

英 [lɪv , laɪv]

美 [lɪv , laɪv]

v.  住; 居住; 生存; 活着; (尤指在某时期)活着
adj.  活的; 现场直播的; 实况转播的; 现场演出的
adv.  在现场直播; 在现场表演(或录制)

过去式:lived 现在分词:living 第三人称单数:lives 过去分词:lived 复数:lives 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.267 / COCA.210



bev. 存在
to be or not to be
The great empire has ceased to be.
Where is the wedding to be?
existv. 存在;生存
I believe that God exists.
Salt exists in many things.
Fish cannot exist without water.
He exists on porridge.
livev. 活着;生活
His grandmother lived until she was 105.
Since their marriage, the young couple has been living happily.
The local people there have lived through two world wars.


stayv. 留宿,暂住
If you ever visit Moscow, you must come and stay with us.
She told her husband not to wait up for her. She might stay the night with her aunt.
dwellv. 〈文,正式〉居住,栖身
For ten years, she dwelt in the forest.
My parents dwell on the border of our country.
inhabitv. 居住于(某地)
Fish inhabit the sea.
They inhabit the tropical forests.
Over 100 species of plants inhabit the woods.
livev. 居住
I have been living here since my childhood.
The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone.
These birds live on the island.
residev. 〈正式〉居住,定居
Do you still reside at Elm Road?
I plan to reside in Salt Lake City.
You shall only reside at an address approved by your supervising officer.
settlev. 定居
They got married and settled near New York.
He hoped to settle in this country.
After working abroad for years, he wants to settle in Vienna.


live down
1. 使人们忘记(错误、失败、恶名等)  

live off
1. 依赖(某人)生活  2. 靠(某一数目的钱)过活  3. 靠(某一收入来源)过活  4. (动物)靠吃(某种食物)维持生命,以…为食  5. (人)以…为主要食物  

live on
1. 靠(某一数目的钱)过活  2. 靠(某一收入来源)过活  3. (动物)靠吃(某种食物)维持生命,以…为食  4. (人)以…为主要食物  5. 继续活着  

live out
1. (在某处或某种境况下)度过余生  2. 实践;身体力行  

live through
1. 活过;经过(不愉快的事件或变故)之后仍旧活着  

live together
1. (未婚)同居  

live up to
1. 遵守(诺言);符合,不辜负(期望)  


    live by sth

    • 按照(某信念或原则)生活
      to follow a particular belief or set of principles

      live by doing sth

      • 靠做某事赚钱为生(或获取所需)
        to earn money or to get the things you need by doing a particular thing

        live sth↔down

        • 能使人忘却(做过的令人尴尬的事)
          to be able to make people forget about sth embarrassing you have done
          1. When did Handel live?
          2. He's the greatest player who ever lived.

        live for sb/sth

        • 以…为主要生活目的;为…而活着
          to think that sb/sth is the main purpose of or the most important thing in your life
          1. She lived a very peaceful life.
          2. He lived in poverty most of his life.
          3. She lived and died a single woman.

        live in

        • 住在工作(或学习)的地方
          to live at the place where you work or study
          1. This moment will live in our memory for many years to come.
          2. Her words have lived with me all my life.

        live off sb/sth

        • 靠…过活;依赖…生活
          to receive the money you need to live from sb/sth because you do not have any yourself
          1. I don't want to be stuck in an office all my life─I want to live!

        live off sth

        • 以食…为生
          to have one particular type of food as the main thing you eat in order to live

          live on

          • 继续活着;继续存在
            to continue to live or exist

            live on sth

            • 以食…为生
              to eat a particular type of food to live
              1. 仅以(一种或几种食物)为主要食物
                to eat only or a lot of a particular type of food
                1. 靠(…钱)生活
                  to have enough money for the basic things you need to live

                  live out

                  • 不住在工作(或学习)的地方
                    to live away from the place where you work or study

                    live out sth

                    • 实践(以前想要做的事)
                      to actually do what you have only thought about doing before
                      1. (以某种方式)度过余生
                        to spend the rest of your life in a particular way

                        live through sth

                        • 经历(灾难或其他困境)而幸存
                          to experience a disaster or other unpleasant situation and survive it

                          live together

                          • 在一起生活
                            to live in the same house
                            1. 未婚同居;姘居
                              to share a home and have a sexual relationship without being married

                              live up to sth

                              • 达到,符合,不辜负(他人的期望)
                                to do as well as or be as good as other people expect you to

