

英 [raɪd]

美 [raɪd]

v.  驾驭马匹; 骑马; 骑马(消遣); 骑; 驾驶
n.  (乘车或骑车的)短途旅程; (乘坐汽车等的)旅行; (骑马等的)短途旅程

现在分词:riding 过去式:rode 过去分词:ridden 复数:rides 第三人称单数:rides 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.1796 / COCA.1283


ride out
1. 安然挺过(风暴或危机)  

ride up
1. (衣服)往上缩  


    ride on sth

    • 依赖于;依靠
      to depend on sth

      ride sth↔out

      • 安然渡过(难关);经受得住
        to manage to survive a difficult situation or time without having to make great changes
        1. How often do you go riding?

      ride up

      • 慢慢向上移动;渐渐缩上去
        to move gradually upwards, out of position
        1. The boys were riding their bikes around the streets.
        2. He rode a Harley Davidson.
        3. The ground there is too rough to ride over.



          be riding for a fall
        • 做事莽撞;做招致风险的事
          to be doing sth that involves risks and that may end in disaster
        • be riding high
        • 获得成功;信心十足
          to be successful or very confident
        • let sth ride
        • 决定对…不立即采取行动
          to decide to do nothing about a problem that you know you may have to deal with later
        • ride the crest of sth
        • (因某种情况)处于鼎盛时期
          to enjoy great success or support because of a particular situation or event
        • The band is riding the crest of its last tour.
        • ride herd on sb/sth
        • 监视;对某人 / 某物严加控制
          to keep watch or control over sb/sth
        • police riding herd on crowds of youths on the streets
        • ride shotgun
        • 坐在车的前排座位上
          to ride in the front passenger seat of a car or truck
        • ride a/the wave of sth
        • 受益于某事;乘…之势
          to enjoy or be supported by the particular situation or quality mentioned
        • Schools are riding a wave of renewed public interest.
        • if wishes were horses, beggars would/might ride
        • 想有不见得就有;愿望不等于事实
          wishing for sth does not make it happen


          come/go along for the ride
        • 随大溜;凑凑热闹;逢场作戏
          to join in an activity for pleasure but without being seriously interested in it
        • have a rough/an easy ridegive sb a rough/an easy ride
        • (使)举步维艰(或一帆风顺)
          to experience/not experience difficulties when you are doing sth; to make things difficult/easy for sb
        • He will be given a rough ride at the party conference.
        • take sb for a ride
        • 欺骗;愚弄
          to cheat or trick sb
        • It's not a pleasant feeling to discover you've been taken for a ride by someone you trusted.
        • get, take, etc. a free ride
        • 白白得到好处(因他人已代付款)
          to get or take sth without paying because sb else is paying for it



            马 horse
          • 驾驭马匹;骑马
            to sit on a horse, etc. and control it as it moves
            1. I learnt to ride as a child.
            2. They rode along narrow country lanes.
            3. He was riding on a large black horse.
            4. She had never ridden a horse before.
            5. He's ridden six winners so far this year (= in horse racing) .
          • 骑马(消遣)
            to spend time riding a horse for pleasure
            1. How often do you go riding?
          • 自行车;摩托车 bicycle/motorcycle
          • 骑;驾驶
            to sit on and control a bicycle, motorcycle, etc.
            1. The boys were riding their bikes around the streets.
            2. He rode a Harley Davidson.
            3. The ground there is too rough to ride over.
          • 车辆 in vehicle
          • 搭乘;乘坐
            to travel in a vehicle, especially as a passenger
            1. I walked back while the others rode in the car.
            2. to ride the subway/an elevator, etc.
            3. She rode the bus to school every day.
          • 在水面 / 空中 on water/air
          • 漂浮;飘浮
            to float or be supported on water or air
            1. We watched the balloon riding high above the fields.
            2. surfers riding the waves
          • 穿越 go through area
          • (骑马、自行车等)穿越,翻越
            to go through or over an area on a horse, bicycle, etc.
            1. We rode the mountain trails.
          • 批评 criticize
          • 数落;嘲弄
            to criticize or tease sb in an annoying way
            1. Why is everybody riding me today?


            车辆 in vehicle
          • (乘车或骑车的)短途旅程
            a short journey in a vehicle, on a bicycle, etc.
            1. She hitched a ride to the station.
            2. We managed to get a ride into town when we missed the bus.
          • (乘车或骑车的)短途旅程
            a short journey in a vehicle, on a bicycle, etc.
            1. She hitched a ride to the station.
            2. We managed to get a ride into town when we missed the bus.
          • (乘坐汽车等的)旅行
            the kind of journey you make in a car, etc.
            1. a smooth/comfortable/bumpy, etc. ride
            2. The new legislation faces a bumpy ride (= will meet with opposition and difficulties) .
          • 马 on horse
          • (骑马等的)短途旅程
            a short journey on a horse, etc.
            1. a pony ride
            2. The kids had a ride on an elephant at the zoo.
            3. He goes for a ride most mornings.
          • 游乐场 at funfair
          • 供乘骑的游乐设施;乘坐(游乐设施)
            a large machine at a funfair or amusement park that you ride on for fun or excitement; an occasion when you go on one of these
            1. The rides are free.
            2. a roller coaster ride


