

英 [ˈkɒmplɪment , ˈkɒmplɪmənt]

美 [ˈkɑːmplɪment , ˈkɑːmplɪmənt]

v.  补充; 补足; 使完美; 使更具吸引力
n.  补充物; 补足物; 足数; 足额; 补足语; 补语

过去分词:complemented 第三人称单数:complements 现在分词:complementing 过去式:complemented 复数:complements 


Collins.2 / BNC.5703 / COCA.6760



    • 补充;补足;使完美;使更具吸引力
      to add to sth in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive
      1. The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list.
      2. The team needs players who complement each other .


    • 补充物;补足物
      a thing that adds new qualities to sth in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive
      1. 足数;足额
        the complete number or quantity needed or allowed
        1. We've taken our full complement of trainees this year.
      2. 补足语;补语
        a word or phrase, especially an adjective or a noun, that is used after linking verbs such as be and become , and describes the subject of the verb. In some descriptions of grammar it is used to refer to any word or phrase which is governed by a verb and usually comes after the verb in a sentence.
        1. In the sentences ‘I'm angry’ and ‘He became a politician’, ‘angry’ and ‘politician’ are complements.
          在句子 I'm angry 和 He became a politician 中,angry 和 politician 为补语。


        The verb is pronounced /'kɒmplɪment/. The noun is pronounced /'kɒmplɪmənt/. 动词读作 /'kɒmplɪment/。名词读作 /'kɒmplɪmənt/。

      • VERB 使(优点)突出;衬托出
        If one thingcomplementsanother, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable.
        1. Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.
      • VERB 补足;补充;与…相辅相成
        If people or thingscomplementeach other, they are different or do something different, which makes them a good combination.
        1. There will be a written examination to complement the practical test...
        2. We complement one another perfectly.
      • N-COUNT 衬托物;补足物
        Something that is acomplement tosomething else complements it.
        1. The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser...
        2. Political knowledge is a necessary complement to science in approaching solutions to these problems.
      • N-COUNT 装备定额;编制名额
        Thecomplement ofthings or people that something has is the number of things or people that it normally has, which enable it to function properly.
        1. Each ship had a complement of around a dozen officers and 250 men...
        2. Not one house on the Close still had its full complement of windows.
      • 补语
        In grammar, thecomplementof a link verb is an adjective group or noun group which comes after the verb and describes or identifies the subject. For example, in the sentence 'They felt very tired', 'very tired' is the complement. In 'They were students', 'students' is the complement.



        • something added to complete or embellish or make perfect
          1. a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner
          2. wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish
        • either of two parts that mutually complete each other
          1. a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction
            1. number needed to make up a whole force
              1. a full complement of workers
              Synonym:full complement
            2. a complete number or quantity
              1. a full complement
            3. one of a series of enzymes in the blood serum that are part of the immune response


              • make complete or perfect
                1. I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup


              • This term is the complement of Micro-level Structure.
              • It will be a good complement to other techniques.
              • And although schemas provide some error handling, it is useful to complement them in the application.
              • Such a close economic relationship indicates that the countries complement and depend on each other.
              • Yet he intended his studies on happiness and health to complement those of the established schools of psychology.
              • The author analysis complement and perfect the theory about transaction cost of enterprises.
              • The strength of the new approach is that its engineering and institutional innovations complement and reinforce each other.
              • Not one house on the Close still had its full complement of windows.
              • Detailed descriptions were made on key points management, process stream and complement management system.
              • This capability can complement a model-driven development approach to software development.