

英 [ˈflætnəs]

美 [ˈflætnəs]

n.  平面;平坦;单调;断然的态度


BNC.24955 / COCA.22208


  • N-COUNT (一间)公寓;(一套)单元房
    Aflatis a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor and part of a larger building. A flat usually includes a kitchen and bathroom.
    1. Sara lives with her husband and children in a flat in central London...
    2. It started a fire in a block of flats...
    3. Later on, Victor from flat 10 called.
      后来,10 号公寓的维克托打来电话。
  • in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用apartment

  • ADJ-GRADED 平的;平展的;平滑的
    Something that isflatis level, smooth, or even, rather than sloping, curved, or uneven.
    1. Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it's flat, firm and dry...
    2. After a moment his right hand moved across the cloth, smoothing it flat...
    3. ...windows which a thief can reach from a drainpipe or flat roof...
    4. The sea was calm, perfectly flat.
  • ADJ 水平的;非竖直的
    Flatmeans horizontal and not upright.
    1. Two men near him threw themselves flat...
    2. As heartburn is usually worse when you're lying down in bed, you should avoid lying flat.
  • ADJ-GRADED 浅的;不深的;矮的;扁的
    Aflatobject is not very tall or deep in relation to its length and width.
    1. Ellen is walking down the drive with a square flat box balanced on one hand.
  • ADJ-GRADED (地势)平的,平坦的,无起伏的
    Flatland is level, with no high hills or other raised parts.
    1. To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain...
    2. The landscape became wider, flatter and very scenic...
    3. The highway stretched out flat and straight ahead.
  • N-COUNT 平地;(尤指)低洼地,浅滩
    A low flat area of uncultivated land, especially an area where the ground is soft and wet, can be referred to asflatsor aflat.
    1. The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.
  • N-COUNT 平面;平坦部分
    You can refer to one of the broad flat surfaces of an object asthe flat ofthat object.
    1. He slammed the counter with the flat of his hand.
    2. ...eight cloves of garlic crushed with the flat of a knife.
      用刀面拍碎的 8 粒蒜瓣
  • ADJ-GRADED (鞋)平跟的,平底的
    Flatshoes have no heels or very low heels.
    1. People wear slacks, sweaters, flat shoes, and all manner of casual attire for travel.
    2. Flatsare flat shoes.
    3. His mother looked ten years younger in jeans and flats.
      他妈妈穿上牛仔裤和平跟鞋,看上去年轻了 10 岁。
  • (轮胎、球、气球等)瘪的,没气的
    Aflattyre, ball, or balloon does not have enough air in it.
    1. N-COUNT 瘪了的轮胎
      Aflatis a tyre that does not have enough air in it.
      1. Then, after I finally got back on the highway, I developed a flat.
    2. ADJ-GRADED (饮料)无泡的,走了气的
      A drink that isflatis no longer fizzy.
      1. Could this really stop the champagne from going flat?
    3. ADJ-GRADED (电池)没电的,电耗光的,电不足的
      Aflatbattery has lost some or all of its electrical charge.
      1. His car alarm had been going off for two days and, as a result, the battery was flat.
    4. in AM, use 美国英语用dead