          • VERB 骑(马)
            When youridea horse, you sit on it and control its movements.
            1. I saw a girl riding a horse...
            2. Can you ride?...
            3. He was riding on his horse looking for the castle...
            4. They still ride around on horses.
          • VERB 骑(自行车或摩托车);驾驶
            When youridea bicycle or a motorcycle, you sit on it, control it, and travel along on it.
            1. Riding a bike is great exercise...
            2. Two men riding on motorcycles opened fire on him...
            3. He rode to work on a bicycle.
          • VERB 搭乘,乘坐(交通工具)
            When youride ina vehicle such as a car, you travel in it.
            1. He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine...
            2. I was riding on the back of a friend's bicycle...
            3. I remember the village full of American servicemen riding around in jeeps...
            4. I rode to Lily's in a cab.
          • N-COUNT (骑马、骑自行车或乘车的)旅行,旅程;车程
            Arideis a journey on a horse or bicycle, or in a vehicle.
            1. She took some friends for a ride in the family car...
            2. Would you like to go for a ride?...
            3. She lives just a short bus ride from school.
          • (游乐场中)供骑乘的游乐设施
            In a fairground, arideis a large machine that people ride on for fun.
            1. VERB 依赖;依靠;取决于
              If you say that one thingis riding onanother, you mean that the first thing depends on the second thing.
              1. Billions of pounds are riding on the outcome of the election...
              2. Everything rides on the judgment of these few men.
            2. See also:riding
            3. When you want to say that someone is controlling a horse, bicycle, or motorbike, you can userideas a transitive verb, with the object coming immediately after it.Whether you ride a motorbike, scooter or moped, get yourself properly trained.However, if you want to say that someone is a passenger in a vehicle,ridemust be followed by a preposition.I was riding on the back of a friend's bicycle... We are still letting our children ride in the front seat of our cars.Ifrideis used without an object, a preposition, or any other phrase that specifies the context, it usually refers to the activity of riding a horse.'Do you ride?' — 'No, I've never been on a horse.'
              表示骑马、自行车或摩托车时,ride可以用作及物动词,宾语紧接其后:Whether you ride a motorbike, scooter or moped, get yourself properly trained(不管是骑摩托车、小轮摩托车还是机动自行车,都应接受适当的培训)。然而,表示乘交通工具时,ride必须和介词连用:I was riding on the back of a friend's bicycle (我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上),We are still letting our children ride in the front seat of our cars (我们仍然让孩子们坐在汽车的前座上)。如果ride后未接宾语、介词或其他明确语境的词组,通常表示骑马:‘Do you ride?’ — ‘No, I've never been on a horse’ (“你会骑马吗?”——“不会,我从来没有骑过”)。

            4. PHRASE 人气高涨;春风得意
              If you say that someone or somethingis riding high, you mean that they are popular or successful at the present time.
              1. He was riding high in the public opinion polls...
              2. His team is riding high.
            5. PHRASE 难题;非难;困境
              If you say that someone facesa rough ride, you mean that things are going to be difficult for them because people will criticize them a lot or treat them badly.
              1. The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works...
              2. The woman who is brave enough to pursue her own path must prepare herself for a rough ride.
            6. PHRASE 上当受骗;被欺骗
              If you say that someonehas been taken for a ride, you mean that they have been deceived or cheated.
              1. When he had not returned with my money an hour later I realized that I had been taken for a ride.
            7. toride roughshod over→ see:roughshod



            • a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
              1. he took the family for a drive in his new car
            • a mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement


              • harass with persistent criticism or carping
                1. The children teased the new teacher
                2. Don't ride me so hard over my failure
                3. His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie
              • copulate with
                1. The bull was riding the cow
              • keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot
                1. Don't ride the clutch!
              • move like a floating object
                1. The moon rode high in the night sky
              • ride over, along, or through
                1. Ride the freeways of California
              • be carried or travel on or in a vehicle
                1. I ride to work in a bus
                2. He rides the subway downtown every day
              • sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions
                1. She never sat a horse!
                2. Did you ever ride a camel?
                3. The girl liked to drive the young mare
              • climb up on the body
                1. Shorts that ride up
                2. This skirt keeps riding up my legs
              • sit on and control a vehicle
                1. He rides his bicycle to work every day
                2. She loves to ride her new motorcycle through town
              • continue undisturbed and without interference
                1. Let it ride
              • lie moored or anchored
                1. Ship rides at anchor
              • be contingent on
                1. The outcomes rides on the results of the election
                2. Your grade will depends on your homework
                Synonym:depend ondevolve ondepend uponturn onhinge onhinge upon
              • have certain properties when driven
                1. This car rides smoothly
                2. My new truck drives well
              • be sustained or supported or borne
                1. His glasses rode high on his nose
                2. The child rode on his mother's hips
                3. She rode a wave of popularity
                4. The brothers rode to an easy victory on their father's political name


              • He can ride a horse like a horseman.
              • I don't ride the subway late at night.
              • I saw a girl riding a horse
              • His team is riding high.
              • I was riding on the back of a friend's bicycle
              • The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works
              • I am not a learner as such — I used to ride a bike years ago
              • He could just as well have hitched a ride on a train or a truck headed west.
              • Billions of pounds are riding on the outcome of the election
              • He was riding on his horse looking for the castle