

英 [hɔːkt]

美 [hɔːkt]

v.  沿街叫卖; 咳痰


  • 鹰;隼
    Ahawkis a large bird with a short, hooked beak, sharp claws, and very good eyesight. Hawks catch and eat small birds and animals.
    1. N-COUNT (政治上的)鹰派人物,主战分子
      In politics, if you refer to someone as ahawk, you mean that they believe in using force and violence to achieve something, rather than using more peaceful or diplomatic methods.
      1. Both hawks and doves have expanded their conditions for ending the war.
    2. VERB 叫卖;兜售
      If someonehawksgoods, they sell them by walking through the streets or knocking at people's houses, and asking people to buy them.
      1. ...vendors hawking trinkets.
    3. VERB (竭力)推销,兜售
      You can say that someoneis hawkingsomething if you do not like the forceful way in which they are asking people to buy it.
      1. Developers will be hawking cut-price flats and houses.
      2. Hawk aroundmeans the same ashawk.
        hawk around 同 hawk
      3. He is hawking around a 15-minute, £5,000 promotional video...
      4. Most of the women were hawking food around the various prisons.
    4. VERB 用力咳痰
      If someonehawks, they noisily clear mucus from their throat and spit it out.
      1. He hawked and spat.
    5. 像鹰一样注视;警惕地监视
      If youwatchsomeonelike a hawk, you observe them very carefully, usually to make sure that they do not make a mistake or do something you do not want them to do.


      • The trio are being hawked around by the Italian giants subject to the club regaining its Serie A status next season.
      • This year it hawked the family silver: the sale of Barclays global investors will lift its core tier one capital ratio to 8.8 per cent.
      • One day, he hawked his wares at the market and was very pleased with himself.
      • The station's buffet: People were in a hurry to get on the train, and hawkers hawked as hard as they could, pushing the "buffet car" back and forth to catch passengers who needed some food or drink.
      • As vendors hawked grilled chicken and cold drinks, two young women took to the stage to recite angst-ridden poetry to the chords of an acoustic guitar.
      • His writings were being hawked round German publishers.
      • He hawked and spat.
      • They continued to play very little part in their mother's political life, and were never hawked about the streets canvassing.
      • When Asian values were hawked around the region a decade or so ago as some kind of distinctive philosophy, they turned out to be just a self-serving attempt to justify autocracies.