

英 [ɡraʊnd]

美 [ɡraʊnd]

n.  地; 地面; 土; 土地; 土壤; 开阔地; 空旷地
v.  (使)搁浅,触海底; 使停飞; 阻止…起飞; 罚(儿童)不准出门
adj.  磨细的; 磨碎的

复数:grounds 过去分词:grounded 过去式:grounded 现在分词:grinding 第三人称单数:grinds 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.455 / COCA.522



reasonn. 原因,理由
指某事发生的原因或做某事的正当理由,常后接介词 for 及 why 或 that 引导的从句,作“理由”解时还可后接动词不定式。
She gave her reason for being late.
He refused to explain the reasons behind his decision.
We don't know the reason why she didn't come home.
He has reason to feel happy.
causen. 起因,理由
指导致某事发生的行为、事件等;也指产生某种感情或做出某种举动的正当理由,作此义解时常可与 reason 换用。
Lack of physical exercise is the leading cause of obesity in young students.
What was the fundamental cause of this failure?
There is no cause/reason for anxiety.
excusen. 理由,托词
指辩解的理由或推脱的借口,常后接介词 for。
She always has an excuse for being late.
What is your good excuse for not coming?
groundn. 充分理由 ,根据
She gave good grounds for divorce.
Did the police have reasonable grounds to file a lawsuit against that company?



      cut the ground from under sb's feet
    • 挖某人的墙脚;破坏某人的计划;拆某人的台
      to suddenly spoil sb's idea or plan by doing sth to stop them from continuing with it
    • gain/make up ground (on sb/sth)
    • 逼近,迫近(正在移动或做某事的人或物)
      to gradually get closer to sb/sth that is moving or making progress in an activity
    • The police car was gaining ground on the suspects.
    • They needed to make up ground on their competitors.
    • get (sth) off the ground
    • (使)顺利开始,开始发生
      to start happening successfully; to make sth start happening successfully
    • Without more money, the movie is unlikely to get off the ground.
    • to get a new company off the ground
    • give/lose ground (to sb/sth)
    • 退让;让步;失利
      to allow sb to have an advantage; to lose an advantage for yourself
    • They are not prepared to give ground on tax cuts.
    • The Conservatives lost a lot of ground to the Liberal Democrats at the election.
    • go to ground
    • 躲藏起来;潜伏起来
      to hide, especially to escape sb who is chasing you
    • hold/stand your ground
    • 坚持主张;坚持意图;坚持立场;不让步
      to continue with your opinions or intentions when sb is opposing you and wants you to change
    • Don't let him persuade you─stand your ground.
    • 坚守阵地;不撤退;不退却
      to face a situation and refuse to run away
    • It is not easy to hold your ground in front of someone with a gun.
    • on the ground
    • 当场;在现场;(尤指)在处于战火中的人之中
      in the place where sth is happening and among the people who are in the situation, especially a war
    • On the ground, there are hopes that the fighting will soon stop.
    • There's a lot of support for the policy on the ground.
    • run/drive/work yourself into the ground
    • 把自己弄得精疲力竭;把自己累垮
      to work so hard that you become extremely tired
    • run sb/sth into the ground
    • 耗尽某物;过度使用某物;使某人精疲力竭
      to use sth so much that it is broken; to make sb work so hard that they are no longer able to work
    • thick/thin on the ground
    • 为数众多(或不多);数目巨大(或微小);众多(或稀少)
      if people or things are thick/thin on the ground , there are a lot/not many of them in a place
    • Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year.
    • keep/have your ear to the ground
    • 注意看动向;掌握最新发展情况
      to make sure that you always find out about the most recent developments in a particular situation
    • be on firm ground
    • (在辩论等中)立场坚定,对事实确信无疑
      to be in a strong position in an argument, etc. because you know the facts
    • Everyone agreed with me, so I knew I was on firm ground.
    • have/keep your feet on the ground
    • 实事求是;脚踏实地
      to have a sensible and realistic attitude to life
    • gain ground
    • 变得更强大(或更有成效、更成功);有进步;获得进展
      to become more powerful or successful
    • Sterling continues to gain ground against the dollar.
    • hit the ground running
    • 迅速而顺利地投入某事;一炮打响;一举成功
      to start doing sth and continue very quickly and successfully
    • take, claim, seize, etc. the moral high ground
    • 声称自己的论点在道义上占优势
      to claim that your side of an argument is morally better than your opponents' side; to argue in a way that makes your side seem morally better
    • on neutral ground/territory
    • 在中立地区;在第三方地区
      in a place that has no connection with either of the people or sides who are meeting and so does not give an advantage to either of them
    • We decided to meet on neutral ground.
    • break new ground
    • 有所发现;开拓创新
      to make a new discovery or do sth that has not been done before
    • prepare the ground (for sth)
    • (为…)准备条件,铺路
      to make it possible or easier for sth to be achieved
    • The committee will prepare the ground for next month's meeting.
    • be riveted to the spot/ground
    • 吓呆了;呆若木鸡
      to be so shocked or frightened that you cannot move
    • shift your ground
    • (尤指讨论时)改变立场
      to change your opinion about a subject, especially during a discussion
    • fall on stony ground
    • 未产生预期的结果(或效果);没有开花结果
      to fail to produce the result or the effect that you hope for; to have little success
    • suit sb down to the ground
    • 对某人非常方便;很合某人心意
      to be very convenient or acceptable for sb
    • This job suits me down to the ground.



