

英 [θɪŋks]

美 [θɪŋks]

v.  认为; 以为; 想; 思考; 思索; 思想; 琢磨


  • VERB 想;认为
    If youthinkthat something is the case, you have the opinion that it is the case.
    1. I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising...
    2. Do you think I ought to seal the boxes up?...
    3. A generation ago, it was thought that babies born this small could not survive...
    4. Tell me, what do you think of my theory?...
    5. Peter is useless, far worse than I thought...
    6. He manages a good deal better than I thought possible...
    7. 'It ought to be stopped.' — 'Yes, I think so.'
  • VERB 感觉;觉得
    If you say that youthinkthat something is true or will happen, you mean that you have the impression that it is true or will happen, although you are not certain of the facts.
    1. Nora thought he was seventeen years old...
      诺拉觉得他有 17 岁。
    2. Do you think she was embarrassed about it?...
    3. She's in Napa, I think...
    4. The storm is thought to be responsible for as many as four deaths...
      据认为,暴风雨造成 4 人死亡。
    5. 'Did Mr Stevens ever mention her to you?' — 'No, I don't think so.'
  • VERB (以某种方式)考虑,思考
    If youthinkin a particular way, you have those general opinions or attitudes.
    1. You were probably brought up to think like that...
    2. He can keep matters under control by silencing the demonstrators and others who think like them...
    3. If you think as I do, vote as I do...
    4. I don't blame you for thinking that way.
  • VERB 想;考虑;思考
    When youthinkabout ideas or problems, you make a mental effort to consider them.
    1. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to think...
    2. I have often thought about this problem...
    3. Next time you have a problem, think about how you can improve the situation instead of dwelling on all the negative aspects...
    4. Let's think what we can do...
    5. We had to think what to do next.
    6. Thinkis also a noun.
    7. I'll have a think about that.
  • Note that when you are using the verbthinkwith a 'that'-clause in order to state a negative opinion or belief, you normally makethinknegative, rather than the verb in the 'that'-clause. For instance, it is more usual to say 'I don't think he saw me' than 'I think he didn't see me'. The same pattern applies to other verbs with a similar meaning, such asbelieve,consider, andsuppose.
    注意,当动词 think 和 that 从句连用表示否定的观点或看法时,通常是对 think 进行否定,而不是否定 that 从句中的动词。例如,通常说 I don't think he saw me (我认为他没看见我),而很少说 I think he didn't see me。同样的句型也适用于其他意义类似的动词,如 believe, consider, suppose 等。

