

英 [dɛpθs]

美 [dɛpθs]

n.  向下的距离; 深(度); 纵深; 向里的距离; 宽(度); 深厚; 诚挚; 强烈


  • N-VAR (从上到下的)深(度)
    Thedepthof something such as a river or hole is the distance downwards from its top surface, or between its upper and lower surfaces.
    1. The smaller lake ranges from five to fourteen feet in depth...
      小一些的湖深度从 5 英尺到 14 英尺不等。
    2. The depth of the shaft is 520 yards...
    3. Pour the vegetable oil into a frying pan to a depth of about 1cm...
    4. They were detected at depths of more than a kilometre in the sea.
  • (从前到后的)深(度);纵深
    Thedepthof something such as a cupboard or drawer is the distance between its front surface and its back.
    1. N-VAR (感情的)深厚,深切
      If an emotion is very strongly or intensely felt, you can talk about itsdepth.
      1. I am well aware of the depth of feeling that exists in Londonderry...
      2. 'Tough, isn't it?' was all she said, but Amy felt the depth of her unspoken sympathy.
    2. N-UNCOUNT 严重性;严峻性
      Thedepthof a situation is its extent and seriousness.
      1. The country's leadership had underestimated the depth of the crisis.
    3. N-UNCOUNT (知识等的)渊博
      Thedepthof someone's knowledge is the great amount that they know.
      1. We felt at home with her and were impressed with the depth of her knowledge...
      2. It makes invaluable reading for anyone who wants to acquire a greater depth of understanding of the subject.
    4. N-UNCOUNT (颜色的)浓度
      Thedepthof a colour is its intensity and strength.
      1. White wines tend to gain depth of colour with age...
      2. The blue base gives the red paint more depth.
    5. N-UNCOUNT (照片、画作等的)景深
      In photography and art, you say that a picture hasdepthordepth of fieldwhen you mean that it appears three-dimensional rather than flat.
      1. All the paintings are startlingly dramatic as a result of their depth of field and colour.
    6. N-UNCOUNT 深刻;深奥
      If you say that someone or something hasdepth, you mean that they have serious and interesting qualities which are not immediately obvious and which you have to think about carefully before you can fully understand them.
      1. His music lacks depth...
      2. There are hidden depths in all of us.
    7. N-PLURAL (海洋或陆地的)深处,深渊
      The depthsare places that are a long way below the surface of the sea or earth.
      1. The ship vanished into the depths.
    8. N-PLURAL (某一区域的)深处,腹地
      If you talk aboutthe depths ofan area, you mean the parts of it which are very far from the edge.
      1. ...the depths of the countryside...
      2. Somewhere in the depths of the pine forest an identical sound reverberated.
    9. N-PLURAL (某一不快感情的)极限
      If you arein the depths ofan unpleasant emotion, you feel that emotion very strongly.
      1. I was in the depths of despair when the baby was sick.
    10. N-PLURAL …的中间部分;…最严重的时候;…最强烈的时候
      If something happens inthe depths ofa difficult or unpleasant period of time, it happens in the middle and most severe or intense part of it.
      1. The country is in the depths of a recession.
      2. ...the depths of winter.
    11. PHRASE 深入地;彻底地;全面地
      If you deal with a subjectin depth, you deal with it very thoroughly and consider all the aspects of it.
      1. We will discuss these three areas in depth...
      2. Their achievements have already been analysed in depth and do not require further discussion.
    12. PHRASE 应付不了;力所不及
      If you say that someone isout oftheirdepth, you mean that they are in a situation that is much too difficult for them to be able to cope with it.
      1. Mr Gibson is clearly intellectually out of his depth...
      2. I'd always struggled at school. I hated it and felt out of my depth.
    13. 在水深没顶的地方
      If you areout ofyourdepth, you are in water that is deeper than you are tall, with the result that you cannot stand up with your head above water.
      1. toplumb new depths→ see:plumb


      • I was in the depths of despair when the baby was sick.
      • I feel Indian to the most profound depths of my soul.
      • They were detected at depths of more than a kilometre in the sea.
      • For varying cutting depths and interrupted cutting.
      • He is sunk in the depths of vice.
      • Simon felt as though he were sinking slowly down into the crushing depths of the sea.
      • The aphotic depths of the sea where no photosynthesis occurs.
      • Last night's harrowing television pictures plumbed new depths of depravity.
      • Many dolphins can dive to depths of200 metres.
      • The country is in the depths of a recession.