

英 [spiːks]

美 [spiːks]

v.  谈; 谈话; 交谈; 说话; 讲话; 提起; 讲述


  • VERB 说话;讲话
    When youspeak, you use your voice in order to say something.
    1. He tried to speak, but for once, his voice had left him...
    2. He speaks with a lisp...
    3. I rang the hotel and spoke to Louie...
    4. She says she must speak with you at once...
    5. She cried when she spoke of Oliver.
    6. ...as I spoke these idiotic words.
  • VERB 发言;演说
    When someonespeaks toa group of people, they make a speech.
    1. When speaking to the seminar Mr Franklin spoke of his experience, gained on a recent visit to Trinidad...
    2. He's determined to speak at the Democratic Convention...
    3. The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise.
  • There are some differences in the way the verbsspeakandtalkare used. When youspeak, you could, for example, be addressing someone or making a speech.Talkis more likely to be used when you are referring to a conversation or discussion.I talked about it with my family at dinner... Sometimes we'd talk all night.Talkcan also be used to emphasize the activity of saying things, rather than the words that are spoken.She thought I talked too much.
    speak 和 talk 的用法有所不同。speak 可以指向某人发表讲话或演讲,talk 多用于指谈话或讨论。例如:I talked about it with my family at dinner (进餐的时候,我和家里人谈论了这个问题),Sometimes we'd talk all night (有时候我们会谈上一整夜)。talk 也用来强调说话的动作而不是说话的内容,例如:She thought I talked too much (她认为我话太多了)。

  • VERB 代表…讲话;充当…的代言人
    If youspeak fora group of people, you make their views and demands known, or represent them.
    1. He said it was the job of the Church to speak for the underprivileged...
    2. I speak for all 7,000 members of our organization...
      我代表本组织的 7,000 名成员发言。
    3. Obviously I can't speak for other people, but certainly no one I know would entertain the idea.
  • VERB (会)讲,说(外语)
    If youspeaka foreign language, you know the language and are able to have a conversation in it.
    1. He doesn't speak English...
    2. Many of them can speak two or three or more languages.
  • VERB (在文中)谈起,提到
    People sometimes mention something that has been written by saying what the authorspeaks of.
    1. In the book she speaks of his “social ineptitude” and says he verbally abused her...
    2. St Paul speaks of the body as the 'temple of the Holy Spirit'.
  • V-RECIP (吵架之后)不说话,不搭理
    If two peopleare not speaking, they no longer talk to each other because they have quarrelled.
    1. He is not speaking to his mother because of her friendship with his ex-wife...
    2. The co-stars are still not speaking.
  • VERB 表明;显示
    If you say that somethingspeaks toyouofa quality, experience, or feeling, you mean that it is evidence of it or expresses it.
    1. His behaviour spoke of an early maturity...
    2. The length of the car and the high polish of its fittings both spoke of money...
    3. Their music speaks to us with an innate grandeur we can all understand.
  • VERB 不言而喻
    If you say that somethingspeaks for itself, you mean that its meaning or quality is so obvious that it does not need explaining or pointing out.
    1. ...the figures speak for themselves — low order books, bleak prospects at home and a worsening outlook for exports...
    2. The results speak for themselves.
  • See also:speaking
  • CONVENTION 你说的只是你的看法;这只是你的高见
    If you say 'Speak for yourself' when someone has said something, you mean that what they have said is only their opinion or applies only to them.
    1. 'We're not blaming you,' Kate said. 'Speak for yourself,' Boris muttered.
  • PHRASE 已被预订;早已订购;已经许给别人
    If a person or thingis spoken fororhas been spoken for, someone has claimed them or asked for them, so no-one else can have them.
    1. She'd probably drop some comment about her 'fiancé' into the conversation so that he'd think she was already spoken for...
    2. By December last year most of the resources had been spoken for.
      去年 12 月之前,绝大多数的资源就被预订了。
  • 行动胜于言语
    If you say thatactions speak louder than words, you mean that people's actions show their real attitudes, rather than what they say. This expression is sometimes used to advise a person to do something positive.
    1. PHRASE (没什么)值得一提
      Nothingto speak ofmeans 'hardly anything' or 'only unimportant things'.
      1. They have no weaponry to speak of...
      2. 'Any fresh developments?' — 'Nothing to speak of.'
    2. PHRASE 更不用说
      You can usenot to speak ofwhen adding something which your previous statement also applies to, or applies to even more than other things.
      1. This move caused consternation among universities and the government, not to speak of the students affected.
    3. PHRASE 说…的好话/坏话;称赞/批评
      If youspeak well ofsomeone orspeak highly ofsomeone, you say good things about them. If youspeak ill ofsomeone, you criticize them.
      1. Both spoke highly of the Russian president...
      2. It seemed she found it difficult to speak ill of anyone.
    4. PHRASE 可以说;可谓
      You useso to speakto draw attention to the fact that you are describing or referring to something in a way that may be amusing or unusual rather than completely accurate.
      1. I ought not to tell you but I will, since you're in the family, so to speak...
      2. The five countries have now all passed, so to speak, their entry test.
    5. PHRASE 见面交谈的;相识的
      If you areon speaking terms withsomeone, you are quite friendly with them and often talk to them.
      1. For a long time her mother and her grandmother had hardly been on speaking terms.
    6. tospeakyourmind→ see:mind


    • She speaks English with a good pronunciation.
    • She speaks fluent English.
    • My father often speaks of my grandmother.
    • What you wear speaks volumes about you
    • She never speaks of her mother.
    • The little girl speaks with a little stutter.
    • Their music speaks to us with an innate grandeur we can all understand.
    • 'He speaks English,' she said to Graham. 'I gathered that.'
    • He speaks with a mixture of accents.
    • We are going to make sure we are in the council chamber every time he speaks.