

英 [ˈskweərɪŋ]

美 [ˈskwerɪŋ]

v.  使成正方形; 使成四方形; 使成平方; 使成二次幂; 挺直身子; 挺起胸膛



  • N-COUNT 正方形;四方形
    Asquareis a shape with four sides that are all the same length and four corners that are all right angles.
    1. Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares...
    2. There was a calendar on the wall, with large squares around the dates...
    3. Most of the rugs are simple cotton squares.
  • N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES (通常为方形的)广场
    In a town or city, asquareis a flat open place, often in the shape of a square.
    1. The house is located in one of Pimlico's prettiest garden squares...
    2. The town centre is thick with churches and cafe-lined squares.
    3. ...St Mark's Square.
  • ADJ-GRADED 正方形的;方的
    Something that issquarehas a shape the same as a square or similar to a square.
    1. Round tables seat more people in the same space as a square table...
    2. His finger nails were square and cut neatly across.
  • ADJ (用于长度单位前表示面积)平方的
    Squareis used before units of length when referring to the area of something. For example, if something is three metres long and two metres wide, its area is six square metres.
    1. Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space...
      金丝雀码头计划要提供 1,000 万平方英尺的办公面积。
    2. The Philippines has just 6,000 square kilometres of forest left.
      菲律宾只剩下 6,000 平方公里的森林了。
  • ADJ (用于长度面积后表示四方形物的边长)长宽为…的
    Squareis used after units of length when you are giving the length of each side of something that is square in shape.
    1. ...a linen cushion cover, 45 cm square.
      一个亚麻靠垫套,长宽为 45 厘米
    2. ...two pieces of wood 4 inches square.
      两块长宽均为 4 英寸的木片
  • VERB 使成二次幂;将(数字)平方
    Tosquarea number means to multiply it by itself. For example,3 squaredis 3 x 3, or 9.3 squaredis usually written as 32.
    1. Take the time in seconds, square it, and multiply by 5.12...
    2. A squared plus B squared equals C squared.
      A 的平方加上 B 的平方等于 C 的平方。
  • N-COUNT 二次幂;平方
    Thesquare ofa number is the number produced when you multiply that number by itself. For example, the square of 3 is 9.
    1. ...the square of the speed of light, an exceedingly large number.
  • V-ERG (使)(不同想法或行动)协调一致
    If yousquaretwo different ideas or actionswitheach other or if theysquare witheach other, they fit or match each other.
    1. That explanation squares with the facts, doesn't it...
    2. He set out to square his dreams with reality.
  • VERB 就…征得…的同意
    If yousquaresomethingwithsomeone, you ask their permission or check with them that what you are doing is acceptable to them.
    1. I squared it with Dan, who said it was all right so long as I was back next Monday morning...
    2. She should have squared things with Jay before she went into this business with Walker.
  • See also:squaredsquarely
  • PHRASE 将圆的变成方的;做不可能做到的事
    If you say that someonesquares the circle, you mean that they bring together two things which are normally thought to be so different that they cannot exist together.
    1. He has squared the circle of keeping the City happy and doing something to improve business cash flow...
    2. 'Nirvana' squared the circle by making a record that was both superb pop and rock music at the same time.
  • PHRASE (因行动失败而)重新开始,重起炉灶
    If you areback to square one, you have to start dealing with something from the beginning again because the way you were dealing with it has failed.
    1. If your complaint is not upheld, you may feel you are back to square one...
    2. We got a phone call from the lawyers and is was back to square one.
  • PHRASE 不适宜做某工作的人;与环境格格不入的人
    If you describe someone as asquare peg in a round hole, you mean that they are completely unsuitable for the job they are doing or the situation they are in.
    1. Taylor is clearly the wrong man for the job—a square peg in a round hole.
  • fair and square→ see:fair


  • Position squaring ahead of weekend could also give an indication on the short term trend.
  • So again, we can think about the probability density in terms of squaring the wave function.
  • Squaring your images allows for size differences between projected horizontal and vertical digital images by ensuring that all work is scaled and displayed fairly.
  • Any displaced sleepers shall be repositioned and refixed to the rail with a perfect squaring.
  • The two brothers are squaring up to him; I think they are really determined to fight this time.
  • Opposition speakers accused the chancellor of not squaring up to the realities of a major trade recession.
  • In Florida, farmers are squaring off against cities for rights to groundwater
  • He is squaring away to write a new chapter.
  • With Mercury squaring up to Neptune and Jupiter we're talking about high hopes.
  • Now I have the unique pleasure of squaring our account.