

英 [sɪt]

美 [sɪt]

v.  坐; 使坐; 使就座; 处在; 坐落在; 被放在

过去式:sat 现在分词:sitting 第三人称单数:sits 过去分词:sat 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.302 / COCA.268



seatv. 〈正式〉使就座
He seated himself at the desk.
Please seat yourself, sir.
We seated the guest to the right of the chairman.
perchv. 坐在…上面(或边上)
表示此义时,通常用于 perch (sb/oneself) on sth 结构。
We perched ourselves on a couple of high stools at the bar.
Bobby perched himself on the edge of the bed.
Her father used to perch her on the front of his bike.
sitv. 坐,就座
普通用词,与 stand (站) 相对,常用于口语。
Don't just sit watching, come and help me!
On the bus we sat together.
She was sitting by the window, reading a novel.


sit around
1. 闲坐着;无所事事  

sit back
1. 不插手;袖手旁观  

sit by
1. (对错误或违法的事情)坐视不理,作壁上观  

sit down
1. 就座;坐下  2. 使坐下;使就座  3. 尽心尽力(去做某事)  

sit in on
1. 旁听(课程);列席(会议)  

sit on
1. 拖延;压着不办  

sit out
1. (不采取行动)静等…结束,等到…结束  

sit through
1. 坐着挨到(电影、讲座、会议等)结束  

sit up
1. 坐起来;坐直  2. 使…坐起身来;让…直起身子  3. 深夜未睡;熬夜  


    sit about/around

    • 无所事事地消磨时间;闲坐
      to spend time doing nothing very useful

      sit back

      • 舒舒服服地坐好
        to sit on sth, usually a chair, in a relaxed position
        1. He lifted the child and sat her on the wall.
      • 袖手旁观(尤指不积极参与或不挂念某事)
        to relax, especially by not getting too involved in or anxious about sth

        sit by

        • 坐视不管;无动于衷
          to take no action to stop sth bad or wrong from happening

          sit down

            sit yourself down

            • 坐下;就座
              to move from a standing position to a sitting position
              1. Parliament sits for less than six months of the year.

            sit down and do sth

            • 坐下来认真做某事
              to give sth time and attention in order to try to solve a problem or achieve sth
              1. Candidates will sit the examinations in June.
              2. Most of the students sit at least 5 GCSEs.
              3. He was about to sit for his entrance exam.

            sit for sb/sth

            • 为…做模特
              to be a model for an artist or a photographer

              sit in for sb

              • 顶班;代某人履行职责
                to do sb's job or perform their duties while they are away, sick, etc.
                1. Rover! Sit!

              sit in on sth

              • 列席(会议);旁听(课)
                to attend a meeting, class, etc. in order to listen to or learn from it rather than to take an active part
                1. Who's sitting for you?

              sit on sth

              • 拖延;积压;搁置
                to have received a letter, report, etc. from sb and then not replied or taken any action concerning it

                sit sth↔out

                • 耐心等到结束;熬到结束
                  to stay in a place and wait for sth unpleasant or boring to finish
                  1. 坐在一旁(不参加跳舞、游戏等活动)
                    to not take part in a dance, game or other activity

                    sit through sth

                    • 坐到(表演、演讲、会议等)结束
                      to stay until the end of a performance, speech, meeting, etc. that you think is boring or too long

                      sit up

                      • 坐起来;坐直
                        to be or move yourself into a sitting position, rather than lying down or leaning back
                        1. 熬夜;迟睡
                          to not go to bed until later than usual

                          sit up (and do sth)

                          • 关注起来;警觉起来
                            to start to pay careful attention to what is happening, being said, etc.

