

英 [kæt]

美 [kæt]

n.  猫; 猫科动物
vt.  把(锚)吊放在锚架上

复数:cats 现在分词:catting 过去式:catted 第三人称单数:cats 过去分词:catted 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.1712 / COCA.1775



      be the cat's whiskers/pyjamas
    • 最棒的东西(或主意、人等)
      to be the best thing, person, idea, etc.
    • He thinks he's the cat's whiskers (= he has a high opinion of himself) .
    • let the cat out of the bag
    • (无意中)泄露秘密
      to tell a secret carelessly or by mistake
    • I wanted it to be a surprise, but my sister let the cat out of the bag.
    • like a cat on hot bricks
    • 局促不安;如坐针毡;像热锅上的蚂蚁
      very nervous
    • She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test.
    • like a cat that's got the cream
    • 扬扬得意;踌躇满志
      very pleased with yourself
    • look like sth the cat brought/dragged in
    • 穿着邋遢;衣衫褴褛;不修边幅
      to look dirty and untidy
    • not have/stand a cat in hell's chance (of doing sth)
    • 毫无机会
      to have no chance at all
    • play (a game of) cat and mouse with sbplay a cat-and-mouse game with sb
    • 和某人玩起猫捉老鼠的游戏;耍弄
      to play a cruel game with sb in your power by changing your behaviour very often, so that they become nervous and do not know what to expect
    • put/set the cat among the pigeons
    • 引起麻烦;招惹是非
      to say or do sth that is likely to cause trouble
    • when the cat's away the mice will play
    • 猫儿不在,老鼠玩得自在(指管事的不在,下面的人玩个痛快)
      people enjoy themselves more and behave with greater freedom when the person in charge of them is not there
    • curiosity killed the cat
    • 好奇心能要猫的命(让人别提问或打听与己无关的事情)
      used to tell sb not to ask questions or try to find out about things that do not concern them
    • be raining cats and dogs
    • 下倾盆大雨
      to be raining heavily
    • no room to swing a cat
    • 没有活动的余地;连转身都很难
      when sb says there's no room to swing a cat , they mean that a room is very small and that there is not enough space
    • there's more than one way to skin a cat
    • (要做成某事)方法不止一个,有的是办法
      there are many different ways to achieve sth



      • a small animal with soft fur that people often keep as a pet. Cats catch and kill birds and mice.
        1. cat food
      • 猫科动物
        a wild animal of the cat family
        1. the big cats (= lions , tigers , etc.)


      • Acatis a furry animal that has a long tail and sharp claws. Cats are often kept as pets.
        1. 猫科动物
          Catsare lions, tigers, and other wild animals in the same family.
          1. See also:Cheshire catfat catwildcat
          2. (无意中)泄露秘密;说漏嘴
            If youlet the cat out of the bag, you tell people about something that was being kept secret. You often do this by mistake.
            1. PHRASE 好奇害死猫;事不关己,不要打听
              You say 'Curiosity killed the cat' in order to tell someone that they should not try to find out about something which does not concern them.
              1. 'All right, I've been reading it. So what?' — 'Curiosity killed the cat, that's what.'
            2. PHRASE 衣衫褴褛;不修边幅
              If youlook like something the cat dragged inorbrought in, you are very untidy or dirty.
              1. I must look like something the cat dragged in.
            3. PHRASE (打斗、竞赛中)玩猫戏老鼠,戏弄,捉弄
              In a fight or contest, if one person playscat and mouse, or agame of cat and mouse, with the other, the first person tries to confuse or deceive the second in order to defeat them.
              1. After three hours of playing cat and mouse, they threatened to open fire on our vessel, so we stopped...
              2. It's a cat-and-mouse game to him.
            4. PHRASE 引起纷争;挑起轩然大波
              If youput the cat among the pigeonsorset the cat among the pigeons, you cause fierce argument or discussion by doing or saying something.
              1. The bank is poised to put the cat among the pigeons this morning by slashing the cost of borrowing.
            5. PHRASE 地方狭小;空间拥挤
              If you say 'There's no room to swing a cat' or 'You can't swing a cat', you mean that the place you are talking about is very small or crowded.
              1. It was described as a large, luxury mobile home, but there was barely room to swing a cat.



            • feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and no ability to roar: domestic cats
                Synonym:true cat
              1. any of several large cats typically able to roar and living in the wild
                  Synonym:big cat
                1. a large tracked vehicle that is propelled by two endless metal belts
                  1. a whip with nine knotted cords
                    1. British sailors feared the cat
                  2. the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea
                    1. in Yemen kat is used daily by 85% of adults
                    Synonym:katkhatqatquatArabian teaAfrican tea
                  3. a spiteful woman gossip
                    1. what a cat she is!
                  4. an informal term for a youth or man
                    1. a nice guy
                    2. the guy's only doing it for some doll



                  • He had a grin on his face like a Cheshire Cat.
                  • My cat hissed when I stepped on its tail
                  • My cat Gustaf was the only thing I had — the only company.
                  • I really thought I'd lost her. Everybody kept asking me, 'Have you found your cat?'
                  • He excused himself by saying he was 'forced to rob to maintain my wife and cat'
                  • Before I could get the pigeon the cat pounced.
                  • A cat was rubbing against my leg
                  • I'm too old to have a dog now. I'm a cat woman.
                  • The cat dozed off by the fire.
                  • Her cat came up and rubbed itself against their legs