

英 [saɪnz]

美 [saɪnz]

n.  迹象; 征兆; 预兆; 招牌; 标牌; 指示牌; 标志; 示意的动作(或声音); 手势
v.   签(名); 署(名); 签字; 签署; 和…签约(或应聘); 示意; 打手势


  • N-COUNT 符号;记号
    Asignis a mark or shape that always has a particular meaning, for example in mathematics or music.
    1. Equations are generally written with a two-bar equals sign.
  • N-COUNT (示意的)动作,姿势,手势
    Asignis a movement of your arms, hands, or head which is intended to have a particular meaning.
    1. They gave Lavalle the thumbs-up sign...
    2. The priest made the sign of the cross over him.
  • VERB 打手势语;为(节目或表演)配手语
    If yousign, you communicate with someone using sign language. If a programme or performanceis signed, someone uses sign language so that deaf people can understand it.
    1. All programmes will be either 'signed' or subtitled...
  • N-COUNT 招牌;标牌;指示牌;告示牌;标志
    Asignis a piece of wood, metal, or plastic with words or pictures on it. Signs give you information about something, or give you a warning or an instruction.
    1. ...a sign saying that the highway was closed because of snow.
    2. ...a cardboard sign, which stated 'No to Poll Tax'...
    3. As soon as the seat belt sign had been switched off, we rushed out.
  • N-VAR 迹象;征兆;表象;痕迹
    If there is asign ofsomething, there is something which shows that it exists or is happening.
    1. They are prepared to hand back a hundred prisoners of war a day as a sign of good will...
    2. His face and movements rarely betrayed a sign of nerves...
    3. Your blood would have been checked for any sign of kidney failure.
  • VERB 在…上签名;在…上签字;签署
    When yousigna document, you write your name on it, usually at the end or in a special space. You do this to indicate that you have written the document, that you agree with what is written, or that you were present as a witness.
    1. World leaders are expected to sign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection...
    2. Before an operation the patient will be asked to sign a consent form.
  • V-ERG (和…)签约
    If an organizationsignssomeone or if someonesignsfor an organization, they sign a contract agreeing to work for that organization for a specified period of time.
    1. The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys...
    2. The band then signed to Slash Records.
  • N-COUNT (黄道十二宫的)宫,星座
    In astrology, asignor asign of the zodiacis one of the twelve areas into which the heavens are divided.
    1. The New Moon takes place in your opposite sign of Libra on the 15th.
      15 日新月会移至你对面的天秤宫。
  • See also:signingcall sign
  • PHRASE 不见…的踪影
    If you say that there isno sign ofsomeone, you mean that they have not yet arrived, although you are expecting them to come.
    1. The London train was on time, but there was no sign of my Finnish friend.
  • PHRASE 已签字盖章的;已成定局的
    If you say that an agreement issigned and sealed, orsigned, sealed and delivered, you mean that it is absolutely definite because everyone involved has signed all the legal documents.
    1. The Chancellor had been hoping to have an agreement signed and sealed by the end of this week...
    2. A government spokesman said the bill must be signed, sealed and delivered by tomorrow.
  • tosignone'sown death warrant→ see:death warrant


  • Cracks and leaks are signs of poor construction in a house.
  • This verse describes three signs of spring
  • There were signs on Saturday that the team is starting to gel at last
  • There were signs that she struggled with her attacker before she was repeatedly stabbed.
  • He sees no signs of improvement in the UK and continental economy.
  • The captain turned out the 'no smoking' signs
  • The signs of an economic revival are only just beginning
  • There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival
  • The team secured pictures of prisoners showing signs of severe beatings.
  • A new survey shows signs of a turnaround in Northern California's housing market.