

英 [ˈkwɔːtə(r)]

美 [ˈkwɔːrtər]

n.  四等份之一; (正点之前或之后的)15分钟,一刻钟; 三个月时间; 季度; 季
v.  把…切成(或分成)四部分; 给…提供食宿

复数:quarters 过去分词:quartered 现在分词:quartering 过去式:quartered 第三人称单数:quarters 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.1085 / COCA.1401



      at/from close quarters
    • 很近;非常靠近
      very near
    • fighting at close quarters



        四分之一 1 of 4 parts
      • 四等份之一
        one of four equal parts of sth
        1. a quarter of a mile
        2. The programme lasted an hour and a quarter.
        3. Cut the apple into quarters.
        4. The theatre was about three quarters full.
      • 15分钟 15 minutes
      • (正点之前或之后的)15分钟,一刻钟
        a period of 15 minutes either before or after every hour
        1. It's (a) quarter to four now─I'll meet you at (a) quarter past.
        2. It's quarter of four now─I'll meet you at quarter after.
      • 3个月 3 months
      • 三个月时间;季度;季
        a period of three months, used especially as a period for which bills are paid or a company's income is calculated
        1. 城区 part of town
        2. 城镇的区(或一部分)
          a district or part of a town
          1. the Latin quarter
          2. the historic quarter of the city
        3. 个人;群体 person/group
        4. (尤指能提供帮助、信息或作出反应的)个人,群体
          a person or group of people, especially as a source of help, information or a reaction
          1. Support for the plan came from an unexpected quarter.
          2. The news was greeted with dismay in some quarters .
        5. 25分钱 25 cents
        6. (美国和加拿大的)25分硬币
          a coin of the US and Canada worth 25 cents
          1. 住房 rooms to live in
          2. (士兵、服务人员等的)营房,宿舍,住房
            rooms that are provided for soldiers, servants, etc. to live in
            1. We were moved to more comfortable living quarters .
            2. married quarters
          3. 月亮 of moon
          4. 半圆的月相;上弦(或下弦)月
            the period of time twice a month when we can see a quarter of the moon
            1. The moon is in its first quarter.
          5. 体育运动 in sport
          6. (美式足球的)一节
            one of the four periods of time into which a game of American football is divided
            1. 重量 weight
            2. 夸特(重量单位,¼磅;4盎司)
              a unit for measuring weight, a quarter of a pound; 4 ounces
              1. 夸特(重量单位,英国为28磅,美国为25磅;四分之一英担)
                a unit for measuring weight, 28 pounds in the UK or 25 pounds in the US; a quarter of a hundredweight
                1. 怜悯 pity
                2. (对掌控中的敌人或对手的)慈悲,同情
                  pity that sb shows towards an enemy or opponent who is in their power
                  1. His rivals knew that they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary.


                  分为4份 divide into 4
                • 把…切成(或分成)四部分
                  to cut or divide sth into four parts
                  1. She peeled and quartered an apple.
                • 提供房间 provide rooms
                • 给…提供食宿
                  to provide sb with a place to eat and sleep
                  1. The soldiers were quartered in the town.