        地面 surface of earth
      • 地;地面
        the solid surface of the earth
        1. I found her lying on the ground .
        2. He lost his balance and fell to the ground .
        3. 2 metres above/below ground
          地上 / 地下2米
        4. Most of the monkeys' food is found at ground level .
        5. ground forces (= soldiers that fight on land, not in the air or at sea)
        6. Houses and a luxury tourist hotel were burned to the ground (= completely destroyed, so that there is nothing left) .
      • 土壤 soil
      • 土;土地;土壤
        soil on the surface of the earth
        1. fertile ground for planting crops
      • 场地 area of land
      • 开阔地;空旷地
        an area of open land
        1. The kids were playing on waste ground behind the school.
      • (特定用途的)场地
        an area of land that is used for a particular purpose, activity or sport
        1. a football/recreation/sports, etc. ground
        2. ancient burial grounds
      • (某种用途的)地域,水域
        a large area of land or sea that is used for a particular purpose
        1. fishing grounds
        2. feeding grounds for birds
      • 花园 gardens
      • (建筑物周围的)场地,庭院,花园
        the land or gardens around a large building
        1. the hospital grounds
      • 知识 / 思想领域 area of knowledge/ideas
      • (兴趣、知识或思想的)范围,领域
        an area of interest, knowledge or ideas
        1. He managed to cover a lot of ground in a short talk.
        2. We had to go over the same ground (= talk about the same things again) in class the next day.
        3. You're on dangerous ground (= talking about ideas that are likely to offend sb or make people angry) if you criticize his family.
        4. I thought I was on safe ground (= talking about a suitable subject) discussing music with her.
        5. He was back on familiar ground , dealing with the customers.
        6. They are fighting the Conservatives on their own ground .
      • 充分的理由 good reason
      • 充分的理由;根据
        a good or true reason for saying, doing or believing sth
        1. You have no grounds for complaint.
        2. What were his grounds for wanting a divorce?
        3. The case was dismissed on the grounds that there was not enough evidence.
        4. He retired from the job on health grounds .
        5. Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age.
      • 液体 in liquid
      • 渣滓;沉淀物
        the small pieces of solid matter in a liquid that have fallen to the bottom
        1. coffee grounds
      • 电线 electrical wire电线 electrical wire背景 background
      • (绘画或印刷的)背景,底子
        a background that a design is painted or printed on
        1. pink roses on a white ground


        船 boat
      • (使)搁浅,触海底
        when a boat grounds or sth grounds it, it touches the bottom of the sea and is unable to move
        1. The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Cornwall.
      • 飞行器 aircraft
      • 使停飞;阻止…起飞
        to prevent an aircraft from taking off
        1. The balloon was grounded by strong winds.
        2. All planes out of Heathrow have been grounded by the strikes.
      • 孩子 child
      • 罚(儿童)不准出门
        to punish a child by not allowing them to go out with their friends for a period of time
        1. You're grounded for a week!
      • 电 electricity电 electricity


      • 磨细的;磨碎的
        cut or crushed into very small pieces or powder
        1. ground coffee