  • VERB (以某种方式)考虑,思考
    If youthinkin a particular way, you consider things, solve problems, or make decisions in this way, for example because of your job or your background.
    1. To make the computer work at full capacity, the programmer has to think like the machine...
    2. I meet many businessmen, and I see they think in terms of the overall picture...
    3. The referee has to think the way the players do.
  • VERB 想到;想起;想出
    If youthink ofsomething, it comes into your mind or you remember it.
    1. Nobody could think of anything to say...
    2. I can't think of any reason why he should do that...
    3. I just can't think of his name...
    4. I was trying to think what else we had to do.
  • VERB 想出,想到(主意)
    If youthink ofan idea, you make a mental effort and use your imagination and intelligence to create it or develop it.
    1. He thought of another way of getting out of the marriage...
    2. I don't know why I never thought of that.
  • VERB 心里想;琢磨
    If youare thinkingsomething at a particular moment, you have words or ideas in your mind without saying them out loud.
    1. She must be ill, Tatiana thought...
    2. I remember thinking how lovely he looked...
    3. I'm trying to think positive thoughts.
  • VERB 认为,以为(人或物具有某特点或用途)
    If youthink ofsomeone or something as having a particular quality or purpose, you regard them as having this quality or purpose.
    1. We all thought of him as a father...
    2. He thinks of it as his home...
    3. In China bats are thought of as being very lucky...
    4. Nobody had thought him capable of that kind of thing.
  • VERB 对…评价(很高)
    If youthinka lotofsomeone or something, you admire them very much or think they are very good.
    1. To tell the truth, I don't think much of psychiatrists...
    2. The Director thought a good deal of him...
    3. People at the club think very highly of him...
    4. He seemed to be a good man, well thought of by all.
  • VERB 关心;考虑;为…着想
    If youthink ofsomeone, you show consideration for them and pay attention to their needs.
    1. I'm only thinking of you...
    2. You never think of anyone but yourself...
    3. We have the interest of 500,000 customers to think of...
      我们得为 50 万名顾客的利益着想。
    4. You don't have to think about me and Hugh.
  • VERB 考虑;打算
    If youare thinking oftaking a particular course of action, you are considering it as a possible course of action.
    1. Martin was thinking of taking legal action against Zuckerman...
    2. Have you ever thought of marrying?...
    3. It would be unwise for the government to think of privatisation as a means of saving money.
  • VERB (用来引出例子或进一步解释)考虑,想到(某方面、某主题)
    You can say that youare thinking ofa particular aspect or subject, in order to introduce an example or explain more exactly what you are talking about.
    1. I'm primarily thinking of the first year...
    2. There is a theme of tragedy that runs through it: I'm thinking in particular of the story of Tom Howard.
  • VERB (用于问句,表示生气、震惊)认为,以为
    You usethinkin questions where you are expressing your anger or shock at someone's behaviour.
    1. Who does she think she is? Trying to make a fool of me like that...
    2. You can't do this! What do you think you're doing?...
    3. What were you thinking of? You shouldn't steal.
  • VERB 想来,想想看(用于评论过去所做或经历过的事情现在看来不可思议、愚蠢或令人震惊)
    You usethinkwhen you are commenting on something which you did or experienced in the past and which now seems surprising, foolish, or shocking to you.
    1. To think I left you alone in a place with a madman at large!...
    2. When I think of how you've behaved and the trouble you've got into!
  • VERB 本来以为,原以为(用于批评别人该做某事而未做)
    You can usethinkin expressions such asyou would thinkorI would have thoughtwhen you are criticizing someone because they ought to or could be expected to do something, but have not done it.
    1. You'd think you'd remember to wash your ears...
    2. We would have thought he would have a more responsible attitude...
    3. 'Surely to God she should have been given some proper help.' — 'Well I would have thought so.'
  • VERB 谁都会以为/你会认为(用于对他人的行为表示惊讶或不满)
    You can usethinkin expressions such asanyone would thinkandyou would thinkto express your surprise or disapproval at the way someone is behaving.
    1. Anyone would think you were in love with the girl...
    2. You'd think you had never seen a door before!
  • See also:thinkingthought
  • PHRASE (表示突然记起或意识到某事)想起来了,想想看
    You use expressions such ascome to think of it,when you think about it, orthinking about it, when you mention something that you have suddenly remembered or realized.
    1. He was her distant relative, as was everyone else on the island, come to think of it...
    2. When you think about it, he's probably right.
  • PHRASE 我想,我觉得(用于委婉地解释等)
    You use 'I think' as a way of being polite when you are explaining or suggesting to someone what you want to do, or when you are accepting or refusing an offer.
    1. I think I'll go home and have a shower...
    2. We need a job, and I thought we could go around and ask if people need odd jobs done...
    3. Time for a pint of beer, I think...
    4. 'Would you like to do that another time.' — 'Yes I think so.'
  • PHRASE 我认为,我想(用于会话或讲话中,使语气稍显婉转)
    You use 'I think' in conversations or speeches to make your statements and opinions sound less forceful, rude, or direct.
    1. I think he means 'at' rather than 'to'...
    2. Thanks, but I think I can handle it...
    3. This is, I think, much, much more important...
    4. 'You've got it wrong.' — 'I think not.'
  • PHRASE 你想一想,想象一下(表示激动、着迷或震惊,同时希望谈话对方也有同感)
    You sayjust thinkwhen you feel excited, fascinated, or shocked by something, and you want the person to whom you are talking to feel the same.
    1. Just think; tomorrow we shall walk out of this place and leave it all behind us forever...
    2. Just think how snug and cosy we could be.
  • PHRASE 重新考虑,再三斟酌(常指最终改变主意)
    If youthink again aboutan action or decision, you consider it very carefully, often with the result that you change your mind and decide to do things differently.
    1. It has forced politicians to think again about the wisdom of trying to evacuate refugees...
    2. He intends to ask the court to think again.
  • PHRASE 认为…没什么了不起;觉得…很容易;认为…无所谓
    If youthink nothing ofdoing something that other people might consider difficult, strange, or wrong, you consider it to be easy or normal, and you do it often or would be quite willing to do it.
    1. I thought nothing of betting £1,000 on a horse.
      我认为把 1,000 英镑押在一匹马身上没什么了不起。
  • PHRASE 对…不在意;不觉得…奇怪(或重要)
    If something happens and youthink nothing of it, you do not pay much attention to it or think of it as strange or important, although later you realize that it is.
    1. When she went off to see her parents for the weekend I thought nothing of it...
    2. One of Tony's friends, David, kept coming to my house but I didn't think anything of it.
  • youcan't hearyourselfthink→ see:hear


  • God alone knows what she thinks.
  • I do not give a fig what society thinks.
  • The cafe owner has put up the required 'no smoking' signs, but thinks his responsibility stops there
  • He has the courage to speak out what he thinks right.
  • He probably thinks you're both crazy!
  • This is really something. Someone actually thinks my records are all right!
  • He really thinks that European civilisation is morally bankrupt.
  • He thinks he's the boss.
  • Julian Lloyd Webber thinks his brother would like the approbation of serious critics
  • He thinks the Archbishop has identified himself too closely with party politics.