

英 [dɪp]

美 [dɪp]

v.  蘸; 浸; (使)下降,下沉; 把(汽车前灯的)远光调为近光
n.  游一游; 泡一泡; (通常指暂时的)减少,下降,衰退; 凹陷处; 低洼处

过去式:dipped 现在分词:dipping 过去分词:dipped 复数:dips 第三人称单数:dips 


Collins.2 / BNC.4987 / COCA.4532


    dip into sth

    • 把手伸进(…里取东西)
      to put your hand into a container to take sth out
      1. He dipped the brush into the paint.
      2. Dip your hand in to see how hot the water is.
      3. The fruit had been dipped in chocolate.
    • 浏览;略为过目;涉猎
      to read or watch only parts of sth
      1. The sun dipped below the horizon.
      2. Sales for this quarter have dipped from 38.7 million to 33 million.
        本季度销售额从3 870万下降到3 300万。
      3. The road dipped suddenly as we approached the town.
      4. The plane dipped its wings.
    • 提取(款项);动用(存款)
      to take an amount from money that you have saved



          dip into your pocket
        • 花钱;掏腰包
          to spend some of your own money on sth
        • dip a toe in/into sthdip a toe in/into the water
        • 涉足试试;试做
          to start doing sth very carefully to see if it will be successful or not



          • 蘸;浸
            to put sth quickly into a liquid and take it out again
            1. He dipped the brush into the paint.
            2. Dip your hand in to see how hot the water is.
            3. The fruit had been dipped in chocolate.
          • (使)下降,下沉
            to go downwards or to a lower level; to make sth do this
            1. The sun dipped below the horizon.
            2. Sales for this quarter have dipped from 38.7 million to 33 million.
              本季度销售额从3 870万下降到3 300万。
            3. The road dipped suddenly as we approached the town.
            4. The plane dipped its wings.
          • 把(汽车前灯的)远光调为近光
            if you dip your headlights when driving a car at night, you make the light from them point down so that other drivers do not have the light in their eyes
            1. 给(牲畜,尤指绵羊)洗药浴
              when farmers dip animals, especially sheep, they put them in a bath of a liquid containing chemicals in order to kill insects, etc.


              • 游一游;泡一泡
                a quick swim
                1. Let's go for a dip before breakfast.
              • (通常指暂时的)减少,下降,衰退
                a decrease in the amount or success of sth, usually for only a short period
                1. a sharp dip in profits
              • 凹陷处;低洼处
                a place where a surface suddenly drops to a lower level and then rises again
                1. a dip in the road
                2. Puddles had formed in the dips.
              • 调味酱(用食物来蘸着吃)
                a thick mixture into which pieces of food are dipped before being eaten
                1. 药浴液,清洗液(用于绵羊或其他牲畜洗浴以杀死身上的虫子)
                  a liquid containing a chemical into which sheep and other animals can be dipped in order to kill insects on them
                  1. 浏览;草草翻阅
                    a quick look at sth
                    1. A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view.
                  2. (降而复升的)一动
                    a quick movement of sth down and up
                    1. He gave a dip of his head.


