英 [ˈɡreɪɪŋ]
美 [ˈɡreɪɪŋ]
adj. (头发)灰白的,花白的
v. 变灰白; 变花白
- ADJ (头发)灰白的,花白的
If someone hasgreyinghair, there is a lot of grey hair mixed with the person's natural colour.- ...a stern woman with greying hair...
头发花白的严厉女人 - He was a smallish, greying man, with a wrinkly face.
- ...a stern woman with greying hair...
in AM, use 美国英语用 graying
- Three years on, Mourinho looks exhausted, his eyes are deep set, his silky hair atrophied into a greying and often greasy bouffant.
他的眼窝深陷,曾经柔滑的头发花白了,常常油腻而蓬乱。 - France had more babies in2006 than in any year in the past quarter century, capping a decade of rising fertility that has bucked Europe's greying trend.
2006年,法国的新生儿数量自上世纪80年代以来首次创下历史新高,迎来了本世纪的第一次婴儿潮。法国近10年出生率的上涨有效地缓解了该国社会人口老龄化趋势。 - Demographic change is another reason why the workforce is greying.
人口变化是劳动力老龄化的又一原因。 - Take the opportunity to clear out your underwear drawer and consign all greying, baggy bras and pants to the bin.
找个机会清理一下你的内衣,把那些看起来脏兮兮、松垮垮的bra和小裤都扔进垃圾桶。 - There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea.
海上曾经孤立着一座石墨化的塔。 - His torso is still tight and lean but is marked with scars, and his boyish face is aged by wrinkles and greying hair.
虽然身上的肌肉和疤痕依然清晰可见,但在那张年少的脸上已经布满了皱纹,白发爬上了头顶。 - Mr Aguilar, a tubby man with thick greying eyebrows, is one of the many residents of the capital growing uneasy about the risk of infection.
阿吉拉尔身材矮胖,浓密的眉毛日渐灰白。墨西哥城中,有许多居民对被感染的风险愈来愈感到不安,他就是其中一员。 - The administration must find the right balance between promoting growth, raising taxes and cutting expenditure to shore up finances that are being eroded daily by the unfavourable demographics of a greying Japan.
日本政府必须在促进增长、提高税收与削减支出以改善财政状况之间,找到恰当的平衡。老龄化人口结构的不利影响使日本财政状况日渐受到侵蚀。 - His greying hair was curly.
他那慢慢要变苍白了的头发是卷曲着的。 - He was a smallish, greying man, with a wrinkly face.