

英 [peɡz]

美 [peɡz]

n.  (木、金属或塑料)钉子,楔子,橛子,短桩; (木制或金属)帐篷短桩; 晾衣夹子
v.  用夹子夹住; 用楔子钉住; 使工资、价格等固定于某水平(或与…挂钩); 视为; 看做


  • N-COUNT 挂钩;挂钉
    Apegis a small hook or knob that is attached to a wall or door and is used for hanging things on.
    1. His work jacket hung on the peg in the kitchen.
  • (晾衣用的)衣夹
    Apegis a small device which you use to fasten clothes to a washing line.
    1. in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 clothespin

    2. N-COUNT (金属或木制的)销钉,楔子,栓
      Apegis a small piece of wood or metal that is used for fastening something to something else.
      1. He builds furniture using wooden pegs instead of nails.
      2. ...the noise of the hammer striking the steel pegs.
    3. VERB 用销钉(或楔子、木栓)固定
      If youpegsomething somewhere orpegitdown, you fix it there with pegs.
      1. ...trying to peg a double sheet on a washing line on a blustery day...
      2. Peg down netting over the top to keep out leaves.
      3. ...a tent pegged to the ground nearby for the kids.
    4. See also:Its currency is pegged to the dollar...UK trading profits were pegged at £40 million...The Bank wants to peg rates at 9%....a pegged European currency.level-pegging
    5. PHRASE 杀…的威风;挫…的锐气
      If you say that someone shouldbe brought down a pegorbe taken down a peg, you mean that they should be made to realize that they are not so important or wonderful as they think they are.
      1. We thought it was time they were brought down a peg or two...
      2. We'd have liked to see her taken down a peg, but not this way.
    6. PHRASE (衣服)非定制的,成品的
      Off-the-pegclothes are made in large numbers and sent to shops, not made specially for a particular person.
      1. ...an off-the-peg two-piece suit...
      2. Instead of dining in top restaurants and wearing expensive suits, he likes to eat hamburgers and buys clothes off the peg.
    7. in AM, use 美国英语用 off-the-rack

    8. PHRASE 方枘圆凿;格格不入
      If you describe someone asa square peg in a round hole, you mean that they are in a situation or doing something that does not suit them at all.
      1. Taylor is clearly the wrong man for the job — a square peg in a round hole.


    • You start to see how even the repetitive movements of the spools and pegs had a certain symmetrical beauty.
    • This could require some emerging markets to ditch their dollar currency pegs.
    • Nor should it be for some of the other countries that maintain pegs, notably China and several of the Persian Gulf's oil exporters.
    • He builds furniture using wooden pegs instead of nails.
    • And a neck with a fretted fingerboard that is usually bent just below the tuning pegs.
    • We anchored the tent with pegs.
    • Over time, we need to prepare for an international finance system with multiple reserve currencies, with others connected by various pegs.
    • Go and bring a board to make the pegs!
    • While this helps export earnings, it creates inflationary pressure and the risk of bubbles since currency pegs to the dollar cause countries to import ultra-loose US monetary policy that is wrong for their own circumstances.
    • Denmark, too, is in the EU and outside the euro area but pegs its currency to the euro.