    5. ADJ-GRADED (扁)平足的
      If you haveflatfeet, the arches of your feet are too low.
      1. The condition of flat feet runs in families.
    6. ADJ (拒绝或否认)断然的,坚决的
      Aflatdenial or refusal is definite and firm, and is unlikely to be changed.
      1. The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement...
      2. She is likely to give you a flat refusal.
    7. ADJ 飞速的;短短的
      If you say that something happened, for example, in ten secondsflator ten minutesflat, you are emphasizing that it happened surprisingly quickly and only took ten seconds or ten minutes.
      1. You're sitting behind an engine that'll move you from 0 to 60mph in six seconds flat...
        您面前的引擎,可以在短短 6 秒钟内速度从 0 提升至每小时 60 英里。
      2. I had it all explained to me in two minutes flat.
    8. ADJ (比率、价格或百分比)固定的,统一的
      Aflatrate, price, or percentage is one that is fixed and which applies in every situation.
      1. Fees are charged at a flat rate, rather than on a percentage basis...
      2. Sometimes there's a flat fee for carrying out a particular task...
      3. Medicare is preparing to cut all payments by a flat 2%.
        国家医疗保健体系正准备对所有收费都统一减少 2%。
    9. ADJ-GRADED (贸易或商业)停滞的,不景气的
      If trade or business isflat, it is slow and inactive, rather than busy and improving or increasing.
      1. During the first eight months of this year, sales of big pickups were up 14% while car sales stayed flat...
        今年前 8 个月,大型货车的销售量增加了 14%,而小轿车的销售仍然不景气。
      2. For the country overall, house prices have remained flat.
    10. ADJ-GRADED 枯燥的;无趣的;乏味的
      If you describe something asflat, you mean that it is dull and not exciting or interesting.
      1. The past few days have seemed comparatively flat and empty...
      2. It is a long time since a party leader delivered such a dreadfully flat speech as he did yesterday.
    11. ADJ-GRADED (嗓音)平淡的,单调的
      You useflatto describe someone's voice when they are saying something without expressing any emotion.
      1. 'Whatever you say,' he said in a deadly flat voice. 'I'll sit here and wait.'...
      2. Her voice was flat, with no question or hope in it.
    12. ADJ (用于表示音符的字母后)降半音的,降音的
      Flatis used after a letter representing a musical note to show that the note should be played or sung half a tone lower than the note which otherwise matches that letter.Flatis often represented by the symbol after the letter.
      1. ...Schubert's B flat Piano Trio (Opus 99).
        舒伯特降 B 调钢琴三重奏(第 99 号作品)
    13. ADV-GRADED (演唱或乐器)比标准音低的,音偏低的
      If someone singsflator if a musical instrument isflat, their singing or the instrument is slightly lower in pitch than it should be.
      1. Her vocal range was, to say the least of it, limited, and she had a distressing tendency to sing flat.
      2. Flatis also an adjective.
      3. He had been fired because his singing was flat.
    14. PHRASE 非常平坦的;完全平展的
      If you say that something isas flat as a pancake, you are emphasizing that it is completely flat.
      1. My home state of Illinois is flat as a pancake...
    15. PHRASE 摔倒;跌倒
      If youfall flaton your face, you fall over.
      1. A man walked in off the street and fell flat on his face, unconscious.
    16. PHRASE 失败;不成功
      If an event or attemptfalls flatorfalls flat onitsface, it is unsuccessful.
      1. Liz meant it as a joke but it fell flat...
      2. If it wasn't for the main actress, Ellen Barkin, the plot would have fallen flat on its face.
    17. PHRASE 一文不名;身无分文;一贫如洗
      If you say that you areflat broke, you mean that you have no money at all.
      1. Two years later he is flat broke and on the dole.
    18. PHRASE 全速;全力以赴;竭尽全力
      If you do somethingflat out, you do it as fast or as hard as you can.
      1. Everyone is working flat out to try to trap those responsible...
      2. They hurtled across the line in a flat-out sprint.
    19. PHRASE 完完全全的;确确实实的
      You useflat outto emphasize that something is completely the case.
      1. That allegation is a flat-out lie...
      2. They say the industry is flat out lying about the effects of deregulation.
    20. PHRASE 在平地上
      On the flatmeans on level ground.
      1. He had angina and was unable to walk for more than 200 yards on the flat.
        他患有心绞痛,在平地上最多能走 200 码。
    21. in a flat spin→ see:spin




    • The model offers a reasonable explanation for the flatness of the rotation curves of galaxies.
    • The laminar cooling has affect on the microstructure, property and flatness of strip during the hot rolling production.
    • A Fast Evaluation Method for Flatness and Straightness Tolerance by Means of Incremental Algorithm;
    • Faster maintenance in-line. Flat seating faces can be lapped and checked for flatness easier.
    • In fact, flatness is one of our core values.
    • A novel computational model of3-D flatness is developed, and a new model of flatness detection signal is explored.
    • Study on Accurate and Fleet Algorithm for Flatness Error Evaluation
    • According to the characteristics of flatness error evaluation, an algorithm based on convex hull theoretics of computational geometric techniques is proposed in this paper.
    • Location precision is very important, just as the flatness and parallel of linear guide rail.
    • Straightness and flatness tolerances are very good after the standard stretching operation.