                            sit sb up

                            • 使坐起来
                              to move sb into a sitting position after they have been lying down



                                  be sitting pretty
                                • (尤指在他人处境不好时)处境好
                                  to be in a good situation, especially when others are not
                                • sit at sb's feet
                                • 崇拜;拜倒在某人脚下
                                  to admire sb very much, especially a teacher or sb from whom you try to learn
                                • sit comfortably/easily/well, etc. (with sth)
                                • (在某位置或某场合)显得合适,显得自然,如鱼得水
                                  to seem right, natural, suitable, etc. in a particular place or situation
                                • His views did not sit comfortably with the management line.
                                • sit in judgement (on/over/upon sb)
                                • 褒贬(某人);(对某人)妄加评判
                                  to decide whether sb's behaviour is right or wrong, especially when you have no right to do this
                                • How dare you sit in judgement on me?
                                • sit on the fence
                                • 骑墙;持观望态度
                                  to avoid becoming involved in deciding or influencing sth
                                • He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.
                                • sit tight
                                • 待着不动;守在原地
                                  to stay where you are rather than moving away or changing position
                                • We sat tight and waited to be rescued.
                                • 静观事态变化;不轻举妄动
                                  to stay in the same situation, without changing your mind or taking any action
                                • Shareholders are being advised to sit tight until the crisis passes.
                                • sit/stand bolt upright
                                • 背部笔挺地坐 / 站;坐 / 站得笔直
                                  to sit or stand with your back straight
                                • rest/sit on your laurels
                                • 满足于既得成就;不思进取
                                  to feel so satisfied with what you have already achieved that you do not try to do any more
                                • sit/stand silently by
                                • 袖手旁观;坐视
                                  to do or say nothing to help sb or deal with a difficult situation



                                    在椅子等上面 on chair, etc.

                                  • to rest your weight on your bottom with your back vertical, for example on/in a chair
                                    1. She sat and stared at the letter in front of her.
                                    2. May I sit here?
                                    3. Just sit still!
                                    4. He went and sat beside her.
                                    5. She was sitting at her desk.
                                    6. We sat talking for hours.
                                  • 使坐;使就座
                                    to put sb in a sitting position
                                    1. He lifted the child and sat her on the wall.
                                  • 事物 of things
                                  • 处在;坐落在;被放在
                                    to be in a particular place
                                    1. A large bus was sitting outside.
                                    2. The pot was sitting in a pool of water.
                                    3. The jacket sat beautifully on her shoulders (= fitted well) .
                                    4. The box sat unopened on the shelf.
                                  • 担任职务 have official position
                                  • (在…中)任职;任(…的)代表;担任
                                    to have an official position as sth or as a member of sth
                                    1. He was sitting as a temporary judge.
                                    2. She sat on a number of committees.
                                    3. For years he sat for Henley (= was the MP for that constituency ) .
                                    4. They both sat as MPs in the House of Commons.
                                  • 议会等 of parliament, etc.
                                  • 开会;开庭
                                    to meet in order to do official business
                                    1. Parliament sits for less than six months of the year.
                                  • 考试 exam
                                  • 参加考试;应试
                                    to do an exam
                                    1. Candidates will sit the examinations in June.
                                    2. Most of the students sit at least 5 GCSEs.
                                    3. He was about to sit for his entrance exam.
                                  • 鸟 of bird
                                  • 停落;栖;孵(卵)
                                    to rest on a branch, etc. or to stay on a nest to keep the eggs warm
                                    1. 狗 of dog
                                    2. 蹲;坐
                                      to sit on its bottom with its front legs straight
                                      1. Rover! Sit!
                                    3. 照看小孩 take care of children照看小孩 take care of children


