

英 [rɪˈmembərɪŋ]

美 [rɪˈmembərɪŋ]

v.  回想起; 记得; 记起; 想起; 记住; 把…牢记在心

现在分词:remembering 复数:rememberings 

BNC.35675 / COCA.25823


  • VERB 记得;记起;想起
    If yourememberpeople or events from the past, you still have an idea of them in your mind and you are able to think about them.
    1. You wouldn't remember me. I was in another group...
    2. I certainly don't remember talking to you at all...
    3. I remember her being a dominant figure...
    4. I remembered that we had drunk the last of the coffee the week before...
    5. I can remember where and when I bought each one...
    6. I used to do that when you were a little girl, remember?
  • VERB (经过一段时间后)忆起,回忆起
    If yourememberthat something is the case, you become aware of it again after a time when you did not think about it.
    1. She remembered that she was going to the social club that evening...
    2. Then I remembered the cheque, which cheered me up.
  • VERB (用于否定)记起,想起
    If you cannotremembersomething, you are not able to bring it back into your mind when you make an effort to do so.
    1. If you can't remember your number, write it in code in a diary...
    2. I couldn't remember ever having felt so safe and secure...
    3. I don't remember you asking me about that...
    4. I can't remember what I said...
    5. Don't tell me you can't remember.
  • VERB 记住,记得(做某事)
    If youremember todo something, you do it when you intend to.
    1. I did remember to take the present...
    2. Please remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope when writing.
  • VERB 记住,牢记(重要的事)
    You tell someone toremember thatsomething is the case when you want to emphasize its importance. It may be something that they already know about or a new piece of information.
    1. It is important to remember that each person reacts differently...
    2. It is worth remembering that children tend to copy their parents in this respect...
    3. It should be remembered that this loss of control can never be regained.
  • VERB (因为某事)记住(某人)
    If you say that someone willbe rememberedfor something that they have done, you mean that people will think of this whenever they think about the person.
    1. At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games...
    2. He will always be remembered as one of the great Chancellors of the Exchequer.
  • VERB 代(某人)问候(某人)
    If you ask someone torememberyoutoa person who you have not seen for a long time, you are asking them to pass your greetings on to that person.
    1. 'Remember me to Lyle, won't you?' I said...
    2. She asked to be remembered to you.
  • VERB 值得记忆;令人难忘
    If you make a celebration an occasionto remember, you make it very enjoyable for all the people involved.
    1. We'll give everyone a night to remember...
    2. I'll make it a birthday to remember.
  • Do not confuserememberandremind. If youremembersomething, you are able to bring it back into your mind.He remembers everything that happened... I could not remember her name.If yourememberto do something, you do what you are meant to do without forgetting or needing to be told to do it.He remembered to turn the gas off... Remember to put all your tools away.If someoneremindsyouofsomeone or something, they make you think about that person or thing. You cannot use 'remember' in this way.He reminds me of Maurice Fitzgerald... The pink dress reminds me of when I was a chauffeur in New York.You can userememberwith the 'to' infinitive or the '-ing' form of the verb, but note that they have different meanings. If yourememberto do something, you do it when you intend to.He remembered to buy his wife chocolates.If yourememberdoing something, you are thinking back to the past.I remember reading the newspaper aloud to my father at five.
    不要混淆 remember和remind。remember 表示能够记起某事,如,He remembers everything that happened (他记得发生的每一件事),I could not remember her name (我记不起她的名字)。remember 后接不定式,表示记住要做某事,如,He remembered to turn the gas off (他记得要关掉煤气),Remember to put all your tools away (记得把你的工具全部收起来)。remind 表示使某人想起某人或某事,而 remember 无此用法。如,He reminds me of Maurice Fitzgerald (他让我想起莫里斯·菲茨杰拉德),The pink dress reminds me of when I was a chauffeur in New York (这件粉色衣服让我想起自己在纽约当司机的日子)。注意:remember 后面可接动词不定式或-ing形式,但意思不同。接不定式时意为记得要去做某事,如,He remembered to buy his wife chocolates. (他记得要给妻子买巧克力)。而接-ing形式意为记得曾经做过某事,如,I remember reading the newspaper aloud to my father at five (我记得在5岁的时候大声给父亲读报纸)。



  • the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered
    1. he can do it from memory
    2. he enjoyed remembering his father


  • You see, he knows he's not remembering this dance.
  • You can orient yourself by remembering that the hill is due north.
  • My heart blooms blossom because of remembering fondly you.
  • We can find our treasure only by remembering who we are, by coming home.
  • It's not that. I was just remembering.
  • No, I don't know his number& I have quite enough trouble remembering my own.
  • I keep remembering Hannah Pakula's immortal line: 'Hollywood is no place for a woman over forty with a library card.'
  • Sometimes I have trouble remembering my mother's face or my father's voice.
  • Suddenly I was my father's son again. I was remembering the simple pleasure of this job.
  • I am sure you are remembering, but today's your mother's birthday.