

英 [ɑːm]

美 [ɑːrm]

n.  臂; 手臂; 上肢; 袖子; 扶手
v.  武装; 装备; 备战; 给…装上引信; 打开…的保险; 准备发射; 使(炸弹等)随时爆炸

复数:arms 过去分词:armed 现在分词:arming 过去式:armed 第三人称单数:arms 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.491 / COCA.491



      cost/pay an arm and a leg
    • (使)花一大笔钱
      to cost/pay a lot of money
    • keep sb at arm's length
    • 与某人保持距离;不亲近某人
      to avoid having a close relationship with sb
    • He keeps all his clients at arm's length.
    • (with) arms akimbo
    • 双手叉腰
      with your hands on your hips and your elbows pointing away from your body
    • a babe in arms
    • 襁褓中的婴儿
      a very small baby that cannot yet walk
    • bear arms
    • 当兵;打仗
      to be a soldier; to fight
    • chance your arm
    • 冒险一试;碰碰运气
      to take a risk although you will probably fail
    • fold sb in your arms
    • 拥抱;搂住
      to put your arms around sb and hold them against your body
    • as long as your arm
    • 很长
      very long
    • There's a list of repairs as long as your arm.
    • with open arms
    • 热烈地;热情地;诚挚地
      if you welcome sb with open arms , you are extremely happy and pleased to see them
    • give your right arm for sth/to do sth
    • 为…情愿舍弃很多,不惜任何代价
      used to say that sb is willing to give up a lot in order to have or do sth that they really want
    • I'd have given my right arm to have been there with them.
    • a shot in the arm
    • 鼓舞的力量;令人振奋的事情;强心针
      something that gives sb/sth the help or encouragement they need
    • twist sb's arm
    • 劝说;强迫;生拉硬拽;施加压力
      to persuade or force sb to do sth



        身体部位 part of body
      • 臂;手臂;上肢
        either of the two long parts that stick out from the top of the body and connect the shoulders to the hands
        1. He escaped with only a broken arm.
        2. She threw her arms around his neck.
        3. The officer grabbed him by the arm (= grabbed his arm) .
        4. She touched him gently on the arm.
        5. He held the dirty rag at arm's length (= as far away from his body as possible) .
        6. They walked along arm in arm (= with the arm of one person linked with the arm of the other) .
        7. She cradled the child in her arms .
        8. They fell asleep in each other's arms (= holding each other) .
        9. He was carrying a number of files under his arm (= between his arm and his body) .
        10. He walked in with a tall blonde on his arm (= next to him and holding his arm) .
      • 衣服 of clothing
      • 袖子
        the part of a piece of clothing that covers the arm
        1. 椅子 of chair
        2. 扶手
          the part of a chair, etc. on which you rest your arms
          1. 机器 of machinery
          2. 臂状物(尤指可移动的物体部分或机器部件)
            a long narrow part of an object or a piece of machinery, especially one that moves, for example a record player
            1. 水;陆地 of water/land
            2. 狭长港湾;(连接较大地区的)狭长地带
              a long narrow piece of water or land that is joined to a larger area
              1. A small bridge spans the arm of the river.
            3. 组织机构 of organization
            4. 分部;职能部门
              a section of a large organization that deals with one particular activity
              1. the research arm of the company


            • 武装;装备;备战
              to provide weapons for yourself/sb in order to fight a battle or a war
              1. The men armed themselves with sticks and stones.
              2. She had armed herself for the meeting with all the latest statistics.
              3. The country was arming against the enemy.
            • 给…装上引信;打开…的保险;准备发射;使(炸弹等)随时爆炸
              to make a bomb, etc. ready to explode


