

英 [hɜːd]

美 [hɜːrd]

v.  听见; 听到; 听; 注意听; 倾听; 听说; 得知


  • VERB 听见;听到
    When youheara sound, you become aware of it through your ears.
    1. She heard no further sounds...
    2. The trumpet can be heard all over their house...
    3. They heard the protesters shout:'No more fascism!'...
    4. And then we heard the bells ringing out...
    5. I'm not hearing properly.
  • VERB 听,聆听(演讲、音乐等)
    If youhearsomething such as a lecture or a piece of music, you listen to it.
    1. You can hear commentary on the match in about half an hour's time...
    2. I don't think you've ever heard Doris talking about her emotional life before...
    3. I'd love to hear it played by a professional orchestra.
  • VERB 脑际响起
    If you say that you canhearsomeone saying something, you mean that you are able to imagine hearing it.
    1. Can't you just hear John Motson now?...
    2. 'I was hot,' I could still hear Charlotte say with her delicious French accent.
  • VERB (法官或法庭)审理(案件),听取(证词)
    When a judge or a court of lawhearsa case, or evidence in a case, they listen to it officially in order to make a decision about it.
    1. The jury have heard evidence from defence witnesses...
    2. He had to wait months before his case was heard.
  • VERB 接到…的信(或电话)
    If youhear fromsomeone, you receive a letter or telephone call from them.
    1. Drop us a line, it's always great to hear from you...
    2. The police are anxious to hear from anyone who may know her.
  • VERB (辩论或讨论中)倾听(意见或情况)
    In a debate or discussion, if youhear fromsomeone, you listen to them giving their opinion or information.
    1. What are you hearing from people there?
  • VERB 听说;得知;了解到
    If youhearsome news or information about something, you find out about it by someone telling you, or from the radio or television.
    1. My mother heard of this school through Leslie...
    2. ...the rumours I've been hearing about for years...
    3. He had heard that the trophy had been sold...
    4. I had waited to hear the result...
    5. Have you heard anything of the other Englishman?
  • VERB 听说(过…);(对…)有一点了解
    If youhave heard ofsomething or someone, you know about them, but not in great detail.
    1. Many people haven't heard of reflexology.
    2. ...people who, maybe, had hardly heard the word till a year or two ago.
  • Do not confusehearandlisten. You usehearto talk about sounds that you are aware of because they reach your ears. You often usecanwithhear.I can hear him yelling and swearing.If you want to say that someone is paying attention to something they can hear, you say that theyare listening toit.He turned on the radio and listened to the news.Note thatlistenis not followed directly by an object. You must always say that you listentosomething. However,listencan also be used on its own without an object.I was laughing too much to listen.
    不要混淆 hear 和 listen。hear 表示听见已经传到耳朵里的声音,经常与 can 连用。如:I can hear him yelling and swearing(我能听见他在大叫大骂)。短语 listen to 表示认真仔细地听,如:He turned on the radio and listened to the news(他打开收音机收听新闻)。要注意,listen 后面不能直接跟宾语,中间必须加介词 to。但 listen 也可单独使用,后面不跟宾语,如:I was laughing too much to listen(我当时笑得太厉害,根本没在听)。

  • PHRASE 已经知道;早就听说过
    If you say that youhave heardsomethingbefore, you mean that you are not interested in it, or do not believe it, or are not surprised about it, because you already know about it or have experienced it.
    1. Furness shrugs wearily. He has heard it all before...
    2. 'How many times have I heard that before?' Merchant complained angrily.
  • CONVENTION “听见没有?”“你听到我的话了吗?”(要求对方注意听自己的话)
    If you say 'Do you hear?' or 'Did you hear me?' to someone, you are telling them in an angry or forceful way to pay attention to what you are saying.
    1. If you don't get out I'll call the police. Do you hear?...
    2. Leave her alone! Do you hear me?
  • 说得对!说得好!(政治辩论或公众大会上对讲话人表示赞同的喝彩声)
    During political debates and public meetings, people sometimes say 'Hear hear!' to express their agreement with what the speaker is saying.
    1. PHRASE 太吵了;吵死人了
      If you say that youcan't hear yourself think, you are complaining and emphasizing that there is a lot of noise, and that it is disturbing you or preventing you from doing something.
      1. For God's sake shut up. I can't hear myself think!...
      2. If you're sitting in the front yard, you can't hear yourself think because the traffic is getting very, very bad.
    2. PHRASE 不同意;不允许
      If you say that youwon't hear ofsomeone doing something, you mean that you refuse to let them do it.
      1. I've always wanted to be an actor but Dad wouldn't hear of it...
      2. He even thought about moving from the village. But his friends wouldn't hear of it.
    3. you could have heard a pin drop→ see:pin



    • detected or perceived by the sense of hearing
      1. a conversation heard through the wall


    • I heard what might have been an explosion
    • Have you heard the one about the Irishman, the Englishman and the American?
    • I have heard that he has been married before.
    • She fainted as soon as she heard the news.
    • Presently he heard the sound of footsteps.
    • I heard a playback of one of the tapes.
    • You scared us out of our wits. We heard you had an accident.
    • All of these people gave me a great deal of information I had never heard of.
    • He drew me aside to tell me what he had heard.
    • I heard footsteps outside.