

英 [dɪˈfens]

美 [dɪˈfens]

n.  防御; 保护; 保卫; 防御物; 防务; 防御能力; 国防机构; 国防体系



Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.788 / COCA.21674



      防御 protection against attack
    • 防御;保护;保卫
      the act of protecting sb/sth from attack, criticism, etc.
      1. soldiers who died in defence of their country
      2. When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence .
      3. What points can be raised in defence of this argument?
      4. I have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand.
    • 防御物;防务;防御能力
      something that provides protection against attack from enemies, the weather, illness, etc.
      1. The town walls were built as a defence against enemy attacks.
      2. The harbour's sea defences are in poor condition.
      3. The body has natural defence mechanisms to protect it from disease.
      4. Humour is a more effective defence than violence.
    • 国防机构;国防体系
      the organization of the people and systems that are used by a government to protect a country from attack
      1. the Ministry of Defence
      2. the Department of Defense
      3. Further cuts in defence spending are being considered.
    • 支持 support
    • 辩解;辩白
      something that is said or written in order to support sth
      1. a defence of Marxism
    • 法律 law
    • 辩护;辩词;答辩
      what is said in court to prove that a person did not commit a crime; the act of presenting this argument in court
      1. Her defence was that she was somewhere completely different at the time of the crime.
      2. He wanted to conduct his own defence.
    • 辩护律师
      the lawyer or lawyers whose job is to prove in court that a person did not commit a crime
      1. 体育运动 in sport
      2. 防守队员;防守;后卫
        the players who must prevent the other team from scoring; the position of these players on the sports field
        1. Welford cut through the defence to score the winning goal.
        2. She plays in defence .
        3. He plays on defense .
      3. 卫冕赛
        a contest, game, etc. in which the previous winner or winners compete in order to try to win again
        1. Milan's defence of the European Cup


        The spelling defense is used in American English, and in meaning 8 is pronounced /'diːfens/. 美国英语中拼作 defense,义项 8 读作/'diːfens/。

      • N-UNCOUNT 防御;保卫;保护
        Defenceis action that is taken to protect someone or something against attack.
        1. The land was flat, giving no scope for defence...
        2. By wielding a knife in defence you run the risk of having it used against you.
      • N-UNCOUNT 国防;军事防御
        Defenceis the organization of a country's armies and weapons, and their use to protect the country or its interests.
        1. Twenty eight percent of the federal budget is spent on defense.
        2. ...the French defence minister.
        3. ...a five per cent cut in defence spending.
          军费开支削减 5%
      • N-PLURAL (国家或地区的)防御力量
        Thedefencesof a country or region are all its armed forces and weapons.
        1. ...the need to maintain Britain's defences at a sufficiently high level.
      • N-COUNT 防御物;防卫手段
        Adefenceis something that people or animals can use or do to protect themselves.
        1. The immune system is our main defence against disease...
        2. The boy could have felt sorry for himself and become depressed, or he could have adopted hardened cynicism as a defense.
      • N-COUNT 辩护;辩解
        Adefenceis something that you say or write which supports ideas or actions that have been criticized or questioned.
        1. Chomsky'sdefence of his approach goes further...
        2. The Party Congress has closed with a spirited defence of the government's economic programme from the Deputy Prime Minister...
        3. 'I've never used my Nigerian name, even before I was Chrystal Rose,' she said in defence.
      • N-COUNT (法庭上被告的)辩护,答辩
        In a court of law, an accused person'sdefenceis the process of presenting evidence in their favour.
        1. He has insisted on conducting his own defence.
      • N-SING (被告律师的)辩护方法(或理由);辩护律师
        The defenceis the case that is presented by a lawyer in a trial for the person who has been accused of a crime. You can also refer to this person's lawyers asthe defence.
        1. The defence was that the records of the interviews were fabricated by the police...
        2. The defence pleaded insanity, but the defendant was found guilty and sentenced.
        3. ...defence lawyers.
      • N-SING-COLL (足球、曲棍球等运动中的)防守(队员)
        In games such as football or hockey, thedefenceis the group of players in a team who try to stop the opposing players scoring a goal or a point.
        1. Their defence, so strong last season, has now conceded 12 goals in six games...
          他们的防守上个赛季牢不可破,但在本赛季的 6 场比赛里已经丢了 12 个球。
        2. I still prefer to play in defence.
      • PHRASE 替…辩护;为…辩解
        If you cometosomeone'sdefence, you help them by doing or saying something to protect them.
        1. He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense...
        2. Tony sprang to the defence of the 21-year-old, saying he was not to blame.
          托尼马上站出来为那个 21 岁的男孩辩护,说那不是他的错。



      • the act of defending someone or something against attack or injury
        1. a good boxer needs a good defense
        2. defense against hurricanes is an urgent problem
      • protection from harm
        1. sanitation is the best defense against disease
      • (military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies
        1. they died in the defense of Stalingrad
        2. they were developed for the defense program
        Synonym:defensedefensive measure
      • a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him
        1. he gave evidence for the defense
      • a structure used to defend against attack
        1. the artillery battered down the defenses
        Synonym:defensive structuredefense
      • the justification for some act or belief
        1. he offered a persuasive defense of the theory
      • the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions
        1. his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive
        2. in defense he said the other man started it
      • an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack
        1. he joined the defense against invasion
        Synonym:defensedefense forcedefence force
      • the defendant and his legal advisors collectively
        1. the defense called for a mistrial
        Synonym:defensedefense teamdefense lawyers
      • (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring
        1. his teams are always good on defense
        Synonym:defensedefending team
      • (psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
          Synonym:defense mechanismdefense reactiondefence mechanismdefence reactiondefense


        • I did not want to wound him, but to restrict myself to defence, to parry his attacks
        • The immune system is our main defence against disease
        • The French Defence Minister is to visit Japan later this month for talks with his Japanese opposite number
        • I still prefer to play in defence.
        • The defence was that the records of the interviews were fabricated by the police
        • He has insisted on conducting his own defence.
        • They were neglected before because they did not come under the Ministry of Defence.
        • The jury have heard evidence from defence witnesses
        • The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister
        • The defence pleaded insanity, but the defendant was found guilty and sentenced.