      • N-SING 地;地面
        The groundis the surface of the earth.
        1. Forty or fifty women were sitting cross-legged on the ground...
        2. We slid down the roof and dropped to the ground.
      • N-SING (相对于空中的)地面
        If you say that something takes placeon the ground, you mean it takes place on the surface of the earth and not in the air.
        1. Coordinating airline traffic on the ground is as complicated as managing the traffic in the air.
      • N-SING 土;土地;土壤
        The groundis the soil and rock on the earth's surface.
        1. The ground had eroded.
        2. ...the marshy ground of the river delta.
      • N-UNCOUNT (尤指建筑物极少或具有某种特性的)土地
        You can refer to land asground, especially when it has very few buildings or when it is considered to be special in some way.
        1. ...a stretch of waste ground...
        2. This memorial stands on sacred ground.
      • N-COUNT (有特定用途的)场地
        You can usegroundto refer to an area of land, sea, or air which is used for a particular activity.
        1. ...Indian hunting grounds...
        2. The best fishing grounds are around the islands.
      • N-COUNT 运动场,…场(美国英语中亦作grounds)
        Agroundis an area of land which is specially designed and made for playing sport or for some other activity. In American Englishgroundsis also used.
        1. ...the city's football ground.
        2. ...a parade ground.
      • N-PLURAL (大型或重要建筑周围的)场地,庭院,花园
        Thegroundsof a large or important building are the garden or area of land which surrounds it.
        1. ...the palace grounds.
        2. ...the grounds of the University.
      • N-VAR (适于方法、思想等发展的)地方
        You can usegroundto refer to a place or situation in which particular methods or ideas can develop and be successful.
        1. The company has maintained its reputation as the developing ground for new techniques...
        2. Seattle is fertile ground for small businesses.
      • N-UNCOUNT 范围;领域;基础
        You can usegroundin expressions such ason shaky groundandthe same groundto refer to a particular subject, area of experience, or basis for an argument.
        1. Sensing she was on shaky ground, Marie changed the subject...
        2. The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation...
        3. It's often necessary to go over the same ground more than once.
      • N-UNCOUNT 优势;有利条件
        Groundis used in expressions such asgain ground,lose ground, andgive groundin order to indicate that someone gets or loses an advantage.
        1. There are signs that the party is gaining ground in the latest polls...
        2. The US dollar lost more ground.
      • N-VAR 理由;根据
        If something isgrounds fora feeling or action, it is a reason for it. If you do somethingon the groundsof a particular thing, that thing is the reason for your action.
        1. In the interview he gave some grounds for optimism...
        2. The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had withheld crucial evidence...
        3. Owen was against it, on the grounds of expense.
      • VERB 以…为根据;建立在…基础上
        If an argument, belief, or opinionis groundedin something, that thing is used to justify it.
        1. Her argument was grounded in fact...
        2. They believe the soul is immortal, grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit.
      • VERB 使不能起飞;使停飞
        If an aircraft or its passengersare grounded, they are made to stay on the ground and are not allowed to take off.
        1. The civil aviation minister ordered all the planes to be grounded...
        2. A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle.
      • VERB 罚(儿童)不能出门;禁足
        When parentsgrounda child, they forbid them to go out and enjoy themselves for a period of time, as a punishment.
        1. Thompson grounded him for a month, and banned television.
      • V-ERG (使)搁浅
        If a ship or boatis groundedor if itgrounds, it touches the bottom of the sea, lake, or river it is on, and is unable to move off.
        1. Residents have been told to stay away from the region where the ship was grounded...
        2. The boat finally grounded on a soft, underwater bank.
        3. ...a grounded oil tanker.
      • 接地装置;地线
        Thegroundin an electric plug or piece of electrical equipment is the wire through which electricity passes into the ground and which makes the equipment safe.
        1. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 earth

        2. ADJ (肉等)切碎的,磨碎的
          Groundmeat has been cut into very small pieces in a machine.
          1. ...ground beef.
          2. ...The sausages are made of coarsely ground pork.
        3. in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 minced

