

英 [greɪts]

美 [greɪts]

n.  名人; 伟人; 伟大的事物


  • ADJ-GRADED 很大的;巨大的
    You usegreatto describe something that is very large.Greatis more formal thanbig.
    1. The room had a great bay window.
    2. ...a great hall as long and high as a church.
  • ADJ-GRADED (数量或程度)大的,巨大的,超乎寻常的
    Greatmeans large in amount or degree.
    1. I'll take great care of it...
    2. Benjamin Britten did not live to a great age.
  • ADJ-GRADED 重大的;闻名的;令人激动的
    You usegreatto describe something that is important, famous, or exciting.
    1. ...the great cultural achievements of the past...
    2. America can be great again.
  • ADJ-GRADED 伟大的;著名的; 卓越的;优秀的
    You can describe someone who is successful and famous for their actions, knowledge, or skill asgreat.
    1. Wes Hall was once one of the West Indies' great cricketers.
    2. ...the great George Padmore.
  • N-PLURAL 伟人;名人;大人物
    Thegreatsin a particular subject or field of activity are the people who have been most successful or famous in it.
    1. ...all the greats of Hollywood.
    2. ...cycling's all-time greats.
  • N-PLURAL 金曲
    Thegreatsof popular modern music are records that have been successful and that continue to be popular.
    1. ...a medley of rock'n'roll greats.
  • ADJ 美妙的;好极了的;了不起的
    If you describe someone or something asgreat, you approve of them or admire them.
    1. Arturo has this great place in Cazadero...
    2. They're a great bunch of guys...
    3. I think she's great.
  • ADJ 十分健康的;精力旺盛的;充满热情的
    If youfeel great, you feel very healthy, energetic, and enthusiastic.
    1. I feel just great.
  • ADJ-GRADED 十足的;非常的
    You usegreatin order to emphasize the size or degree of a characteristic or quality.
    1. ...a great big Italian wedding.
    2. ...her sense of colour and great eye for detail.
  • EXCLAM 妙极了;太好了
    You saygreatin order to emphasize that you are pleased or enthusiastic about something.
    1. Oh great! That'll be good for Fergus.
  • EXCLAM 哼,这倒好(表示气愤、恼火等)
    You saygreatin order to emphasize that you are angry or annoyed about something.
    1. 'Oh great,' I thought. 'Just what I need.'
  • See also:...the great white shark.greater
  • Great,big, andlargeare all used to talk about size. In general,greatis more formal thanlarge, andlargeis more formal thanbig. You normally usegreatto emphasize the importance of someone or something....the great English architect, Inigo Jones.However, you can also usegreatto suggest that something is impressive because of its size.The great bird of prey was a dark smudge against the sun.Bigandlargeare normally used to describe objects, but you can also usebigto suggest that something is important or impressive....his influence over the big advertisers.You can uselargeorgreat, but notbig, to describe amounts....a large amount of blood on the floor. ...the coming of tourists in great numbers.Bothgreatandbigcan be used to emphasize the intensity of something, althoughgreatis more formal.It gives me great pleasure to welcome you... Most of them act like big fools.
    great, big和large均可指大小。总的来说great比large更为正式,而large又比big更正式。great通常强调某人或某物的重要性,例如:the great English architect, Inigo Jones(英格兰伟大的建筑设计师伊尼戈·琼斯)。great也可表示某物因为巨大而令人印象深刻。例如:The great bird of prey was a dark smudge against the sun(逆着太阳望去,那只巨大的猛禽呈一团黑影)。big和great通常用来描述物体,big也可表示某物重要或令人印象深刻,例如:his influence over the big advertisers(他对大广告客户的影响)。large和great可用来形容数量,但是big不可。例如:a large amount of blood on the floor(地板上的一大摊血),the coming of tourists in great numbers(大量游客的到来)。great和big均可用于强调强烈程度,而great更为正式,例如:It gives me great pleasure to welcome you(很荣幸能迎接您的到来),Most of them act like big fools(他们中的大多数人表现得像大傻瓜)。


  • People all say "The famous master has no greats students", I only disagree.
  • This is the land that produced football greats such as Garrincha, Zico, Romario, Ronaldo, Kaka, and the most famous of all, Pele.
  • The experience of rubbing shoulders with the game's greats did, however, teach Jackman an invaluable lesson.
  • I would rate him as one of the Hollywood greats.
  • That question is up there with other greats, such as'Is the Pope Catholic?'and another one about whether bears defecate in the woods.
  • But compared to the greats?
  • His stubbornness is one of the traits that made him one of the all-time greats and the most gifted fighter I have ever covered.
  • Thomas Wolfe and James Joyce among many other literary greats have employed the form.
  • As a novel, Nineteen Eighty-four hardly ranks with the greats.
  • What do literary greats Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Burns have in common?