

英 [ˈfɪdlz]

美 [ˈfɪdlz]

v.  (尤指厌烦或紧张地)不断摸弄,不停摆弄; 篡改; 伪造; 对…做手脚; 拉小提琴
n.  欺诈; 骗钱行为; 骗局; 修理; 调整; 摆弄; 难事


  • VERB 摆弄;拨弄
    If youfiddle withan object, you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers.
    1. Harriet fiddled with a pen on the desk.
  • VERB 作小改动;略微变动;稍稍修改
    If youfiddle withsomething, you change it in minor ways.
    1. She told Whistler that his portrait of her was finished and to stop fiddling with it.
  • VERB 调校;调整
    If youfiddle witha machine, you adjust it.
    1. He turned on the radio and fiddled with the knob until he got a talk show.
  • VERB 篡改,伪造(财务记录)
    If someonefiddlesfinancial documents, they alter them dishonestly so that they get money for themselves.
    1. He's been fiddling the books...
    2. Stop fiddling your expenses account.
  • N-COUNT 欺诈;诈骗
    Afiddleis a dishonest action or scheme in which someone gets money for themselves.
    1. Police investigating a £10 million car insurance fiddle arrested 16 people yesterday.
      调查涉及 1,000 万英镑的汽车保险诈骗案的警察昨天逮捕了 16 人。
    2. ...legitimate businesses that act as covers for tax fiddles.
  • N-SING 麻烦之事;繁琐之事
    If something isa fiddle, it is quite difficult to do because it involves small or complicated objects.
    1. I found out how to fix the tray on — a bit of a fiddle.
  • N-VAR (尤指用于演奏民间音乐的)小提琴
    Some people call violinsfiddles, especially when they are used to play folk music.
    1. Hardy as a young man played the fiddle at local dances.
  • PHRASE 非常健康;充满活力
    Someone who is asfit as a fiddleis very healthy and full of energy.
    1. I'm as fit as a fiddle — with energy to spare.
  • 干骗钱的勾当;诈骗
    If someone ison the fiddle, they get money by doing illegal or dishonest things.
    1. 大难临头仍歌舞升平;见危难而若无其事
      If you say that someoneis fiddling whileRomeburns, you mean that they are not dealing with a difficult or dangerous situation but instead are doing useless things or pretending that nothing is wrong.
      1. PHRASE 处于次要地位;当副手;唱配角
        If youplay second fiddleto someone, your position is less important than theirs in something that you are doing together.
        1. She hated the thought of playing second fiddle to Rose.
      2. PHRASAL VERB 摆弄,拨弄(使运转)
        If youfiddle aroundorfiddle aboutwith a machine, you do things to it to try and make it work.
        1. Two of them got out to fiddle around with the engine.
      3. PHRASAL VERB 虚度光阴;无所事事;瞎混
        If someonefiddles aroundorfiddles about, they waste time doing unimportant things instead of dealing with important problems.
        1. He wants lawmakers to basically stop fiddling around as the country moves closer to breaking up...
        2. He wastes time fiddling about with minor matters.
      4. PHRASAL VERB 对…作无谓的修改
        If you say that someone isfiddling around withorfiddling about withsomething, you mean that they are changing it in a way that you disapprove of.
        1. Right now in Congress, they're fiddling around with the budget and so on...
        2. One always wonders when a man starts fiddling about with his Will.


      • Two-stringed fiddles are the leading instruments in most Chaozhou music performances, except for those featuring gongs and drums music.
      • She always fiddles with her van on the weekend.
      • The accompanying instruments are quite simple, usually accordions, two-stringed Chinese fiddles and bamboo flutes.
      • He fiddles with his papers on the table.
      • In his room he fiddles with a laptop, leafs through a motorcycle magazine, and plays with a foam basketball.
      • The girl fiddles well.
      • He plays the piano and fiddles a bit.
      • Seated on the ground are a group of young men playing horse-headed fiddles.
      • Guitars, banjos and violins also known as fiddles give country music its characteristic sound.
      • The most prominent musical instruments are two-stringed fiddles and percussion instruments.