                                live with sb

                                  live with sb

                                    live with sth

                                    • 忍受,容忍(不快的事)
                                      to accept sth unpleasant



                                          live and breathe sth
                                        • 热衷于(某事)
                                          to be very enthusiastic about sth
                                        • He just lives and breathes football.
                                        • live and let live
                                        • 自己活也让别人活;宽以待人;互相宽容
                                          used to say that you should accept other people's opinions and behaviour even though they are different from your own
                                        • live by your wits
                                        • 靠耍小聪明赚钱;(有时)靠玩花招捞钱
                                          to earn money by clever or sometimes dishonest means
                                        • live (from) hand to mouth
                                        • 仅够糊口度日
                                          to spend all the money you earn on basic needs such as food without being able to save any money
                                        • live in the past
                                        • 仿佛生活在过去的社会中;落伍
                                          to behave as though society, etc. has not changed, when in fact it has
                                        • live in sin
                                        • 未婚同居;姘居
                                          to live together and have a sexual relationship without being married
                                        • live it up
                                        • 尽情欢乐;狂欢;纵情挥霍享乐
                                          to enjoy yourself in an exciting way, usually spending a lot of money
                                        • live a lie
                                        • 过两面人的生活;过骗人的生活;为人虚伪
                                          to keep sth important about yourself a secret from other people, so that they do not know what you really think, what you are really like, etc.
                                        • live off the fat of the land
                                        • 过奢侈的生活;锦衣玉食
                                          to have enough money to be able to afford expensive things, food, drink, etc.
                                        • live off the land
                                        • 靠地里的东西为生
                                          to eat whatever food you can grow, kill or find yourself
                                        • live to fight another day
                                        • (虽已失败或经历很糟但仍要)改日再战,卷土重来
                                          used to say that although you have failed or had a bad experience, you will continue
                                        • you haven't lived
                                        • (表示若没有某种经历生活便不完整)你白活了
                                          used to tell sb that if they have not had a particular experience their life is not complete
                                        • You've never been to New York? You haven't lived!
                                        • you live and learn
                                        • (对得知的事物感到惊讶或意外)真是得活到老学到老,真想不到
                                          used to express surprise at sth new or unexpected you have been told
                                        • be (living) on borrowed timebe (living) on borrowed timebe/live in clover
                                        • 过舒适优裕的生活
                                          to have enough money to be able to live a very comfortable life
                                        • how the other half lives
                                        • 另一类人的生活方式(尤指比自己富有得多的)
                                          the way of life of a different social group, especially one much richer than you
                                        • long live sb/sth
                                        • …万岁;…万古常青
                                          used to say that you hope sb/sth will live or last for a long time
                                        • people (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
                                        • 身居玻璃房,投石招祸殃;自身毛病多,勿挑他人错
                                          you should not criticize other people, because they will easily find ways of criticizing you
                                        • be/live in each other's pockets
                                        • 过从甚密;形影不离
                                          if two people are in each other's pockets , they are too close to each other or spend too much time with each other
                                        • live/sleep rough
                                        • 风餐露宿(通常因为无家可归或贫穷)
                                          to live or sleep outdoors, usually because you have no home and no money
                                        • young people sleeping rough on the streets


                                          a live wire
                                        • 活跃而精力充沛的人;生龙活虎的人
                                          a person who is lively and full of energy


                                          go live
                                        • 随时可用
                                          to become operational (= ready to be used)



                                            在某地 in a place
                                          • 住;居住
                                            to have your home in a particular place
                                            1. to live in a house
                                            2. Where do you live?
                                            3. She needs to find somewhere to live .
                                            4. We used to live in London.
                                            5. Both her children still live at home.
                                            6. Where do these plates live (= where are they usually kept) ?
                                          • 活着 be alive
                                          • 生存;活着
                                            to remain alive
                                            1. The doctors said he only had six months to live.
                                            2. Spiders can live for several days without food.
                                            3. She lived to see her first grandchild.
                                          • (尤指在某时期)活着
                                            to be alive, especially at a particular time
                                            1. When did Handel live?
                                            2. He's the greatest player who ever lived.
                                          • 生活方式 type of life
                                          • (以某种方式)生活,过日子
                                            to spend your life in a particular way
                                            1. She lived a very peaceful life.
                                            2. He lived in poverty most of his life.
                                            3. She lived and died a single woman.
                                          • 记住 be remembered
                                          • 继续存在;留存;铭记
                                            to continue to exist or be remembered
                                            1. This moment will live in our memory for many years to come.
                                            2. Her words have lived with me all my life.
                                          • 兴奋 have excitement
                                          • 享受充实而令人兴奋的生活
                                            to have a full and exciting life
                                            1. I don't want to be stuck in an office all my life─I want to live!


