

英 [ˈbɒrəʊd]

美 [ˈbɔːroʊd]

v.  借; 借用; 借入(款项); (向…)借贷; 引用,借用(思想、言语等)

过去分词:borrowed 过去式:borrowed 

BNC.14119 / COCA.13288


  • VERB 借;借用
    If youborrowsomething that belongs to someone else, you take it or use it for a period of time, usually with their permission.
    1. Can I borrow a pen please? ...
    2. He wouldn't let me borrow his clothes.
  • VERB 借(钱);贷(款)
    If youborrowmoneyfromsomeone orfroma bank, they give it to you and you agree to pay it back at some time in the future.
    1. Morgan borrowed £5,000 from his father to form the company 20 years ago...
    2. It's so expensive to borrow from finance companies...
    3. He borrowed heavily to get the money together.
  • VERB 借(书)
    If youborrowa bookfroma library, you take it away for a fixed period of time.
    1. I couldn't afford to buy any, so I borrowed them from the library.
  • VERB 采用,借用(词语、想法等)
    If youborrowsomething such as a word or an idea from another language or from another person's work, you use it in your own language or work.
    1. I borrowed his words for my book's title...
    2. Their engineers are happier borrowing other people's ideas than developing their own.
  • PHRASE 捡回一条命;余下的光阴不多;好景不长
    Someone whois living on borrowed timeor whois on borrowed timehas continued to live or to do something for longer than was expected, and is likely to die or be stopped from doing it soon.
    1. Perhaps that illness, diagnosed as fatal, gave him a sense of living on borrowed time.
  • Do not confuseborrowandlend. You say that youborrowsomethingfromanother person. However, if you allow someone toborrowsomething that belongs to you, you say that youlendittothem.Lendis often followed by two objects.Betty lent him some blankets... He lent Tim the money.Bothborrowandlendcan be used without objects.The poor had to borrow from the rich... Banks will not lend to them.The noun related tolendisloan....a government loan of £3m.Loancan also be used as a verb in the same way aslend, especially in American English.I'll loan you fifty dollars.
    不要混淆 borrow 和 lend。借他人的东西用borrow...from..., 但借东西给他人则用lend...to...。lend后常接双宾语:Betty lent him some blankets(贝蒂借给他几条毯子),He lent Tim the money(他把钱借给了蒂姆)。borrow 和 lend 都可以不接宾语:The poor had to borrow from the rich(穷人不得不向富人借钱),Banks will not lend to them(银行不会贷款给他们)。和lend相关的名词是 loan: a government loan of £3m(一笔300万英镑的政府贷款)。loan还可用作动词,其用法与lend相同,尤其是在美国英语中:I'll loan you fifty dollars(我会借给你50美元)。


  • I borrowed his words for my book's title
  • They borrowed something in the order of £ 10 million
  • Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed.
  • Borrowed combs were said to be the cause of spreading nits from one to another.
  • These are borrowed books.
  • I couldn't afford to buy any, so I borrowed them from the library.
  • They didn't actually like the magazine very much, but they bought it or, at the least, borrowed it from each other.
  • I borrowed my wife's mobile phone last week and a text arrived from another man.
  • He borrowed heavily to get the money together.
  • How much have you borrowed from me already?