                • FRACTION 四分之一
                  Aquarteris one of four equal parts of something.
                  1. A quarter of the residents are over 55 years old...
                  2. I've got to go in a quarter of an hour...
                  3. Prices have fallen by a quarter since January...
                  4. Cut the peppers into quarters.
                  5. Quarteris also a predeterminer.
                  6. The largest asteroid is Ceres, which is about a quarter the size of the moon.
                  7. Quarteris also an adjective.
                  8. ...the past quarter century...
                  9. He closed his door and started the quarter-mile walk down the hill.
                • N-COUNT 季度;季
                  Aquarteris a fixed period of three months. Companies often divide their financial year into four quarters.
                  1. The group said results for the third quarter are due on October 29.
                • N-UNCOUNT 一刻钟;十五分钟
                  When you are telling the time, you usequarterto talk about the fifteen minutes before or after an hour. For example, 8.15 isquarter pasteight, and 8.45 isquarter tonine. In American English, you can also say that 8.15 is aquarter aftereight and 8.45 is aquarter ofnine.
                  1. It was a quarter to six...
                  2. See you about quarter to nine...
                  3. I got a call at quarter of seven one night...
                  4. Nobody else turned up till a quarter past ten...
                  5. The time was recorded at a quarter after five.
                • VERB 把…分成四等份
                  If youquartersomething such as a fruit or a vegetable, you cut it into four roughly equal parts.
                  1. Chop the mushrooms and quarter the tomatoes.
                • VERB 把…降至原先的四分之一;把…减少四分之三
                  If the number or size of somethingis quartered, it is reduced to about a quarter of its previous number or size.
                  1. The doses I suggested for adults could be halved or quartered.
                • N-COUNT (美国或加拿大的)25分硬币
                  Aquarteris an American or Canadian coin that is worth 25 cents.
                  1. I dropped a quarter into the slot of the pay phone.
                • N-COUNT (城镇中某一类人群生活或工作的)区,地区
                  A particularquarterof a town is a part of the town where a particular group of people traditionally live or work.
                  1. Look for hotels in the French Quarter.
                • N-COUNT (做出反应或行动的)某位人士,某个团体
                  To refer to a person or group you may not want to name, you can talk about the reactions or actions from a particularquarter.
                  1. Help came from an unexpected quarter...
                  2. There are fears in some quarters that the republic would have little chance of surviving on its own.
                • N-PLURAL (军人、水手、仆人的)住处,宿舍,营房
                  The rooms provided for soldiers, sailors, or servants to live in are called theirquarters.
                  1. Mckinnon went down from deck to the officers' quarters.
                • VERB 为…提供临时住所
                  If peopleare quarteredsomewhere, they are provided with accommodation for a short time, usually while they are working away from home.
                  1. Our soldiers are quartered in Peredelkino.
                • PHRASE 近距离地;近在咫尺;接近地
                  If you do somethingat close quarters, you do it very near to a particular person or thing.
                  1. You can watch aircraft take off or land at close quarters...
                • PHRASE 不仁慈;不宽恕
                  If you say that someone was givenno quarter, you mean that they were not treated kindly by someone who had power or control over them.
                  1. This is not war as you learned it. It is brutal work, with no quarter given.



                • clemency or mercy shown to a defeated opponent
                  1. he surrendered but asked for quarter
                • piece of leather that comprises the part of a shoe or boot covering the heel and joining the vamp
                  1. the rear part of a ship
                      Synonym:sternafter partpooptail
                    1. a district of a city having some distinguishing character
                      1. the Latin Quarter
                    2. an unspecified person
                      1. he dropped a word in the right quarter
                    3. a United States or Canadian coin worth one fourth of a dollar
                      1. he fed four quarters into the slot machine
                    4. a quarter of a hundredweight (28 pounds)
                      1. a quarter of a hundredweight (25 pounds)
                        1. one of four equal parts
                          1. a quarter of a pound
                          Synonym:one-fourthfourthone-quarterfourth parttwenty-five percentquartern
                        2. one of the four major division of the compass
                          1. the wind is coming from that quarter
                        3. a fourth part of a year
                          1. unemployment fell during the last quarter
                        4. one of four periods into which the school year is divided
                          1. the fall quarter ends at Christmas
                        5. a unit of time equal to 15 minutes or a quarter of an hour
                          1. it's a quarter til 4
                          2. a quarter after 4 o'clock
                        6. (football, professional basketball) one of four divisions into which some games are divided
                          1. both teams scored in the first quarter


                        • divide by four
                          1. divide into quarters
                            1. quarter an apple
                          2. pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him
                            1. in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes
                            Synonym:drawdraw and quarter
                          3. provide housing for (military personnel)


                            • He has the backing of almost a quarter of the electorate.
                            • There are fears in some quarters that the republic would have little chance of surviving on its own.
                            • Mckinnon went down from deck to the officers 'quarters.
                            • It was a quarter to six
                            • The number of unemployed people in Poland has grown by more than a quarter in the last month
                            • Our soldiers are quartered in Peredelkino.
                            • I've got to go in a quarter of an hour
                            • Hourly output by workers declined 1.3% in the first quarter
                            • Nobody else turned up till a quarter past ten
                            • The first quarter dividend has been increased by nearly 4 per cent.