

英 [ˈθʌmɪŋ]

美 [ˈθʌmɪŋ]

v.  翘起拇指请求搭乘(过路汽车); 示意请求搭便车; 用拇指摸; 用拇指捋


  • N-COUNT (大)拇指
    Yourthumbis the short thick part on the side of your hand next to your four fingers.
    1. She bit the tip of her left thumb, not looking at me.
  • (手套的)拇指部分
    Thethumbof a glove is the part which a person's thumb fits into.
    1. VERB (站在路边,伸出手,拇指向上)请求搭便车,拦车
      If youthumba lift orthumba ride, you stand by the side of the road holding out your thumb until a driver stops and gives you a lift.
      1. It may interest you to know that a boy answering Rory's description thumbed a ride to Howth...
      2. Thumbing a lift had once a carefree, easy-going image.
    2. See also:well-thumbed
    3. PHRASE 扎眼;碍眼
      If you say that someone or somethingsticks out like a sore thumborstands out like a sore thumb, you are emphasizing that they are very noticeable, usually because they are unusual or inappropriate.
      1. Does the new housing stick out like a sore thumb or blend into its surroundings?...
      2. In Japan a European stands out like a sore thumb.
    4. PHRASE 无所事事;闲着无聊
      If you say that someone istwiddlingtheirthumbs, you mean that they do not have anything to do and are waiting for something to happen.
      1. The prospect of waiting around just twiddling his thumbs was appalling...
      2. The Government cannot expect graduates to twiddle their thumbs on the dole.
    5. PHRASE 在…控制下;深受…影响
      If you areundersomeone'sthumb, you are under their control, or very heavily influenced by them.
      1. I cannot tell you what pain I feel when I see how much my mother is under my father's thumb...
      2. She has Rachel firmly under her thumb.
    6. green thumb→ see:green


    • The suspect was thumbing through the telephone directory when one policeman detained him.
    • I think I found it long ago in a passage from the book, Genesis, which caught my eyes while I was thumbing through my Bible.
    • She was thumbing the dictionary.
    • I was thumbing through an old magazine when a secretary came in to say that Mr Smith was ready to see me.
    • Dave Morin is methodically thumbing the chain links on his silver bracelet as he parses the difficulties of designing products for mobile devices.
    • Thumbing his nose at such notions as resource scarcity, Mr Simon wagered that the price of any five commodities chosen by Mr Ehrlich would go down over the following decade.
    • Thumbing a lift had once a carefree, easy-going image.
    • Brenda sat in the doctor's office thumbing through a magazine while she waited.
    • In modern times, the Chinese medicine using maturity, development innovation, constantly strive to use more of the dialectical concept, especially focuses on the disease is healed modern today, many scholars are like using the classical, while thumbing through to make research.
    • I was thumbing through a magazine when a secretary came in.