                  • VERB 浸;蘸
                    If youdipsomethingina liquid, you put it into the liquid for a short time, so that only part of it is covered, and take it out again.
                    1. They dip the food into the sauce...
                    2. Quickly dip the base in and out of cold water.
                    3. Dipis also a noun.
                    4. One dip into the bottle should do an entire nail.
                  • VERB 把(手)伸入
                    If youdipyour handintoa container ordip intothe container, you put your hand into it in order to take something out of it.
                    1. She dipped a hand into the jar of sweets and pulled one out...
                    2. Watch your fingers as you dip into the pot...
                    3. Ask the children to guess what's in each container by dipping their hands in.
                  • VERB (通常指迅速地)下降,下落,下沉
                    If somethingdips, it makes a downward movement, usually quite quickly.
                    1. Blake jumped in expertly; the boat dipped slightly under his weight...
                    2. The sun dipped below the horizon.
                    3. Dipis also a noun.
                    4. I noticed little things, a dip of the head, a twitch in the shoulder.
                  • VERB 陡然下降;凹下去;突然下倾
                    If an area of land, a road, or a pathdips, it goes down quite suddenly to a lower level.
                    1. The road dipped and rose again.
                    2. ...a path which suddenly dips down into a tunnel.
                    3. Dipis also a noun.
                    4. Where the road makes a dip, turn right.
                  • VERB 给(羊等家畜)洗药浴
                    When farmersdipsheep or other farm animals, they put them into a container of liquid with chemicals in it, in order to kill harmful insects which live on the animals' bodies.
                    1. Their father was helping to dip the sheep.
                  • N-UNCOUNT 药浴液;浸液
                    Dipis a liquid with chemicals in it which animals or objects can be dipped in to disinfect or clean them.
                    1. ...sheep dip.
                  • VERB (数量或水平,通常短暂地)下降,下跌,减少
                    If the amount or level of somethingdips, it becomes smaller or lower, usually only for a short period of time.
                    1. Unemployment dipped to 6.9 per cent last month...
                      上个月失业率降到了 6.9%。
                    2. The president became more cautious as his popularity dipped.
                    3. Dipis also a noun.
                    4. ...the current dip in farm spending.
                  • N-VAR 蘸酱;(蘸蔬菜或饼干吃的)调味酱,果酱
                    Adipis a thick creamy sauce. You dip pieces of raw vegetable or biscuits into the sauce and then eat them.
                    1. Maybe we could just buy some dips.
                    2. ...prawns with avocado dip.
                  • N-COUNT (短时的)游泳,泡水
                    If you have or take adip, you go for a quick swim in the sea, a river, or a swimming pool.
                    1. She flicked through a romantic paperback between occasional dips in the pool.
                  • VERB 将(汽车前灯)调为近光
                    If you are driving a car anddipthe headlights, you operate a switch that makes them shine downwards, so that they do not shine directly into the eyes of other drivers.
                    1. He dipped his headlights as they came up behind a slow-moving van...
                    2. This picture shows the view from a car using normal dipped lights.
                  • in AM, use 美国英语用 dim

                  • VERB 浏览;翻看
                    If youdip intoa book, you have a brief look at it without reading or studying it seriously.
                    1. ...a chance to dip into a wide selection of books on Buddhism.
                  • VERB 动用(款项等)
                    If youdip intoa sum of money that you had intended to save, you use some of it to buy something or pay for something.
                    1. Just when she was ready to dip into her savings, Greg hastened to her rescue.
                  • See also:lucky dip



                  • a gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and straightening the arms
                    1. a brief swim in water
                      1. a candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wax or tallow
                        1. a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity
                          1. a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index
                          2. there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery
                          3. a dip in prices
                          4. when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall
                          Synonym:dropfallfree fall
                        2. a brief immersion
                          1. tasty mixture or liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped
                            1. a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places
                              1. (physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon
                                  Synonym:angle of dipmagnetic dipmagnetic inclinationinclination
                                1. a depression in an otherwise level surface
                                  1. there was a dip in the road


                                • stain an object by immersing it in a liquid
                                  1. go down momentarily
                                    1. Prices dipped
                                  2. dip into a liquid while eating
                                    1. She dunked the piece of bread in the sauce
                                  3. scoop up by plunging one's hand or a ladle below the surface
                                    1. dip water out of a container
                                  4. immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate
                                    1. dip the garment into the cleaning solution
                                    2. dip the brush into the paint
                                  5. plunge (one's hand or a receptacle) into a container
                                    1. He dipped into his pocket
                                  6. immerse in a disinfectant solution
                                    1. dip the sheep
                                  7. place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax
                                    1. dip into a liquid
                                      1. He dipped into the pool
                                    2. slope downwards
                                      1. Our property dips towards the river
                                    3. appear to move downward
                                      1. The sun dipped below the horizon
                                      2. The setting sun sank below the tree line
                                    4. lower briefly
                                      1. She dipped her knee
                                    5. switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam
                                      1. take a small amount from
                                        1. I had to dip into my savings to buy him this present


                                      • Dip the bread briefly in water, then squeeze it dry.
                                      • The dip in prices this summer will be brutal
                                      • Put the presents in the middle of the room so that everyone can dip in.
                                      • Watch your fingers as you dip into the pot
                                      • The company had to dip into a reserve fund to pay for all the new equipment.
                                      • Their father was helping to dip the sheep.
                                      • She flicked through a romantic paperback between occasional dips in the pool.
                                      • Spear a piece of fish with a carving fork and dip it in the batter
                                      • Blake jumped in expertly; the boat dipped slightly under his weight
                                      • He dipped his headlights as they came up behind a slow-moving van