

英 [rɪˈkleɪmz]

美 [rɪˈkleɪmz]

v.  取回; 拿回; 要求归还; 开垦,利用,改造(荒地); 重新变为沙漠(或森林等); 沙化; 荒漠化; 抛荒


  • VERB 要求归还(或恢复);收回
    If youreclaimsomething that you have lost or that has been taken away from you, you succeed in getting it back.
    1. In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship...
    2. 'I've come to reclaim my property,' she announced to the desk clerk.
  • VERB 收回;拿回;申请退(税)
    If youreclaiman amount of money, for example tax that you have paid, you claim it back.
    1. There are an estimated eight million people currently thought to be eligible to reclaim income tax.
  • VERB 开垦(荒地);开拓(耕地或建筑用地)
    When peoplereclaimland, they make it suitable for a purpose such as farming or building, for example by draining it or by building a barrier against the sea.
    1. The Netherlands has been reclaiming farmland from water.
    2. ...a scheme to build a residential development on 1,100 acres of reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay.
  • VERB 使(农田、建筑用地)重新变成(沙漠、森林或海洋)
    If a piece of land that was used for farming or buildingis reclaimed bya desert, forest, or the sea, it turns back into desert, forest, or sea.
    1. The diamond towns are gradually being reclaimed by the desert...
    2. This method of spraying would allow the land to be reclaimed by the rain forests.
  • VERB 挽救;感化
    If youreclaima person who has been involved in bad or criminal behaviour, you cause them to stop acting in that way.
    1. He set out to fight the drug infestation of Omaha by reclaiming a youth from the local gangs.


  • Figure 1 shows an example of how a garbage collector reclaims memory.
  • A memory virtualization technique reclaims the pages considered least valuable by the virtual machine system.
  • And the test result shows that the approach mentioned above has a high reliable precision, and it reclaims a new way for classification and recognition of soil in arid land.
  • The garbage collector eventually figures out when they've outlived their usefulness, with no help from you, and reclaims the memory they used.
  • Society reclaims criminals by teaching them skills.
  • The world watches in awe and, if truth be told, with considerable apprehension, as China reclaims a place as a great power.
  • Just as the JVM allocates memory for your objects, it also reclaims this memory on objects that are no longer being used.
  • Workstation/ Concurrency ON, also called Concurrent GC. – Like in the previous scenario, but the GC does not suspend the managed threads for the entire period when it reclaims unused memory.
  • The principal-agent theory points out the reasons of state-owned enterprises 'low efficiency and reclaims the state-owned enterprises should reform by formulating their incentive-restriction mechanisms.
  • To ensure that a failed server reclaims its recovery log when it restarts, and optionally enter a free-form description.