                                    • VERB 坐
                                      If youare sittingsomewhere, for example in a chair, your bottom is resting on the chair and the upper part of your body is upright.
                                      1. Mother was sitting in her chair in the kitchen...
                                      2. They sat there in shock and disbelief...
                                      3. They had been sitting watching television...
                                      4. He was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes.
                                    • VERB 就座;坐下
                                      When yousitsomewhere, you lower your body until you are sitting on something.
                                      1. He set the cases against a wall and sat on them...
                                      2. Eva pulled over a chair and sat beside her husband...
                                      3. When you stand, they stand; when you sit, they sit.
                                      4. Sit downmeans the same assit.
                                        sit down 同 sit
                                      5. I sat down, stunned...
                                      6. Hughes beckoned him to sit down on the sofa.
                                    • VERB 使坐下;使就座
                                      If yousitsomeone somewhere, you tell them to sit there or put them in a sitting position.
                                      1. He used to sit me on his lap...
                                      2. He'll sit you in front of his computer and give you a glimpse of the problem.
                                      3. Tositsomeonedownsomewhere means tositthem there.
                                      4. She helped him out of the water and sat him down on the rock...
                                      5. They sat me down and had a serious discussion about sex.
                                    • VERB 坐着让人画像(或照相)
                                      If yousit foran artist or photographer, you place yourself in a sitting position so you can be painted or photographed.
                                      1. A person may well have been sitting for the artist for eight hours at a stretch.
                                        为了让画家给自己画像,一个人很有可能连续坐上 8 个钟头。
                                    • VERB 参加(考试)
                                      If yousitan examination, you do it.
                                      1. June and July are the traditional months for sitting exams.
                                        6 月和 7 月是传统的考试月份。
                                    • in AM, use 美国英语用 take

                                      1. VERB 作为…的成员
                                        If yousit ona committee or other official group, you are a member of it.
                                        1. He was asked to sit on numerous committees...
                                        2. I know of no professional person who has ever sat on a jury...
                                        3. The party's three MPs will continue to sit in parliament.
                                          这个党派有 3 名议员会继续在议会任职。
                                      2. VERB (议会)开会;(法院)开庭
                                        When a parliament, legislature, court, or other official bodysits, it officially carries out its work.
                                        1. Parliament sits for only 28 weeks out of 52...
                                          在一年 52 周当中只有 28 周是议会开会的时间。
                                        2. The court would sit all night.
                                      3. VERB 位于;坐落在
                                        If a building or objectsitsin a particular place, it is in that place.
                                        1. Our new house sat next to a stream...
                                        2. On the table sat a box decorated with little pearl triangles.
                                      4. VERB 代人临时照看小孩;当临时保姆
                                        Tosit forsomeone means the same as tobabysitfor them.
                                        1. I've asked Mum to sit for us next Saturday.
                                      5. See also:sitting
                                      6. 你留在这儿别动,我马上就回来。 → see:Sit tight. I'll be right back...



                                      • serve in a specific professional capacity
                                        1. the priest sat for confession
                                        2. she sat on the jury
                                      • be seated
                                          Synonym:sit down
                                        1. show to a seat
                                          1. The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith
                                          Synonym:seatsit down
                                        2. sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions
                                          1. She never sat a horse!
                                          2. Did you ever ride a camel?
                                          3. The girl liked to drive the young mare
                                        3. take a seat
                                            Synonym:sit down
                                          1. be in session
                                            1. When does the court of law sit?
                                          2. assume a posture as for artistic purposes
                                            1. We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often
                                          3. work or act as a baby-sitter
                                            1. I cannot baby-sit tonigh
                                          4. be located or situated somewhere
                                            1. The White House sits on Pennsylvania Avenue
                                          5. be around, often idly or without specific purpose
                                            1. The object sat in the corner
                                            2. We sat around chatting for another hour
                                            Synonym:sit around


                                          • He used to sit me on his lap
                                          • I know of no professional person who has ever sat on a jury
                                          • He liked to sit and wonder at all that had happened
                                          • A person may well have been sitting for the artist for eight hours at a stretch.
                                          • They had been sitting watching television
                                          • They sat there in shock and disbelief
                                          • He'll sit you in front of his computer and give you a glimpse of the problem.
                                          • The court would sit all night.
                                          • The party's three MPs will continue to sit in parliament.
                                          • When you stand, they stand; when you sit, they sit.