

英 [ˈkæpɪtlz]

美 [ˈkæpɪtlz]

n.  首都; 国都; 资本; 资金; 启动资金; 财富; 财产


  • N-UNCOUNT 资本;资金
    Capitalis a large sum of money which you use to start a business, or which you invest in order to make more money.
    1. Companies are having difficulty in raising capital...
    2. A large amount of capital is invested in all these branches.
  • N-UNCOUNT (厂房、机器等)固定资产,资本资产
    You can usecapitalto refer to buildings or machinery which are necessary to produce goods or to make companies more efficient, but which do not make money directly.
    1. ...capital equipment that could have served to increase production.
    2. ...capital investment.
  • N-UNCOUNT (借款或投资的)本金,本钱
    Capitalis the part of an amount of money borrowed or invested which does not include interest.
    1. With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.
  • N-COUNT 首都;首府
    Thecapitalof a country is the city or town where its government or parliament meets.
    1. ...Katmandu, the capital of Nepal.
  • N-COUNT (工商业活动的)中心
    If a place isthe capital ofa particular industry or activity, it is the place that is most famous for it, because it happens in that place more than anywhere else.
    1. Colmar has long been considered the capital of the wine trade.
    2. ...New York, the fashion capital of the world.
  • N-COUNT 大写字母
    Capitalsorcapital lettersare written or printed letters in the form which is used at the beginning of sentences or names. 'T', 'B', and 'F' are capitals.
    1. The name and address are written in capitals.
  • ADJ (犯罪)情节严重的,可判处死刑的
    Acapitaloffence is one that is so serious that the person who commits it can be punished by death.
    1. Espionage is a capital offence in this country.
    2. ...Americans wrongly convicted of capital crimes.
  • 柱头;柱顶
    Acapitalis the top part of a stone column, which is sometimes decorated with stone leaves or other patterns.
    1. See also:working capital
    2. Note that you must always use acapitalletter with days of the week, months of the year, and festivals....on Monday the 13th of January. ...at Christmas.Names of seasons, however, usually begin with a small letter....in spring.Capitalsmust also be used with the names of countries and other places, as well with the adjectives and nouns derived from them, such as those which refer to their inhabitants or languages....in Portugal. ...the Swiss police. ...thousands of Germans... He spoke fluent Arabic.
      注意, 表示星期几、月份和节假日的词首字母必须大写: on Monday the 13th of January (1月13日, 星期一),at Christmas (圣诞节期间)。不过, 表示季节的名词首字母通常小写: in spring (在春季)。国名、地名及其派生出来的表示其居民或语言等的形容词、名词首字母必须大写: in Portugal (在葡萄牙),the Swiss police (瑞士警方),thousands of Germans (成千上万的德国人),He spoke fluent Arabic (他讲一口流利的阿拉伯语)。

    3. PHRASE 从…中捞取好处;从…中渔利
      If you say that someoneis making capital out ofa situation, you disapprove of the way they are gaining an advantage for themselves through other people's efforts or bad luck.
      1. He rebuked the President for trying to make political capital out of the hostage situation.
    4. PHRASE (用于强调某一字眼具有特殊意义)地道的,彻头彻尾的
      You can use phrases such as 'Lifewith a capitalL', to emphasize that a word has a particular significance in the situation you are talking about.
      1. She's not feminist with a capital F but she's fairly controversial.


    • Plenty of countries have skilled workforces and cultured capitals, as welcoming as the UK.
    • I start asking, how many state capitals can I remember?
    • Local secondary education is concentrated in the provincial capitals and some district centers.
    • Xi'an is one of the ancient capitals of our country.
    • This is indeed rarely seen among world capitals.
    • Banks and several capitals are warming to such solutions.
    • Contemporary enterprise capitals cover the equity capital and the debt capital.
    • The name and address are written in capitals.
    • And changing the geographical location of national capitals could hardly be a bargaining chip.
    • At present, China and ASEAN countries have air links among capitals or some major cities.