

英 [dʒəʊks]

美 [dʒoʊks]

n.  笑话; 玩笑; 荒唐可笑的人(或事物、局面); 笑料; 笑柄
v.  说笑话; 开玩笑; 闹着玩; 说着玩


  • N-COUNT 玩笑;笑话
    Ajokeis something that is said or done to make you laugh, for example a funny story.
    1. He debated whether to make a joke about shooting rabbits, but decided against it...
    2. No one told worse jokes than Claus.
  • VERB 讲笑话;开玩笑
    If youjoke, you tell funny stories or say amusing things.
    1. She would joke about her appearance...
    2. Lorna was laughing and joking with Trevor...
    3. The project was taking so long that Stephen joked that it would never be finished...
    4. 'Well, a beautiful spring Thursday would probably be a nice day to be buried on,' Nancy joked.
  • N-COUNT 恶作剧;捉弄人的玩笑
    Ajokeis something untrue that you tell another person in order to amuse yourself.
    1. It was probably just a joke to them, but it wasn't funny to me.
  • VERB 开玩笑;搞恶作剧
    If youjoke, you tell someone something that is not true in order to amuse yourself.
    1. Don't get defensive, Charlie. I was only joking...
    2. 'I wish you made as much fuss of me,' Vera joked.
  • N-SING 荒唐可笑的事(或人);笑料;笑柄
    If you say that something or someone isa joke, you think they are ridiculous and do not deserve respect.
    1. It's ridiculous, it's pathetic, it's a joke...
    2. The police investigation was a joke. A total cover-up.
  • PHRASE (恼人或令人担心的事)不可理喻,使人无法接受
    If you say that an annoying or worrying situation isbeyond a joke, you are emphasizing that it is worse than you think is fair or reasonable.
    1. Giving an arsonist a lighter is beyond a joke...
    2. I'm not afraid of a fair fight but this is beginning to get beyond a joke.
  • PHRASE 拿(严肃或悲惨的事情)开玩笑;对…一笑置之
    If youmake a joke ofsomething, you laugh at it even though it is in fact rather serious or sad.
    1. I wish I had your courage, Michael, to make a joke of it like that.
  • PHRASE 不是轻而易举的事;不是闹着玩的
    If you describe a situation asno joke, you are emphasizing that it is very difficult or unpleasant.
    1. Two hours on a bus is no joke, is it?
  • PHRASE 对…开玩笑;戏弄
    If you say thatthe joke is ona particular person, you mean that they have been made to look very foolish by something.
    1. 'For once,' he said, 'the joke's on me. And it's not very funny.'
  • PHRASE 开不起玩笑;经不起玩笑话
    If you say that someonecannot take a joke, you are criticizing them for getting upset or angry at something you think is funny.
    1. 'What's the matter with you, Simon?' Curly said. 'Can't you take a joke?'
  • CONVENTION (用于表示吃惊或认为不可理喻)你一定是在开玩笑吧
    You sayyou're jokingoryou must be jokingto someone when they have just told you something that is so surprising or unreasonable that you find it difficult to believe.
    1. You're joking. Are you serious?...
    2. One hundred and forty quid for a pair of headphones, you've got to be joking!


  • I'm going to write good jokes and become a good comedian
  • The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar jokes
  • Racist jokes come from wanting to put down other kinds of people we feel threatened by.
  • He had a penchant for playing jokes on people.
  • The speaker strung together a series of jokes.
  • His crazy ideas made him the target of their jokes.
  • Fred keeps cracking rude jokes with the guests
  • The conversation was enlivened with jokes.
  • He camped it up, he told bad taste jokes and endless anecdotes with no point at all.
  • The British don't laugh at the same jokes as the French