        4. Groundis the past tense and past participle ofgrind.
          1. See also:groundinghome ground
          2. PHRASE 开辟新领域;开创新方法
            If youbreak new ground, you do something completely different or you do something in a completely different way.
            1. Gellhorn may have broken new ground when she filed her first report on the Spanish Civil War.
          3. PHRASE 烧为灰烬;夷为平地
            If you say that a town or buildingis burnt to the groundoris razed to the ground, you are emphasizing that it has been completely destroyed by fire.
            1. The town was razed to the ground after the French Revolution.
          4. 共同看法;相同的立场
            If two people or groups findcommon ground, they agree about something, especially when they do not agree about other things.
            1. PHRASE 躲藏起来;潜伏起来
              If yougo to ground, you hide somewhere where you cannot easily be found.
              1. Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters.
            2. PHRASE 中间立场;中间观点
              Themiddle groundbetween two groups, ideas, or plans involves things which do not belong to either of these groups, ideas, or plans but have elements of each, often in a less extreme form.
              1. She seems to have found a middle ground in which mutual support, rather than complete dependency, is possible.
            3. PHRASE 开始;起步
              If something such as a project getsoff the ground, it begins or starts functioning.
              1. We help small companies to get off the ground.
            4. PHRASE 在自己熟悉的领域里;在自己的地盘
              If you areonyourown ground, you are in a place or situation in which you feel confident because you are very familiar with it.
              1. On her own ground she knows exactly what she's doing.
            5. PHRASE 为…打下基础
              If youprepare the ground fora future event, course of action, or development, you make it easier for it to happen.
              1. ...a political initiative which would prepare the ground for war.
            6. 改变立场;改变观点
              If youshiftyourgroundorchangeyourground, you change the basis on which you are arguing.
              1. PHRASE 坚持主张;坚定立场
                If youstandyourgroundorholdyourground, you continue to support a particular argument or to have a particular opinion when other people are opposing you or trying to make you change your mind.
                1. The spectacle of Sakharov standing his ground and speaking his mind gave me hope.
              2. PHRASE 坚守阵地;不退却
                If youstandyourgroundorholdyourground, you do not run away from a situation, but face it bravely.
                1. She had to force herself to stand her ground when she heard someone approaching.
              3. (工作、衣服等)完全适合
                If you say that something such as a job or piece of clothingsuitssomeonedown to the ground, you mean that it is completely suitable or right for them.
                1. PHRASE 为数不多;数目少
                  If people or things of a particular kind arethin on the ground, there are very few of them.
                  1. Good managers are often thin on the ground.
                2. tohaveone'sear to the ground→ see:ear



                • the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface
                    Synonym:flat coatprimerprimingprimer coatpriming coatundercoat
                  1. (art) the surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting
                    1. a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)
                      1. a relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused
                        1. the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground
                          1. he posed her against a background of rolling hills
                        2. a position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle)
                          1. they gained ground step by step
                          2. they fought to regain the lost ground
                        3. a rational motive for a belief or action
                          1. the reason that war was declared
                          2. the grounds for their declaration
                        4. the solid part of the earth's surface
                          1. the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land
                          2. the earth shook for several minutes
                          3. he dropped the logs on the ground
                          Synonym:landdry landearthsolid groundterra firma
                        5. material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use)
                          1. the land had never been plowed
                          2. good agricultural soil
                        6. a relation that provides the foundation for something
                          1. they were on a friendly footing
                          2. he worked on an interim basis
                        7. the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface
                          1. they dug into the earth outside the church


                        • use as a basis for
                          1. base a claim on some observation
                        • instruct someone in the fundamentals of a subject
                          1. connect to a ground
                            1. ground the electrical connections for safety reasons
                          2. fix firmly and stably
                            1. anchor the lamppost in concrete
                          3. cover with a primer
                            1. hit onto the ground
                              1. hit a groundball
                                1. he grounded to the second baseman
                              2. throw to the ground in order to stop play and avoid being tackled behind the line of scrimmage
                                1. place or put on the ground
                                  1. confine or restrict to the ground
                                    1. After the accident, they grounded the plane and the pilot
                                  2. hit or reach the ground
                                      Synonym:run aground
                                    1. bring to the ground
                                      1. the storm grounded the ship
                                      Synonym:strandrun aground


                                    • Owen was against it, on the grounds of expense.
                                    • The civil aviation minister ordered all the planes to be grounded
                                    • The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had withheld crucial evidence
                                    • Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters.
                                    • She seems to have found a middle ground in which mutual support, rather than complete dependency, is possible.
                                    • This memorial stands on sacred ground.
                                    • Coordinating airline traffic on the ground is as complicated as managing the traffic in the air.
                                    • Residents have been told to stay away from the region where the ship was grounded
                                    • Thompson grounded him for a month, and banned television.
                                    • She had to force herself to stand her ground when she heard someone approaching.