

英 [ˈswaɪpɪŋ]

美 [ˈswaɪpɪŋ]

v.  挥拳打; 扬起巴掌打; 挥起(物体)击打; 偷窃; 刷(磁卡)


  • VERB 挥起(棍棒等)击打
    If youswipe ata person or thing, you try to hit them with a stick or other object, making a swinging movement with your arm.
    1. She swiped at Rusty as though he was a fly...
    2. He swiped me across the shoulder with the poker.
    3. Swipeis also a noun.
    4. He took a swipe at Andrew that deposited him on the floor.
  • VERB 偷窃
    If youswipesomething, you steal it quickly.
    1. Five soldiers were each fined £140 for swiping a wheelchair from a disabled tourist...
      5 名士兵因偷窃一名残疾人游客的轮椅而每人被罚款 140 英镑。
    2. Everywhere I went, people kept trying to swipe my copy of The New York Times.
  • N-COUNT (通常指间接的)批评,抨击
    If you take aswipe ata person or an organization, you criticize them, usually in an indirect way.
    1. Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people's homes...
    2. In a swipe at the president, he called for an end to 'begging for aid around the world'.
  • VERB 刷(信用卡等)
    If youswipea credit card or swipe card through a machine, you pass it through a narrow space in the machine so that the machine can read information on the card's magnetic strip.
    1. Swipe your card through the phone, then dial.


  • 'One-year-olds are now walking up to TV screens and swiping them because they think they are tablets,' he said. 'They are becoming a part of childhood in ways that were almost inconceivable before.'
  • Swiping and pinching, much like on an apple ( AAPL) iPhone or iPad, are present as well.
  • Swiping a box representing the program toward the TV changes the TV's channel to this show.
  • Finally, this paper describes the debugging and testing of the magnetic card reader according its function, mainly investigating the debugging of the success rate of swiping card and the match of antenna, and some corresponding testing results.
  • When swiping the card from the slot of the card reader, the magnetic head in the reader will get the information recorded in the magnetic card. By decoding, the master chip stores the decoded information to be read in into memory.
  • Google wallet lets Android smartphones make payments simply by swiping or tapping them in front of compatible readers.
  • We are already pretty intimate with our smartphones, poking and swiping their screens almost without second thought.
  • Swiping up from the bottom of the frame reduces the app being viewed to a smaller window that becomes part of a carousel of windows of other apps that are open.
  • The colorful app's menu features different types of news content that are refreshed by swiping them to the side.
  • Anne needs to stop swiping her credit cards; she is racking up a huge debt.