

n.  庄严;宏伟;伟大;壮丽





  • The emergence, development and grandness of the first British Empire was guided by Mercantilism, it became the fundamental nature of the Old Empire, so the characteristic of the British old colonial system was laxly controlled in politic and rigidly in economy.
  • The enterprise can change the situation, step out of the difficulties through the execution of these reform project, adjust to the situation and demand of market economic development and make it existence, development and grandness in the market competition.
  • Hereon, I express a most cordially thank to leaders at different levels, friends in all fields and colleagues, they have given their considerations and support to us for development and grandness of our causes!
  • Buildup of compared superiority and grandness of industrial group;
  • And the Nine Continents in the Yuanming Yuan are precisely the grand center of this magnificent imperial garden symbolizing the universal Chinese world. It is surely through symbolism that the feeling of grandness rather than smallness communicated.
  • The development and grandness of Chinese battery industry will greatly boost the progress steps of the information economy in China.
  • The painter adopted the focus of overlook, portrayed the grandness and significance of Heavenly Gate Mountain with lines and colors, and mainly described the verve of the mountain.
  • Especially after the year of 2003, the meshwork media of China has coming into a moment of flourish development, and at the same time, the grandness of meshwork has becoming a menace to the traditional media.
  • When I was a kid I had a wish, I wish that when I grow up I can be a teacher, because teacher is the most grandness occupation in the world.
  • Renovation of personnel system, has great effect to set up high quality and socialization professional team, impel the development of economic, progressing of the all society, and achieve our grandness object of reform and opening as well as modernization construct.