected turn of events.
  • PHRASE 每每;总是;处处
    If you say that something happensat every turn, you are emphasizing that it happens frequently or all the time, usually so that it prevents you from achieving what you want.
    1. Its operations were hampered at every turn by inadequate numbers of trained staff...
    2. At every turn smoke and flame stopped efforts to get into the living quarters.
  • PHRASE (对…)有利的事,有帮助的事
    If you do someonea good turn, you do something that helps or benefits them.
    1. He did you a good turn by resigning...
    2. One good turn deserves another.
  • PHRASE 彻底搜查;把…翻个底朝天
    If someoneturnsa placeinside outorupside down, they search it very thoroughly and usually make it very untidy.
    1. They hadn't found a scrap of evidence though they had turned his flat inside out.
  • PHRASE 彻底改变,完全搅乱(体制或生活方式)
    If something such as a system or way of lifeis turned inside outorupside down, it is changed completely, making people confused or upset.
    1. He felt too shocked to move. His world had been turned upside down.
  • PHRASE 继而;转而;反过来
    You usein turnto refer to actions or events that are in a sequence one after the other, for example because one causes the other.
    1. One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who, in turn, confided in a reporter.
  • PHRASE 逐一;依次;轮流地
    If each person in a group does somethingin turn, they do it one after the other in a fixed or agreed order.
    1. There were cheers for each of the women as they spoke in turn.
  • PHRASE 思维;性情;秉性
    If someone is of a particularturn of mind, they have that kind of mind or character.
    1. She was of a rational turn of mind.
  • PHRASE 冒失地说;说话出格
    If youspeak out of turnortalk out of turn, you say something that you do not have the right or authority to say.
    1. I hope I haven't spoken out of turn.
  • 速度;脚力;马力
    If a person, animal, or vehicle has a goodturn of speed, they have the ability to move fast.
    1. PHRASE 轮流;依次
      If two or more peopletake turns todo something, or in British Englishtake it in turns todo something, they do it one after the other several times, rather than doing it together.
      1. We took turns to drive the car...
      2. Ted and I took it in turns to go into hospital and sit with Emma.
    2. PHRASE (情况)突然恶化/突然好转
      If a situationtakes a turn for the worse, it suddenly becomes worse. If a situationtakes a turn for the better, it suddenly becomes better.
      1. Her condition took a sharp turn for the worse.


    • The sunflower turns towards the sun.
    • He always turns a deaf ear to other people's criticism.
    • He gets funny turns, you know. It's his age.
    • He has to just ride this out and hope that it turns in his favor.
    • The affected skin turns red and may blister
    • It turns my stomach to hear him flatter.
    • We took turns stoking the furnaces.
    • Males and females take turns brooding the eggs.
    • Whether it turns out to be a good idea or a bad idea, we'll find out
    • This large gear turns the small one to rotate the cylinder.