                                            VERB USE 动词用法

                                            • VERB 居住
                                              If someonelivesin a particular place or with a particular person, their home is in that place or with that person.
                                              1. She has lived here for 10 years...
                                              2. She always said I ought to live alone...
                                              3. Where do you live?...
                                              4. He still lives with his parents.
                                            • VERB 生活;过活
                                              If you say that someonelivesin particular circumstances or that theylivea particular kind of life, you mean that they are in those circumstances or that they have that kind of life.
                                              1. We lived quite grandly...
                                              2. Compared to people living only a few generations ago, we have greater opportunities to have a good time...
                                              3. We can start living a normal life again now.
                                              4. ...the local support group for people living with HIV and AIDS.
                                            • VERB 为…而生活
                                              If you say that someonelives fora particular thing, you mean that it is the most important thing in their life.
                                              1. He lived for his work.
                                            • VERB 活;生存
                                              Tolivemeans to be alive. If someonelives toa particular age, they stay alive until they are that age.
                                              1. He's got a terrible disease and will not live long...
                                              2. A perennial is a plant that lives indefinitely...
                                              3. He lived to be 103...
                                              4. My father died nigh on ten years ago, but he lived to see his first grandson...
                                              5. Matilda was born in northern Italy in 1046 and apparently lived to a ripe old age...
                                              6. The blue whale is the largest living thing on the planet...
                                              7. Ian was her only living relative.
                                            • VERB 靠…过活;以…为生
                                              If peoplelive bydoing a particular activity, they get the money, food, or clothing they need by doing that activity.
                                              1. ...the last indigenous people to live by hunting...
                                              2. These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime.
                                            • VERB 恪守(规则、信念、理想等)
                                              If youlive bya particular rule, belief, or ideal, you behave in the way in which it says you should behave.
                                              1. They live by the principle that we are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we want from it.
                                            • VERB 留存;铭记;流传下去
                                              If a person or occasionlivesin someone's mind or in history, they are remembered for a long time.
                                              1. The memory of that will live with me for many years to come...
                                              2. His name will live in history as one of the greatest bowlers of all time...
                                              3. Live onmeans the same aslive.
                                                live on同live
                                              4. Lenin lives on in the minds and hearts of millions of people.
                                            • See also:living
                                            • PHRASE 热衷于…;狂热爱好…
                                              If you say that someonelives and breathesa particular subject or activity, you are emphasizing that they are extremely enthusiastic about it.
                                              1. He has lived and breathed polo since he was seven.
                                            • PHRASE 枉过此生;白活
                                              If you tell someone that theyhaven't livedunless they experience a particular thing, you are telling them that thing is extremely good and should be experienced.
                                              1. If you have never been to an opera, you haven't lived...
                                              2. You haven't lived until you've used their new micro system.
                                            • PHRASE 活在担心/恐惧中
                                              You can use expressions such asto live in fearandto live in terrorto indicate that someone is always thinking about an unpleasant or frightening event, because they think that it might happen.
                                              1. One in 10 Californians is unemployed and thousands more live in fear of losing their jobs.
                                            • 自己活也让别人活;互相宽容;互不干扰
                                              You saylive and let liveas a way of saying that you should let other people behave in the way that they want to and not criticize them for behaving differently from you.
                                              1. PHRASE 狂欢;享乐一番
                                                If youlive it up, you have a very enjoyable and exciting time, for example by going to lots of parties or going out drinking with friends.
                                                1. There is no reason why you couldn't live it up once in a while.
                                              2. tolive hand to mouth→ see:hand
                                              3. When you are talking about someone's home, the verblivehas a different meaning in the continuous tenses than it does in the simple tenses. For example, if you say 'I'm living in London', this suggests that the situation is temporary and you may soon move to a different place. If you say 'I live in London', this suggests that London is your permanent home.
                                                live表示“居住”时,在进行时态中与一般时态中含义不同。如:I'm living in London(我目前住在伦敦)表示这种状态是暂时的,可能很快会搬到别的地方去。I live in London(我住在伦敦)则表示这是永久性住处。

