

英 [ˈbʌfɪts]

美 [ˈbʌfɪts]

n.  自助餐; (火车)饮食柜台; (车站)快餐部
v.  对…打来打去; 将…推来搡去


    Pronounced /'bʌfeɪ, am bʊ'feɪ/ for meanings 1 to 3, and /'bʌfɪt/ for meanings 4 and 5. 义项1至3读作 /'bʌfeɪ, 美 bʊ'feɪ/,义项4和5读作 /'bʌfɪt/。

  • N-COUNT 自助餐
    Abuffetis a meal of cold food that is displayed on a long table at a party or public occasion. Guests usually serve themselves from the table.
    1. ...a buffet lunch...
    2. A cold buffet had been laid out in the dining-room.
  • N-COUNT (通常指旅馆或车站的)餐饮部,小餐馆
    Abuffetis a café, usually in a hotel or station.
    1. We sat in the station buffet sipping tea.
  • (火车上的)餐车
    On a train, thebuffetor thebuffet caris the carriage or car where meals and snacks are sold.
    1. in AM, use 美国英语用 dining car

    2. VERB (大风或海浪)反复拍打,猛击
      If somethingis buffetedby strong winds or by stormy seas, it is repeatedly struck or blown around by them.
      1. Their plane had been severely buffeted by storms...
      2. Storms swept the country, closing roads, buffeting ferries and killing as many as 30 people.
    3. VERB (严峻局势)冲击,打击
      If an economy or governmentis buffeted bydifficult or unpleasant situations, it experiences many of them.
      1. The whole of Africa had been buffeted by social and political upheavals.


    • Avoid situations such as buffets and restaurants that challenge inhibitory control.
    • The "chinese buffets" which are so popular have chinese, Japanese and American food; and you might find chinese, mexican, japanese, Filipino people preparing the food.
    • Bob, the pig farmer in Las Vegas who collects the uneaten food from casino buffets and feeds it to his swine, which now grow faster and more profitably than any other pigs on the planet;
    • But even among Europeans, Grass was well situated to learn how history buffets and battles local dreams and individual lives.
    • Small buffet There is no much choice except for in few local buffets!
    • All life's buffets should be met with dignity and good sense.
    • Some New Jersey hotels, like the Wyndham Garden, have expanded their breakfast buffets to appeal to Chinese guests, serving such Chinese favorites as the rice porridge congee alongside American standards like waffles with maple syrup.
    • How much the way I go eat buffets aunt million chickens, it is when I go to a classmate's birthday.
    • But if you can live without shipboard bingo and buffets, then you really won't be missing much.
    • In a cheerful ambiance, this elegant restaurant offers a premium choice of buffets as well as la carte menu.