

英 [flʌfs]

美 [flʌfs]

n.  (衣服等上的)绒毛,蓬松毛团,尘团; (禽兽,尤指幼者的)绒毛; 没多大意义的娱乐
v.  搞糟; 弄砸; 抖松; 使松散


  • N-UNCOUNT (织物上的)绒毛,蓬松毛团;(小动物的)绒毛
    Fluffconsists of soft threads or fibres in the form of small, light balls or lumps. For example, you can refer to the fur of a small animal asfluff.
    1. ...the nestbox which contained two chicks: just small grey balls of fluff...
    2. She noticed some bits of fluff on the sleeve of her sweater.
  • VERB 出错;搞砸
    If youfluffsomething that you are trying to do, you are unsuccessful or you do it badly.
    1. She fluffed her interview at Oxford.
  • VERB 抖松(靠垫、羽毛等);使蓬松
    If youfluffthings such as cushions or feathers, you get a lot of air into them, for example by shaking or brushing them, in order to make them seem larger and lighter.
    1. She stood up and fluffed her hair, wiggling her fingers through it and then throwing it back.
    2. Fluff upmeans the same asfluff.
      fluff up 同 fluff
    3. Take the pan off the heat and cover for 5 minutes to fluff up the rice.
      把平底锅从火上拿开,焖 5 分钟让米饭变松软。


  • Effects of Sizing on Fluffs on Warp Yarns
  • Little Owl fluffs up his soft, furry feathers.
  • Courtship will include displays in which the male fluffs up his feathers.
  • SCORPIO: makes the bed, fluffs the pillows and asks for volunteers to test it out with them. Please show us the certificate for fire extinguishing and detecting apparatus ( the rules and regulations/ the inspection record).
  • I looked at the little cotton fluffs that were building up along the sidewalk and swirling erratically past my face.
  • A spring breeze gently blowing over the earth, and all things fluffs that has been existing body, stretches out his arms and play a yawn, activity exercise began to recover, for spring is coming.
  • If a candidate fluffs a response in English, she returns to the topic later in the interview, in their own language.
  • Mongolia's landscape is basically a strip of green beneath a stripe of blue, with the odd fluffs of white and slopes of emerald in between.
  • Don't worry too much about making a mistake: nearly everyone fluffs one question and research suggests interviewers prefer candidates who come across as human to those who appear plastic perfect.