                                              ADJECTIVE USES 形容词用法

                                              • ADJ 活的;有生命的
                                                Liveanimals or plants are alive, rather than being dead or artificial.
                                                1. ...a protest against the company's tests on live animals.
                                                2. ...baskets of live chickens.
                                              • ADJ 现场直播的;实况转播的
                                                Alivetelevision or radio programme is one in which an event or performance is broadcast at exactly the same time as it happens, rather than being recorded first.
                                                1. Murray was a guest on a live radio show.
                                                2. ...we were laughing and gossiping, oblivious to the fact that we were on live TV...
                                                3. They watch all the live matches...
                                                4. A broadcast of the speech was heard in San Francisco, but it is not known if this was live.
                                                5. Liveis also an adverb.
                                                6. It was broadcast live in 50 countries...
                                                7. We'll be going live to Nottingham later in this bulletin.
                                              • ADJ (表演)现场的
                                                Aliveperformance is given in front of an audience, rather than being recorded and then broadcast or shown in a film.
                                                1. The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981...
                                                2. A live audience will pose the questions...
                                                3. The band was forced to cancel a string of live dates.
                                                4. Liveis also an adverb.
                                                5. Kat Bjelland has been playing live with her new band.
                                              • ADJ (唱片)现场录制的
                                                Aliverecording is a recording of a band playing at a concert, rather than in a studio.
                                                1. This is my favourite live album of all time...
                                                2. The LP features live recordings from the 'Great Xpectations' all-day show.
                                              • ADJ 带电的;通电的
                                                Alivewire or piece of electrical equipment is directly connected to a source of electricity.
                                                1. The plug broke, exposing live wires...
                                                2. He warned others about the live electric cables as they climbed to safety.
                                              • ADJ (子弹)金属的;实(弹)的
                                                Livebullets are made of metal, rather than rubber or plastic, and are intended to kill people rather than injure them.
                                                1. They trained in the jungle using live ammunition.
                                              • ADJ (炸弹或导弹)尚未爆炸的
                                                Alivebomb or missile is one which has not yet exploded.
                                                1. A live bomb had earlier been defused.
                                              • PHRASE 开始使用;启用;启动
                                                If a system, campaign, or other course of actiongoes live, it starts to be used.
                                                1. The new system went live earlier this year...
                                                2. The service should go live this summer.
                                              • PHRASE 活生生的;千真万确的
                                                You usereal liveto say that someone or something is present or exists, when you want to indicate that you think this is exciting and unusual or unexpected.
                                                1. He had never met a real live admiral...
                                                2. She has the best pet of all — a real live tiger.



                                              • have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations
                                                1. I know the feeling!
                                                2. have you ever known hunger?
                                                3. I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict
                                                4. The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare
                                                5. I lived through two divorces
                                              • have life, be alive
                                                1. Our great leader is no more
                                                2. My grandfather lived until the end of war
                                              • lead a certain kind of life
                                                1. we had to live frugally after the war
                                              • pursue a positive and satisfying existence
                                                1. You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live
                                              • support oneself
                                                1. he could barely exist on such a low wage
                                                2. Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?
                                                3. Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day
                                              • continue to live through hardship or adversity
                                                1. We went without water and food for 3 days
                                                2. These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America
                                                3. The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents
                                                4. how long can a person last without food and water?
                                                Synonym:survivelastlive ongoendurehold uphold out
                                              • inhabit or live in
                                                1. People lived in Africa millions of years ago
                                                2. The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted
                                                3. this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean
                                                4. deer are populating the woods


                                              • capable of erupting
                                                1. a live volcano
                                                2. the volcano is very much alive
                                              • possessing life
                                                1. the happiest person alive
                                                2. the nerve is alive
                                                3. doctors are working hard to keep him alive
                                                4. burned alive
                                                5. a live canary
                                              • exerting force or containing energy
                                                1. live coals
                                                2. tossed a live cigarette out the window
                                                3. got a shock from a live wire
                                                4. live ore is unmined ore
                                                5. a live bomb
                                                6. a live ball is one in play
                                              • charged or energized with electricity
                                                1. a hot wire
                                                2. a live wire
                                              • of current relevance
                                                1. a live issue
                                                2. still a live option
                                              • in current use or ready for use
                                                1. live copy is ready to be set in type or already set but not yet proofread
                                              • abounding with life and energy
                                                1. the club members are a really live bunch
                                              • elastic
                                                1. clean bouncy hair
                                                2. a lively tennis ball
                                                3. as resilient as seasoned hickory
                                                4. springy turf
                                              • actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing
                                                1. a live television program
                                                2. brought to you live from Lincoln Center
                                                3. live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience
                                              • charged with an explosive
                                                1. live ammunition
                                                2. a live bomb


                                              • not recorded
                                                1. the opera was broadcast live


                                              • These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime.
                                              • We can start living a normal life again now.
                                              • Matilda was born in northern Italy in 1046 and apparently lived to a ripe old age
                                              • There is no reason why you couldn't live it up once in a while.
                                              • This is my favourite live album of all time
                                              • Where do you live?
                                              • She always said I ought to live alone
                                              • They trained in the jungle using live ammunition.
                                              • He lived for his work.
                                              • The blue whale is the largest living thing on the planet