

英 [ʃɑːps]

美 [ʃɑrps]

n.  升半音; 锐利的东西(如针、注射器等)


  • ADJ-GRADED 锋利的;锐利的
    Asharppoint or edge is very thin and can cut through things very easily. Asharpknife, tool, or other object has a point or edge of this kind.
    1. The other end of the twig is sharpened into a sharp point to use as a toothpick...
    2. Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith and peel from both fruits...
    3. The ground was strewn with sharp-edged pebbles.
  • ADJ-GRADED 尖的;有尖角的
    You can describe a shape or an object assharpif part of it or one end of it comes to a point or forms an angle.
    1. His nose was thin and sharp.
    2. ...black sharp-toed cowboy boots.
  • ADJ-GRADED 突然转向的;急转弯的
    Asharpbend or turn is one that changes direction suddenly.
    1. I was approaching a fairly sharp bend that swept downhill to the left.
    2. Sharpis also an adverb.
    3. Do not cross the bridge but turn sharp left to go down on to the towpath.
  • ADJ-GRADED (人)敏锐的,灵敏的,敏捷的,机灵的
    If you describe someone assharp, you are praising them because they are quick to notice, hear, understand, or react to things.
    1. He is very sharp, a quick thinker and swift with repartee...
    2. Gates is known to be a superb analyst with a sharp eye and an excellent memory.
  • ADJ-GRADED (言辞)激烈的,尖锐的,尖刻的,严厉的
    If someone says something in asharpway, they say it suddenly and rather firmly or angrily, for example because they are warning or criticizing you.
    1. 'Don't contradict your mother,' was Charles's sharp reprimand...
    2. That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups.
  • ADJ-GRADED (变化、动作、感情等)急剧的,骤然的,大幅度的,强烈的
    Asharpchange, movement, or feeling occurs suddenly, and is great in amount, force, or degree.
    1. There's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation...
    2. Tennis requires a lot of short sharp movements...
    3. He felt a sharp pain in the abductor muscle in his right thigh.
  • ADJ-GRADED (差异)明显的,鲜明的;(图像、声音等)清晰的
    Asharpdifference, image, or sound is very easy to see, hear, or distinguish.
    1. Many people make a sharp distinction between humans and other animals...
    2. Her reticence was in sharp contrast to the glamour and star status of her predecessors...
    3. All the footmarks are quite sharp and clear...
    4. We heard a voice sing out in a clear, sharp tone.
  • ADJ-GRADED (味道或气味)强烈的,苦的,冲的
    Asharptaste or smell is rather strong or bitter, but is often also clear and fresh.
    1. ...a colourless, almost odourless liquid with a sharp, sweetish taste...
    2. In the hot sun the rain-washed herbs smelled sharp and spicy and sweet all at once.
  • ADJ-GRADED (天气等)严寒的;(风)凛冽的
    Asharpwind, orsharpcold, is so strong or intense that it almost hurts you when you are exposed to it.
    1. The wind was not as sharp and cruel as it had been.
  • ADJ-GRADED (衣服)整洁的,优雅的,时髦的
    Sharpclothes are neat, elegant, and fashionable.
    1. Now politics is all about the right haircut and a sharp suit...
    2. A sharp dresser, Wyatt is never seen in casual clothes.
  • ADV (…点)整;准时地
    Sharpis used after stating a particular time to show that something happens at exactly the time stated.
    1. She planned to unlock the store at 8.00 sharp this morning.
      她打算今天早上 8 点整准时开门营业。
  • N-COUNT (用于音符后)升半音的(常用#符号表示)
    Sharpis used after a letter representing a musical note to show that the note should be played or sung half a tone higher.Sharpis often represented by the symbol #.
    1. A solitary viola plucks a lonely, soft F sharp.
      一把中提琴独自奏出了一个寂寞柔和的升F 调。
  • See also:razor-sharp
  • PHRASE (活动或工作中)最困难的部分,最危险的部分
    If you say that someone isat the sharp end ofa particular activity or type of work, you mean that they are involved in the most difficult or dangerous aspects of it.
    1. Vincent French is a real estate broker at the sharp end of a tough and exacting business...
    2. Working at the sharp end, many of us have noted an increase in the number of patients attending surgeries.
  • short,sharp shock→ see:shock


  • The order of keys in ascending numbers of sharps or flats can be illustrated by a circle of fifths.
  • 12 cases had inward bow indentation and all were irregular sharps or triangular and polygonal sharps.
  • Apart from infection sustained by sharps or needle-prick injuries, there are no reports on cases of infection related to handling of HRW within the Danish Health Services.
  • Sharps Injuries among Nurses: Their Investigation and Prevention
  • The concepts about futures exchange, the sharps of contracts in developed countries and the optimized models of forward contracts and future contracts are introduced in this article. The application of contract theory to power grid enterprises in prices risk elusion is also discussed in this article.
  • In addition to burn, animals and knife/ sharps injuries in women than men and other damage, injury causes damage ratio of male higher than female. 3.
  • Therefore, it makes the size of unilateral effects with different sharps of the demand curves, including linear demand, isoelasticity of demand, choice models and Logit demand models.
  • Results All characteristics of sharp collection boxes were superior to those of the other sharps collection methods.
  • Reinforced concrete lining segment 'The third part, the passage with the sharps.'
  • All sharps should be dealt with promptly and safely.