                PART OF YOUR BODY OR OFSOMETHING ELSE 人体或其他物体的一部分

                • N-COUNT 手臂;上肢
                  Yourarmsare the two long parts of your body that are attached to your shoulders and that have your hands at the end.
                  1. She stretched her arms out...
                  2. He had a large parcel under his left arm.
                • 衣袖;袖子
                  Thearmof a piece of clothing is the part of it that covers your arm.
                  1. (椅子的)靠手,扶手
                    Thearmof a chair is the part on which you rest your arm when you are sitting down.
                    1. N-COUNT (物体的)臂,杆
                      Anarm ofan object is a long thin part of it that sticks out from the main part.
                      1. ...the lever arm of the machine.
                      2. ...the arms of the doctor's spectacles.
                    2. N-COUNT (陆地的)狭长地带;狭长港湾
                      Anarm ofland or water is a long thin area of it that is joined to a broader area.
                      1. At the end of the other arm of Cardigan Bay is Bardsey Island.
                    3. N-COUNT 分支机构;部门
                      Anarm ofan organization is a section of it that operates in a particular country or that deals with a particular activity.
                      1. Millicom Holdings is the British arm of an American company.
                      2. ...the research arm of Congress.
                    4. PHRASE 臂挽臂地
                      If two people are walkingarm in arm, they are walking together with their arms linked.
                      1. He walked from the court arm in arm with his wife.
                    5. PHRASE (价格)昂贵
                      If you say that something costsan arm and a leg, you mean that it is very expensive.
                      1. A week at a health farm can cost an arm and a leg.
                    6. PHRASE 一臂之远;在伸手可及处
                      If you hold somethingat arm's length, you hold it away from your body with your arm straight.
                      1. He struck a match, and held it at arm's length.
                    7. PHRASE 与…保持距离
                      If youkeepsomeoneat arm's length, you avoid becoming too friendly or involved with them.
                      1. She had always kept his family at arm's length.
                    8. (清单)很长
                      If you say that a list isas long as your arm, you are emphasizing that it is very long.
                      1. PHRASE 热烈地;友好地
                        If you welcome some action or changewith open arms, you are very pleased about it. If you welcome a personwith open arms, you are very pleased about their arrival.
                        1. They would no doubt welcome the action with open arms...
                        2. Many Panamanians welcomed the troops with open arms.
                      2. PHRASE 说服
                        If youtwistsomeone'sarm, you persuade them to do something.
                        1. She had twisted his arm to get him to invite her.

                      WEAPONS 武器

                      • N-PLURAL 武器,军火,军备(尤指炸弹和枪支)
                        Armsare weapons, especially bombs and guns.
                        1. The IRA had extensive supplies of arms.
                        2. ...arms control.
                      • VERB 武装;装备
                        If youarmsomeonewitha weapon, you provide them with a weapon.
                        1. She'd been so terrified that she had armed herself with a loaded rifle...
                        2. Arming the police doesn't deter crime.
                      • VERB (给…)提供,配备;支持
                        If youarmsomeonewithsomething that will be useful in a particular situation, you provide them with it.
                        1. She thought that if she armed herself with all the knowledge she could gather she could handle anything...
                        2. Armed only with a BBC microphone, I travelled across South Africa meeting writers.
                      • N-PLURAL (城市或贵族家庭的)盾徽,(盾形)徽章,纹章(常用于英国酒馆名中)
                        Thearmsof a city or of a noble family are its coat of arms.Armsis often used in the names of British pubs.
                        1. ...china painted with the arms of Philippe V.
                        2. ...his local pub, the Abercorn Arms.
                      • See also:armed-armedcoat of armscomrade-in-armssmall arms
                      • (以自卫为目的)持有武器
                        A person's right tobear armsis their right to own and use guns, as a means of defence.
                        1. 放下武器;投降
                          If soldierslay downtheirarms, they stop fighting and give up their weapons.
                          1. PHRASE 拿起武器;准备与…战斗
                            If one group or countrytakes up arms againstanother, they prepare to attack and fight them.
                            1. They threatened to take up arms against the government if their demands were not met.
                          2. PHRASE 武装起来的;处于战备状态
                            If a country has peopleunder arms, it has people trained to use weapons and to fight a war.
                            1. There are nearly four million soldiers under arms in this country.
                          3. PHRASE 非常愤怒;极力反对;强烈抗议
                            If people areup in arms aboutsomething, they are very angry about it and are protesting strongly against it.
                            1. Environmental groups are up in arms about plans to sink an oil well close to Hadrian's Wall.



                          • the part of an armchair or sofa that supports the elbow and forearm of a seated person
                            1. any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm
                              1. the arm of the record player
                              2. an arm of the sea
                              3. a branch of the sewer
                            2. the part of a garment that is attached at the armhole and that provides a cloth covering for the arm
                              1. any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting
                                1. he was licensed to carry a weapon
                                Synonym:weaponweapon system
                              2. a human limb
                                1. a division of some larger or more complex organization
                                  1. a branch of Congress
                                  2. botany is a branch of biology
                                  3. the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages


                                • prepare oneself for a military confrontation
                                  1. The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East
                                  2. troops are building up on the Iraqi border
                                  Synonym:build upfortifygird
                                • supply with arms
                                  1. The U.S. armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan


                                • He walked from the court arm in arm with his wife.
                                • He struck a match, and held it at arm's length.
                                • Many Panamanians welcomed the troops with open arms.
                                • She'd been so terrified that she had armed herself with a loaded rifle
                                • They threatened to take up arms against the government if their demands were not met.
                                • He is recovering from an operation to reset his arm.
                                • I grab George's arm and dig my nails into his flesh
                                • Daniels swept his arm over his friend's shoulder.
                                • A week at a health farm can cost an arm and a leg.
                                • Armed only with a BBC microphone, I travelled across South Africa meeting writers.