

英 [ˈpɒkɪtɪŋ]

美 [ˈpɑːkɪtɪŋ]

v.  把…放进衣袋; 攫取; 揩油; 中饱私囊; 挣; 赚下



  • N-COUNT 衣袋;口袋;兜
    Apocketis a kind of small bag which forms part of a piece of clothing, and which is used for carrying small things such as money or a handkerchief.
    1. He took his flashlight from his jacket pocket and switched it on...
    2. The man stood with his hands in his pockets.
  • N-COUNT 钱;财力
    You can usepocketin a lot of different ways to refer to money that people have, get, or spend. For example, if someone gives or pays a lot of money, you can say that theydig deep intotheirpocket. If you approve of something because it is very cheap to buy, you can say that itsuits people's pockets.
    1. When you come to choosing a dining table, it really is worth digging deep into your pocket for the best you can afford.
    2. ...ladies' fashions to suit all shapes, sizes and pockets...
    3. You would be buying a piece of history as well as a boat, if you put your hand in your pocket for this one...
    4. We don't believe that they have the economic reforms in place which would justify putting huge sums of Western money into their pockets.
  • ADJ (可)放在衣袋里的;小型的;袖珍的
    You usepocketto describe something that is small enough to fit into a pocket, often something that is a smaller version of a larger item.
    1. ...a pocket calculator.
    2. ...my pocket edition of the Oxford English Dictionary.
  • N-COUNT (作为发生处或与周围不同的)小块地区
    Apocket ofsomething is a small area where something is happening, or a small area which has a particular quality, and which is different from the other areas around it.
    1. He survived the earthquake after spending 3 days in an air pocket...
    2. The army controls the city apart from a few pockets of resistance.
  • VERB 把…装进腰包;将…据为己有
    If someone who is in possession of something valuable such as a sum of moneypocketsit, they steal it or take it for themselves, even though it does not belong to them.
    1. Dishonest importers would be able to pocket the VAT collected from customers.
  • VERB (常指以轻松或看似不公平的方式)赢得,获得,赚得
    If you say that someonepocketssomething such as a prize or sum of money, you mean that they win or obtain it, often without needing to make much effort or in a way that seems unfair.
    1. He pocketed more money from this tournament than in his entire three years as a professional.
  • VERB 把…放入衣袋
    If someonepocketssomething, they put it in their pocket, for example because they want to steal it or hide it.
    1. Anthony snatched his letters and pocketed them...
    2. He pocketed a wallet containing £40 cash from the bedside of a dead man.
  • PHRASE (钱)在口袋里留不住,一有就想花掉
    If you say that some moneyis burning a hole insomeone'spocket, you mean that they want to spend it as soon as possible.
    1. It's Saturday, you're down the high street and you've got a few quid burning a hole in your pocket.
  • PHRASE 在(某人)掌握之中;受制于(某人)
    If you say that someone isinsomeone else'spocket, you disapprove of the fact that the first person is willing to do whatever the second person tells them, for example out of weakness or in return for money.
    1. The board of directors must surely have been in Johnstone's pocket.
  • PHRASE 为(自己或某人)牟利;使(自己或某人)中饱私囊
    If you say that someoneis liningtheir own or someone else'spockets, you disapprove of them because they are making money dishonestly or unfairly.
    1. It is estimated that 5,000 bank staff could be lining their own pockets from customer accounts.
    2. ...a government that ignores the needs of the majority in order to line the pockets of the favoured few.
  • See also:They were well out of pocket — they had spent far more in Hollywood than he had earned...Statements with errors could still be going out, but customers who notify us will not be left out of pocket.out-of-pocket
  • PHRASE 扒窃
    If someonepicksyourpocket, they steal something from your pocket, usually without you noticing.
    1. They were more in danger of having their pockets picked than being shot at.


  • Rather than seeking new customers by cutting prices, entrepreneurs may prefer to keep them unchanged, pocketing higher profits.
  • But from the deserved Angle analysis, pocketing the Crime of Unauthorized Partition of State Property sin as unit crime is worth discussing.
  • Share your success with people, instead of pocketing it all.
  • He'll end up pocketing a% of everything that passes through this "new union", this guy is going to destroy the Russia and if it weren't for their oil he probably would already have done so.
  • He was accused of pocketing some of the profits.
  • The Compleat Fortune-Teller was an old thick volume, which lay on a table at her elbow, so worn by pocketing that the margins had reached the edge of the type.
  • His critics have accused him of pocketing the money but he has claimed it was all spent for public purposes.
  • Suddenly, doing well in school becomes about pocketing extra change rather than learning for its own sake.
  • The brewery sacked the pub's landlord because he was giving short measures on spirit drinks and pocketing the extra profit.
  • And there she was pocketing some needles.