

英 [ˌdɪsjuˈnaɪtɪŋ]

美 [ˌdɪsjuˈnaɪtɪŋ]

网络  使不和; 使分离



  • This perhaps was partly due to the character of Chinese cosmological thinking that emphasized unity, order and harmony between Heaven, Earth and Man, and thus was particularly sensitive to abnormal phenomena which by definition were disuniting, disorderly and unharmonious.
  • The latter holds that conformity is necessary to the unity of a nation and that multiculturalism will finally lead to the disuniting of the United States.
  • But economic history is littered with examples of fixed exchange rates that came unfixed; the disuniting of currency unions, though rarer, happens from time to time.
  • Under the influence of Chinese discourse structures, Chinese ESL students tend to produce the ESL writings that seem incoherent and disuniting in English context.
  • A Moral Scanning on Disuniting Policy of City and Countryside in China& To Compare Peasants with Primeval Chinese's Social Befall in America
  • S: Our principal purpose: By means of criticism and analysis to negative consequences of disuniting policy of city and countryside in China because of moral dimension absence, attempt to alert moral consciousness weakness phenomenon in some policy establisher and social theorist.
  • These economic problems risk disuniting the country's coalition government.
  • First, it shows union of science and human, then, shows science rationality noticeably, but disuniting of science and human. Finally, it will focus science rationality and humanity thought on human ultimate solicitude and call new human centralism.